For some reason, I have been thinking about symbols a lot lately and one symbol that kept popping out at me is the symbol of the pine cone, and how in many different cultures and religions it actually represents the pineal gland.
One thing that I found absolutely sickening in my findings is the pope’s pine cone/crucifix staff. It’s difficult to say what all of the symbology within religion means, but I feel like this staff has a certain purpose or message. To me, it is saying that when you TRULY activate your pineal gland, which can be terrifying if a person is not completely balanced, you should want to fulfill the role of the martyr – the role of the hero, and that in order to really fulfill your "purpose", you should end up like this. In the New Testament, Jesus says “Greater love has no man than this – that he lay his life down for his friends.” Apparently for the Catholic church, this means dying for others – to me, this means making yourself humble and serving others. It’s easy to die for someone – it’s not as easy to live a humble and serving life. Jesus said, “Why do you call ME good?” He didn’t want people to engage in hero worship, he said that the kingdom is IN each and every one of us. Why do we need someone with fancy hats and enough wealth to put the universe to shame to tell us this?
To further this point on the disgusting cross that pope carries around, wouldn’t it be the same as someone carrying around a figure of a person fried in an electric chair? It’s disgusting and I question anyone who doesn’t think it’s absolutely sick and of the lowest vibrational level one could ever be in.
A staff or rod is symbolic of the spinal cord
So it makes perfect sense to have a pineal gland symbol at the top
The occult inner order of the vatican knows all this
They also have a statue of the pine cone in the vatican flanked by two peacocks representing the two hemispheres of the brain:

As you say though...if it doesn't make you into a better person....what's the point?
clearly the inner order of the vatican are not good people if they are raping children, selling weaponry and carrying out banking scandals whilst consorting with the mafia
They are basically the sith
Concerning what you are saying about the low vibration of the crucafix you are totally right...and what else have they done along those lines.....
They place graveyards on leylines which creates a vibration of death and decay which is harmonious with the lower astral realm which is home to the demons
So they are trying to create an energetic bridge between dimensions
The child abuse is likely ritualistic and on leylines also because the inner order of the vatican are ceremonial magicians
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