The Alter Ego

Well, I guess this has become a "What we're like IRL" thread.

I do go on tinychat quite a bit and have skyped with numerous members on here, and anyone who I've done these things with is prepared for what my in-person self is like. It's basically the same thing. I have a fairly consistent image no matter what the medium, I think. I am not the type who finds the need to hide or filter who I am anymore. Of course, IRL I'm unable to articulate myself in as organized a way as I am online lol, but the things that I would end up saying or how I would end up acting would be exactly the same, except that I tend to say "like" a lot in verbal speech and so I'd probably seem more bimbo-y.

Everyone from here who's seen or met me has given me similar feedback. I'm told I come across as calm and have a relaxing presence, to the point of seeming stoic at times (that stoic part is only Enders' words lol), but I am easy to talk to. I apparently make them all feel like talking. Introverts usually rank me as being less talkative/extroverted than their mental image of the stereotypical extrovert, but that's probably because I naturally match my intensity to that of the person/people I am talking to as to not talk their heads off or make them feel uncomfortable, even though I feel happier and more natural talking to other extroverts with whom I can have continuous energetic conversation with. I am also much more talkative in groups than I am one-on-one. Enders thought I might be an introvert for the first couple days he was here, but afterwards "due to compiled observations", decided that there was no way I could be one...probably because of my constantly bumping into friends/aquaintances around town or something while he was there. Even at my most talkative though, I'm still pretty chillax and am definitely not one of those mile-a-minute chatterboxes. I stress delivery as much or more than content in the way I that prefer to communicate, because accessibility and making sure people understand the feeling behind my words is important to me. When I'm around unexpressive people for a long time, I feel very spiritually constipated. I'm quite easily influenced by the people around me because I naturally copy people and pick up on their energy unconsciously.
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Two things come to mind:

1. [video=youtube;Uxlf3ad9q5c][/video]

2. This quote from an MBTI course I took:

Isabelle Briggs-Myers said:
“If you don’t know what an extravert is thinking, you haven’t been listening.

If you don’t know what an introvert is thinking you haven’t asked!”

Otherwise, I am fluid. I am many me's and I am different around different people. My true self is embedded within the myriad facets I reveal to different people and within my own self. I was once lost because I did not know who I was. In truth, I was all of them and not. In this knowing, I now know me for who I am; I simply am.

On a second note to that, I find that it is easier to reach the "true me" through writing, or when I am deliberately avoiding eye-contact so that I can listen and respond better. (This is my partial take on gaze avoidance of an Autistic person.)
I'm more judgemental internally, and outwardly nicer. I talk less than it seems I would judging by the forum. You'd have to ask @acd for the accuracy of my self description. I tend to dance if the music is right. I like to give people looks and use body language.

You manage to be really shitty and charming at the same time, so people just eat it up instead of thinking you are a jerk. It is kind of your thing.
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I don't feel as genuine, but at the same time, that environment and the pressures of being around people and getting live reactions weighs on me more. On-line I don't really have that pressure but still restrain myself somewhat.
I exclaim more in person than I do in writing. Make lots of dumb jokes and side comments that have nothing to do with the present context. I'm told this is a sign of an impatient mind. Or that I seem high. Naturally, I clam up when I'm not in the mood for talking. (Often). Maybe I'll listen if it's of interest to me.

Meanwhile, on the internet, I'm strictly regimented by forum. A blog is not a message board is not email correspondence. I value writing more than speaking so it's important to give each forum it's proper due.

beside Jgirl , =P
I'm pretty unafraid to be myself here, rather open and I'm accepted and have been accused of "popularity" here on the forum.

That would never be said of me in the real world.

Still, I feel more like purply. I just hide her with that chick from Resident Evil for the world outside.
This is actually something I have given a lot of thought to, however, it's been hard to nail down.

I think my online self is still me, but a facet of my personality that I don't necessarily let out IRL. I find that my humour tends to offend people, and I'm very similar to [MENTION=3240]Jill Hives[/MENTION] in the sense that I'm a lot more soft and squishy inside than I let on. I am sarcastic and a little vulgar by times. I enjoy saying outrageous and ridiculous things (or overreacting) to various situations to make light. Some people get this, some people don't. It cheers me up and helps me cope with life, so I'm learning not to give a fuck. I think I come off a lot more prickly online than I necessarily am. If you met me IRL I might seem a lot nicer, depending on your perception of me...I haven't really asked any of you how I come accross, so this is just how I assume I am perceived. One thing I have noticed in the last number of months is that this side of my personality has begun reaching out to my real life. I am not sure if I'm trying to keep people at arms length or just figuring out which ones can actually handle/like all of me. My best friends usually get all of me unleashed. :D

I dislike things like Tinychat etc online because I feel like I come off extremely different to how I do via text. It sets my anxiety to max and I end up coming off like a spazz having multiple panic attacks.

In real life I tend to fluctuate. I can sometimes be like I am online depending on the people and the situation. I am quite nice really. I care about people deeply and genuinely enjoy really getting to know people and forging relationships. I am quite blunt/prickly/sarcastic in my humour, but have moment where I melt into balls of goo and declare my deepest feelings for people. I think I do this online sometimes too. It's when my sap o meter overflows and I need to let it all ooze out before it takes another 6 months for it to build up to capacity again. :D

I also think I talk more in real life. I find on this forum, I stick around because I've met so many great people I've come to call friends, but I don't post that much or join in on discussion. I think I find talking in groups difficult both in person and online. Get me one on and one and I love discussing anything and everything with people. I'm just more private than I appear to be online.
Sorry, long post! I was thinking out loud and I thought too much :/
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Sorry, long post! I was thinking out loud and I thought too much :/
No no I identify with much of what you said.
Except I probably share my opinions and feelings more here because in my face to face life, there isn't much opportunity to have these types of discussions.

I can be prickly here. In person, I am pretty reserved. My co workers have asked me, "So when are you going to start talking?" I laughed, it just takes me a bit to warm up. I'm much more outgoing and charismatic with my clients, but that is because I think they need me to be that way. I said something smart ass to one of my coworkers though, and she literally stopped what she was doing and then looked at me for a minute and then laughed, and said something like, "I didn't know you had it in you." She seemed kind of relieved, and now we usually have lunch together. I think I come off way more serious than I am deep down. And I know I have a rough outer shell but once you get past it, I'm all mushy and gushy--the type who gets misty eyed watching starlings swarm in migration or gets sentimental when driving past a farm field and watching a dog run and play wild and free. Lol. Really goofy and sappy internally.
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I'm much more open online than in person. That is the only real difference, but I can be open in person too if I get to know people well enough.
On the forums I'm less myself, but when I'm in tiny chat with the usual gang I'm very much me, though I don't always speak if the camera's on. I don't feel comfortable opening up to strangers, even if it's online, so my posts tend to be little pieces of advice or quips.
I'm mostly the same on line as in real life. I don't joke about killing people as much as they'd start to get suspicious.

When I was on INTJ forum, I found myself to be colder and more blunt but only because that environment encouraged it and I'm rarely in a place which appreciates that part of my personality.