The government works for the banks!

The following article is from a mainstream newspaper in the UK. It talks about changes the current conservative UK government are making to tax laws which allow banks to avoid paying taxes.

The next article describes how the biggest financial contributors to the conservative government are bankers:

As people allow the media to distract them with stories about events elsewhere or mindless television, how long will it be before the people wake up en masse to the fact that the bankers have taken all the public wealth with the help of the corrupt politicians leaving us all facing: recession, unemployment, higher taxes, later retirement ages, rising living costs, longer working hours, dissapearing pensions, home repossessions etc etc

While the media, which is owned by the corporate interests, demonises everyone from immigrants to muslims to UFO's how long will it be before people realise that their real enemy is the bankers who are impoverishing them and the politicians who are lying to them?

Well, the government has been BOUGHT by the banks; we all need to push for campaign finance reform before it's too late (if not already, which it probably is.) What I want to make sure is understood is that government is a victim in this equation... or, better said, a symptom rather than a cause. Concentrated greed and wealth is the culprit and government simply falls prey to it. BUT, if, as the right-wing typically argues, government should be disempowered or reduced or eliminated, you've also just lost the only concentration of PUBLIC power you had that could have fought back against similarly concentrated greed and wealth. Wherever you find someone spouting anti-government rhetoric, you can trace the funds back to the big baddies who hate the idea of a government that intends to play referee over their machinations.
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