The Dark Night of The Soul

Thank you so much sharing your experience. :) Its' strange. The sea symbology was present for me too. I wrote the skeleton for a lyric about being in peril on the mystic sea... about being a sailor. ;D I studied astrology at one point and I have a heavily aspected neptune, which is also described as the sea and people with a heavy neptune want to lose themselves to the sea. There's an analogy for the mystic experience in I resonate with your choice of imagery very much. I'm happy for you. (Awareness rocks! ;D)
Yes! :nod: 'Tis a truly an epic moving picture with everything one could wish:
Glorious musical scenes
Insightful social commentary in an authentic documentary like fashion
Words of POWER! (Use at your own risk)
And horrendous creatures...(Eek!)

Thank you so much sharing your experience. :) Its' strange. The sea symbology was present for me too. I wrote the skeleton for a lyric about being in peril on the mystic sea... about being a sailor. ;D I studied astrology at one point and I have a heavily aspected neptune, which is also described as the sea and people with a heavy neptune want to lose themselves to the sea. There's an analogy for the mystic experience in I resonate with your choice of imagery very much. I'm happy for you. (Awareness rocks! ;D)

And thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciated it. These things are so hard to articulate and talk about.
The sea symbology is always very present for me too. I am awed/terrified/in love with the ocean. When I used to dream of the ocean I always tried to fly over it really fast or imagine myself on land again, but now its awesome because I can fly over it, dive into it and swim whenever I want to. The ocean is its own world.

I absoultely love your avatar. I have always been obsessed with mermaids for as long as I can remember. I find the whole concept and symbolism of them fascinating. They are often the focus of my artwork. I relate a lot to the idea of being of two worlds, comfortable but alien in both.
[MENTION=4956]Asarya[/MENTION] I love what you said about mermaids. :D I think they are very fascinating too and feel an affinity to them. Your description encapsulates something I've not had words to express. :)
I'm scared of the ocean and fascinated by it. My fear may be rooted on the fact I almost drowned as a toddler. I don't have a memory of the actual event. Regardless the sea represents something very beautiful, powerful and mysterious to me.
Wow, i really need to start celebrating the day i found these forums as my second birthday :D i dont do any meditation or anything of a kind, but i manage to get myself into such a state just by lying in bed and thinking too much, feeling too much, and not being able to identify with the rest of the humanity... It saddens me, scares me, it crushes all my dreams and aspirations, because my gut says that nothing will change in my lifetime to make it better, i dont want to live most of the time because of this. Sadly, ive been like this for way too long, ive stopped believing in solutions for it, but my day has just become brighter knowing that im not alone felling that way
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I suspect that I'm in a kind of Dark Night-y state of mind. I read some more about it last night and decided to just go with it. But one thing is keeping me back from letting go: I have this fear that I will feel this emptiness forever, and I don't want it to influence my experience of life. Because right now, I can't really enjoy anything with my whole heart. I don't want to be stuck in this forever. I was doing so good before this happened, can anybody tell me if that will ever come back?
Hi there, you probably are "depressed" but that's not really the point. Speaking just for myself, I go through my own version of what you describe periodically, when I need to change, or want to change, or am plain old evolving into the next part of my life. There are only two wrong ways of managing these times: one is to be negative about yourself for going through it, as if it were a flaw in your character, "bad karma" or any kind of beating yourself up. The other mistake you can make is to be closed off and passive. You need to be open to life and people who will probably unknowingly offer you new ideas and images. By passive I mean, just because you feel presently that nothing has meaning (and you have to accept this is only a feeling and in that sense is not real), you do not have the right to stay in bed all day or otherwise do nothing for yourself, your body, your health. Meaning only exists when we give something meaning. It is not otherwise there. So that's not just two mistakes to avoid, but two responsiblities you have at thist ime.
I know I cannot avoid these times; the question being more about what I'm going to make of it. My worst time came three years ago: end of job, end of love, and the inability to look for anything new because I was seriously ill. That was a very black time. I worked myself out of it in little wriggles, started a writing project, and after 1,5 years of illness managed to get myself through the 1st and 2nd job interviews for my last job, have the first surgery so that I could end the illness, started the job, and made my way back into life through realistic channels, rather than mystical ones.
I'm feeling a bit preechy now so I'll shut up. But stop giving yourself such a hard time, and force yourself out of your belly-botton.
Soul Retrieval or Revival after The Dark Night experience ?

Healing the Soul
A soul retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Soul loss can occur whenever we have trauma in our life. For example, we may experience soul loss if we are in an accident, undergo a serious operation or if we suddenly lose a close friend or family member.

From a shamanic perspective, soul loss is a common cause of illness. Traditionally, a shamanic practitioner would conduct a soul retrieval within three days of someone experiencing trauma. Today, modern shamanic practitioners seek lost soul parts that are willing to return from any point in life.