The Democrats racist roots and nonstop cultivation of those ideals.

How did you receive all of the evidence necessary to convict her?
I mentioned it previous posts. The information released to the public. Even Comey the Democrats stooge.went just short of saying exactly the same. Basically she's guilty but were not going to do anything about it.
The trial is to figure out how much time.she should spend in jail. As it stands right now she's guilty, no question of it.
why not lock her up now, then appoint an independent counsel answerable only to trump and let the investigation go on for as long as he can stay in office, appealing the 22nd should be no problem.
why not lock her up now, then appoint an independent counsel answerable only to trump and let the investigation go on for as long as he can stay in office, appealing the 22nd should be no problem.
I wouldn't care what President was in place. Joe Skippy.... she needs to have a proper investigation and a lost of everything she is guilty of and then sentencing just like any other American would have gotten if they werre not her.
The Democratic partys foundation is one of racism in it's worst possible form.. There's no denying It, there's no getting past it. History is history. By supporting the Democratic party of today, you support it's foundation and continuing goals of making minorities dependent.
oh yeah... and this
Patience... her time will come... I never identified as being republican or conservative and maybe Trump is a douche, but currently all evidence to the contrary. He has kept all of his campaign promises that I can see. He did want to normalize relations with russia until russia somehow became the enemy again:tonguewink: The US is in some kind of weird fantasy land... It's starting to become 1984 style police/nanny state. I don't envy you your position...:screamcat: