The Adventures of INFJforum | INFJ Forum

The Adventures of INFJforum


theory conspirer
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Apr 24, 2018
Continue the story.


@Wyote the Wizard awkwardly sat on an unfortunately uncomfortable boulder in the center of his cave, pensive.

Staring at the feeble fire before him, he morosely thanked the universe for his solitude. He would have liked to have interesting company, sure, but one never knew if a visitor could really be a Sensordemon in disguise. It was most definitely not worth the risk.

The wizard’s hands found a rather large homemade bong between his legs, made of an intriguing purple wood. He brought the apparatus into his lap and proceeded to smoke it, his eyes never leaving the fire.

Still, he did have one friend to share his lonely cavern with. As he exhaled a stream of blue smoke, he drew his hand out to @socks, who was currently a cat, sniffing at a small stone a few metres away.

socks looked up at Wyote with cold kitty eyes, realizing how sad of an existence this old wizard human dude led, much like all humans. She stretched her long body out for a moment, and then proceeded to curl up for naptime.

“Fuck,” the old man whispered to himself, as he smoothed out his robe with his hands. Perhaps it was time he ventured out of his cave.

It was then that he began to notice a strange, immense sound outside, one that grew louder every second. It was clearly the sound of an extremely large object descending nearby. Wyote sat quietly, perfectly still.

The sound eventually became deafening and then stopped, pronouncing its conclusion with a loud, low-pitched “thunk”.

After silence persisted for a few moments, the stoned wizard slowly walked towards the entrance of the cave, carefully stepping over socks, who was clearly sleeping through the whole thing.

As he peered out, he could barely make out the shape of the craft in the dark, rainy night. It was a large spaceship. A hatch on the side of the craft was open, and a ramp extended from the hatch to the ground.

Suddenly, Wyote saw the shadow of a figure appear in the doorway of the hatch.
Suddenly Wyote died and his remains were cast into an infinite void, never to be heard from again. At least not in this thread.
Suddenly, Wyote saw the shadow of a figure appear in the doorway of the hatch.

Unfortunately, before @Wyote could see who the mystery encounter was behind the bright light in the entrance, he was decimated into a black void of nothingness. Oh alas, such a cruel world! But who could do such a thing? Who was the mystery person that committed such a terrible crime?

With a sly smirk, @Reason appears with his top hat and cane, and beside him @Milktoast Bandit appears in his hot-dog suit; carrying an advanced ray gun in his hand, content and pleased.

"Looks like our job is done. Good job Milky. That was a fine shot," Reason smiles evilly.

Milky puts his raygun into his gun holster and proceeds to pick his nose, “Well, why thank you Reason.”

Suddenly, an earthquake emerges.

But wait! Was it an earthquake? No!

It wasn’t an earthquake. It was another spaceship! But who is the mystery driver of this intergalactic vehicle?

“Huh. Were we expecting anyone else to arrive Milky? I don’t recall,” Reasons asks confusingly with furrowed eyebrows.

Before Milky could answer, the spaceship lands and the engines were cut off. There was a complete moment of silence, waiting...

The doors suddenly open with an aura of bright light and a pool of fog seeps out of the door, Reason and Milky squint their eyes in confusion.

“You two have made a serious mistake for killing that poor wizard,” the mystery person voices, a male, “ And now you both must pay.”

@Pin steps out, dressed in a suit with a grim expression on his face.
Unfortunately, before @Wyote could see who the mystery encounter was behind the bright light in the entrance, he was decimated into a black void of nothingness. Oh alas, such a cruel world! But who could do such a thing? Who was the mystery person that committed such a terrible crime?

With a sly smirk, @Reason appears with his top hat and cane, and beside him @Milktoast Bandit appears in his hot-dog suit; carrying an advanced ray gun in his hand, content and pleased.

"Looks like our job is done. Good job Milky. That was a fine shot," Reason smiles evilly.

Milky puts his raygun into his gun holster and proceeds to pick his nose, “Well, why thank you Reason.”

Suddenly, an earthquake emerges.

But wait! Was it an earthquake? No!

It wasn’t an earthquake. It was another spaceship! But who is the mystery driver of this intergalactic vehicle?

“Huh. Were we expecting anyone else to arrive Milky? I don’t recall,” Reasons asks confusingly with furrowed eyebrows.

Before Milky could answer, the spaceship lands and the engines were cut off. There was a complete moment of silence, waiting...

The doors suddenly open with an aura of bright light and a pool of fog seeps out of the door, Reason and Milky squint their eyes in confusion.

“You two have made a serious mistake for killing that poor wizard,” the mystery person voices, a male, “ And now you both must pay.”

@Pin steps out, dressed in a suit with a grim expression on his face.

Milky let out a lady-baby squawk and pushes @Reason towards @Pin. Just as he turned to run, his survival instincts kicked in and he began to breakdance. Both @Pin and @Reason stood motionless, mouth agape, amazed at the incredible dancing hot dog...
Out of the Canadian ashes walked @JennyDaniella covered in soot.
She licked her lips and smirked because Lord knows she got the boot.

She was working at a strange place.
@Ren walked in for a beer.
I just stared at the lines of her face,
They were so ungodly clear.
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@Milktoast Bandit's chaotic breakdancing mania could not continue for much longer. The spaceman's internal "boogermeter" was running dangerously low, which meant he was at risk for just not giving a fuck anymore. Sensing a subtle drop of energy, @Pin snapped out of it.

"Enough! Now you will be judged."

@Reason and Milky wore terrified expressions on their wide-eyed spacefaces. They were not ready to be judged, especially not by an ENTJ.

Suddenly, Pin collapsed onto the ground. The two spacemen looked at each other nervously and began to approach the body. A few seconds later, they also collapsed.

@socks materialized from her state of invisibility, now in human lady form, and wiped off her poison dart gun.

"I need to get to the bottom of this. No one kills my wizard friend in an infinite void and gets away with it, especially when I'm having a lovely cat nap."

socks needed to find out the truth, and she needed to do so quickly.
A third spaceship seemed to appear out of nowhere. It landed amongst the chaos. Everyone was mystified except for @socks

The door of the ship whooshed open and out of the darkness appeared Wyote's far more powerful twin, Myote The Mysterious.

He was so mysterious in fact, nobody had known of his existence until this moment, except for @socks of course who weeks earlier had visions of Wyote's untimely death and so contacted Myote The Mysterious at the request of Wyote in order to aid in the investigation and retribution of Wyote's death.
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How do you pronounce "Myote"?