The Best Advice Ever...

This is going to sound really trite, but "count your blessings." When I am obsessing and miserable about something, it really does help to remember how extremely fortunate I am in many ways. Not in the sense of mentally calling myself an ingrate for being less than pleased about something, but it just helps to get back on track thought-wise when I think about all the good in my life as opposed to just the unhappy details I have no control over.

Good advice.

Practicing being grateful for anything in my life has helped me enormously to climb up out of the muck and mire of negative thinking.

Another best advice along that line of thinking is practicing Loving Kindness meditations. You first start with the world, then your country, then your community, friends, family, beloveds, and then most importantly for your Self.

May all be at ease.
May all have peace.
May all feel love.
May all be free from suffering.

May you be at ease.
May you have peace.
May you feel love.
May you be free from suffering.

"Some people pride themselves on what they can take from you. They feed off of the negativity that seeps from you like a parasite to an open wound. Don't be an open wound for them. Instead of providing for them a bountiful harvest of hate and contempt, save your passionate energy to uphold your own inner light. Don't become the darkness that they crave."

-advice from a friend, which I will put to good use.
From an organization I applied to for a grant: What makes your business idea special? Why should we invest in you?

Damn if that didn't turn my whole life around. Thank you.
Copy editors may as well be the substratum of society, as editors joke (but as they say, there's always a grain of truth in jokes), but that doesn't mean you have to act like that's true.

I realized the importance of that kind of self-confidence too late.
Never, ever close your heart.
Past patterns predict future behavior.

So true! It takes a very evolved person to notice patterns within him/herself and change them. I used to think it was odd that others would ask about someone's the mom who wants to wed her daughter asking around about the reputation of the husband-to-be. While some people might have ill intent, if more than one person says the same thing about someone, there is usually a big kernel of truth in it.