the hardest of all questions to aswer


Time Lord
Who are you?
Who are you?

You guys are making me think too much today but alas, I thank you so much for it.

What am I? I'm just a reflection of a hologram that conforms with what he sees and doesn't know better.
Hard questions are often those which contain hidden paradoxes of language, ill-defined conceptual assumptions, not based on anything real. Just because we can form some question, or some predicate, doesn't mean we can actually successfully use it. Instead, we often write many volumes of books, full of delusional thought circles, unable to find clear solution of the paradox; and at its most, blatantly covering the mess with the introduction of some new useless terminology.

Before all, I am not so sure that I am, as Descartes is. I was taught to use the word "I". Didn't imagine it myself. At first I was just seeing images, then they began to have names, until they indicated that I have one too, and thus the "I" time began for me. However, if they didn't do that, it is very possible that I could not even develop the sense of "I". Similar problem is found in some feral children, for example.

I believe, if you could place a human brain in a jar, and give it specific input, you could make it function very intelligently, and never become self-aware at all, thus even unable to comprehend the question in OP. Having this in mind, I'm more inclined to say that such questions are delusional product of false communication, i.e. I kind of fool myself that I am something, because they ask me to.

I hope anybody understands what I mean.
That girl. :mhula:
Since I took the red pill I've been trying to figure it out.
Sometimes I think I'm on the brink of the answer and then ...... not so much.
Who I am is irrelevant, what's more important to figure out is: What is life?
Hard questions are often those which contain hidden paradoxes of language, ill-defined conceptual assumptions, not based on anything real. Just because we can form some question, or some predicate, doesn't mean we can actually successfully use it. Instead, we often write many volumes of books, full of delusional thought circles, unable to find clear solution of the paradox; and at its most, blatantly covering the mess with the introduction of some new useless terminology.

Before all, I am not so sure that I am, as Descartes is. I was taught to use the word "I". Didn't imagine it myself. At first I was just seeing images, then they began to have names, until they indicated that I have one too, and thus the "I" time began for me. However, if they didn't do that, it is very possible that I could not even develop the sense of "I". Similar problem is found in some feral children, for example.

I believe, if you could place a human brain in a jar, and give it specific input, you could make it function very intelligently, and never become self-aware at all, thus even unable to comprehend the question in OP. Having this in mind, I'm more inclined to say that such questions are delusional product of false communication, i.e. I kind of fool myself that I am something, because they ask me to.

I hope anybody understands what I mean.

so you believe you are nothing, or the thought of yourself as something is nothing more then a thought.

The reason I point this out is for the larger implications it brings to the order of the the world.

if i were to ask you who you were you would most likley tell me your name, but you are not your name.

you might tell me your occupation but you are not a job.
this probes the depths of our self awareness.

I would go as far to say that the what and ahy are you can't be answered untill you answer who.
Who I am is irrelevant, what's more important to figure out is: What is life?

how can you understand life with out first understanding yourself?
I know only one thing, i am the creator of my life.

physically you can't be your own creator as if you gave birth to yourself.

philisophically you are only part of your own life and not the creator but instead a contributor.

so the question remains who are you.
From my perspective it is almost as much about "who we are not" as "who we are." Why? Because for most of us our identity is clouded by illusionary self, a misdirection that starts very early in life and continues right on.

It seems to be that as we connect to the Divine (many names for this), we begin to encounter our false self and move on to find something much more true. This reality, however, is far from simplistic and has many nuances. It is worth finding, though.
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From my perspective it is almost as much about "who we are not" as "who we are." Why? Because for most of us our identity is clouded by illusionary self, a misdirection that starts very early in life and continues right on.

It seems to be that as we connect to the Divine (many names for this), we begin to encounter our false self and move on to find something much more true. This reality, however, is far from simplistic and has many nuances. It is worth finding, though.

every one wears such convincing masks that most either never recognise that others are wearing masks or there to afraid to see what every one else trully looks like or themselves for that matter.