Nah kids still say cool nowaday. That slang term is timeless man! You didn't have to put it in quotations.Although "cool" is not used that much anymore . . .

I hope no one is offeneded by this but for me coolness has to do with competence. Usually coolness reffers to social competence, being hip to all the norms and what have you. pfft like me! look at all my social normalness! haha yeah ppl don't still say hip nowadays x) maybe I should put it in quotations.

Anyway, the INFJ I know is regarded as cool I'd say because of how competent he is but not socially competent (tho he's not socially incompetent) but because he's more pracitically competent. Like his Se Ti paired with his judging function make hima really efficient individual. It's like he so interested in the practical that he doesn't even bother to worry about the social and that I don't care attitude is I guess what makes him come across as cool. And because people think he's cool he has a lot of friends with out even trying. x) Ahh, life is a paradox.

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