The Dumbest Generation

Basicly the 20th century is the century where society went to shit in the first world, while technology just kept going. Things started going wrong right as WWI hit really. You see the extreme opulences and consumption before WWI, then after it was just gone. People desperately tried to bring the golden times back in the 20's, but ended up just putting them further down than ever. Not only was a great deal of several generations of men gone and whole towns destroyed, but we now had a whole new "way of doing things" while still yearning for the society that was. Whats stranger: all the middle and low classes now thought that the way of the rich was now achievable to them, and was their old ways. Then came a huge crash and then a huge depression. Whatever societal settling that was going on from WWI was dashed and now everyone was just surviving.
Then came WW2, with its massive destruction of whole cities, millions of men and women dieing especially out of the 2 generations who're most in the position of making and creating society and making new members of it. Once again we were left picking up all the pieces, and for decades now things just have been in constant turmoil and rapid change. Is it any wonder that the people were now easily fooled into thinking that golden times were ahead, with America creating the idea of the Nuclear Family? There was really nothing great before that they remembered, just hardship and struggling, and now people felt like now was their time of entitlement to great things. New technology was suppose to make everything a Utopia, since we had gone through hell. No one had any thoughts of it not working, they just did it. Only now do we realize it was all Bullshit and self destructive. Blaming people is like blaming someone for reacting to a bomb going off, of course they did, and how could you have expected them not to?
Nuclear was too screwed up to raise the boomers right, and made a society that would blow up just as surely (but took more time than) the 20's boomtime did. Boomers were fighting this new BS way of living (strict, not on par with the realities and changes of society, not sustainable, didn't recognize that there was more flexibility available than they allowed for, etc.) and thus raised the next generation even worse, and so on and so forth.
There are people in England who are so unable to not give their kids everything they want that those children teeth rot out of their mouths by age 3. Its a compounding problem because no one knows anything anymore, and we have no past that works, its all gone.

Speaking specifically now about raising kids: In world war one we lost a generation of men. Not all of it, but in some places, much of it. Families now had to work under a whole new dynamic in many cases, fatherless, or daughters who'll not get married. Lots of history was lost, and the people who would have taught child rearing skills to their children.

Then came nuclear, they expected women and men to live in a bubble and raise kids to be magically perfect. "It takes a community to raise a child" This is very true because we're not born with the knowledge of how to raise a child, and each person in an area is responsible for how a child ends up, but here we see family's with no child education being forced to raise kids and refuse outside help. This is a recipe for disaster.
Next we have X, who were just so pissed off with all of this they either threw out entirely what they were taught or embraced it in harsher, more useless styles. A whole generation of women came out of this who many of would forget (read: refuse) how to cook and then not teach their kids to cook (or clean, or sew, etc etc) and thus a whole range of learning dissapeared from society again. Men stopped learning how to fix things and refused to, and then didn't teach their kids. They hated everything they were told to do and thus whatever was actually good, gen y isn't getting. Many also have no desire to punish kids for the degree of harshness they were punished. Honestly though, the refusal to "be the way we were taught" started with the boomers even. My mother may have learned to cook and clean and sew and live as an adult, but many of her generation threw that all away as the shackles of the old generation on women in the 70's. So their X's were doomed to begin with. Doomed with idealism, sadly enough. Everyone thought that love was all you need, and that what you learn in school is all you need as an adult.

Now we have gen Y, and we have been both molly-caudled, and not taught anything that our grandparents took for granted as being part of being raised. It'll only get worse from here until we start just re-raising ourselves.

/end rant
Well, maybe you're just sub par?
Sorry had to say it. Any feelings of par-ness are better descriptors of the person judging than the person being judged.

^ Case in point.