The "How Gay Are You" Test

I doubt the reliability of this test.

No shit!

I think 53% must be a lucky number. That's how gay I am: "a happy and well adjusted homo guy."
You're a straight-laced girly girl with just a hint of your butch side sometimes popping out!

Yup, sounds right. :-)
13 percent, i'm shocked; not because i'm gay, I just thought I'd turn out gayer

You will always be gay in my heart. <3

I got 33%
This test is so crap the thread should be deleted, arrgh
46% gay

Congratulations, you've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted homo guy!
<-------40% gay

But seriously, this test seems to think lesbians must be slobs or something =.= what a weird stereotype.
36%. I'm gayer than that though. :P
40% gay.

I think they're getting feminism mixed up with "butchness."
43 % - a happy and well adjusted lesbian babe!

Yip thats me! :angel: