I'm sure it's been said before, that some people think that Hitler was an INFJ. I've actually heard that a family with a disabled child came to Hitler for help and be he heard them, thought about the best way to help, tasked some individuals to do some testing, and he came to the conclusion that the only way to help the disabled was to "ease their suffering" by killing them - in effect, he assumed the role of God.
IF Hitler was truly an INFJ, it should be a cautionary tale to us: beware the Ego. The Ego plays tricks on us, it's invisible and inaudible unless we are on the lookout for it.
It makes us think about doing "battle in the astral plane" with those like him. The only thing that makes sense in life is love and compassion, which is what was lacking in the Nazi party and in any organization that thinks it knows better than the universe. In this life, we have the option of choosing to play in harmony with the universe and with others, or choosing to become "frozen" in a monotone drum beat, unopen to others who are different. Choose Love and not the Ego