I am making a judgment, I am saying that this is too general to be useful, that is a judgment. That is pretty black and white. I am not revising the system because I don't think it is going to be accurate. Some things we should pin down because it is better to do so, other things shouldn't be pinned down. In my opinion, this chart is an example of the latter (no offense to Indigo, it takes courage and intelligence to post one's opinions in this manner, I applaud that). I like MBTI, I like Socionics, they are useful generalizations, this one is not. MBTI purposely left the J/P thing vague because that way it applies to more people. If they wanted to, they could have done exactly what Indigo did, but they didn't.
Discrediting my argument because I am a P is exactly the kind of logic I am trying to prevent.
Socionics and MBTI are based on Jungian ideas. So they are both like cousins or siblings. I am not saying Socionics is based on MBTI, both are based on Jung, and that makes it relevant.
I'm discrediting your argument on your relativistic approach.
I don't think Soninionics is relevant in the context of Jung and MBIT as switchings what process are represent for each personality type.
your making the judgment that we can't answer this question and this chart is wrong because J and P are too vague.
I can respect that but I don't agree with it.