The Hunger Games Trilogy


So I posted a similar thread on another forum that shall remain nameless on this subject one responded. Leaving me feeling pathetic and rejected. :) So here's to hoping I have better luck on this forum where everyone is so nice and friendly and infrequently hostile.

I recently read the Hunger Games trilogy, in case you are unfamiliar it is a YA book series by Suzanne Collins, but don't let that scare you. I don't ever read young adult novels, especially the ones that are more popular these days because they just seem trite and contrived to me, but the Hunger Games is entirely different. If you haven't read You won't regret it.

I especially wanted to start a thread about this before the upcoming release of the movie. I didn't want people's (myself included) opinions of the characters types to be tainted by the actor's portrayal of the characters. I wanted to base it strictly off of what I read. So anyway without further adieu, here are my opinions. Please let me know yours!

By the way my character analyses are based upon all three novels, so if you haven't read all three, there may be some spoilers just as to character's you've never heard of.'ve been warned.

Katniss Everdeen- INTJ/ISTJ
Peeta Mellark- ENFP
Gale Hawthorne- ENFJ/INFJ
Haymitch Abernathy- ISTP
Primrose Everdeen- ENFJ
Cinna- INFJ
Effie Trinket- ESTJ
President Snow- ENTJ
Finnick Odair- ESFP
Johanna Mason- ESTP

So these are my thoughts. Obviously, fictional characters are difficult to type, but aren't we all? I know there are some characters missing, but I couldn't for the life of me come up with any theories. Let me know what you think!
i banned myself from buying books because i have so many i havent read, but i've heard that these are great.
Ah, yes I have banned myself on several occasions from buying books for this very same reason, but...I always end up buying more nonetheless. Good thing about this series is that because it's YA it is a quick read. Got through the whole series in about a week. If I recall I even skipped a couple of days. Well, you read it quick partly because it's YA and partly because you are physically incapable of putting it down! ha. But certainly check it out in the future! I highly recommend.
I read the series, and I was amazed at how dark it was for YA fiction! Lol - I think I'm just behind the times on what teens are reading these days, though. Truly, I couldn't put the series down.

I think Katniss is more of an ISTJ, because I think she's more of a "here and now" type of gal, and she seems more specific and practical (and I love her for it). I wonder if Peeta isn't more introverted, though he could be ENFP. I just see him more of an introvert and Gale as the extrovert. Totally agree with Haymitch's MBTI (but Woody Harrelson?!).

Rue - INFP, yes.
Cinna - INFJ, yes.
I see Snow as more of an INTJ, though.
Effie seems ESFJ, too.
I'm not really quite sure, but one thing I think for a fact is that Katniss is a T and Peeta is an F.
I read the series, and I was amazed at how dark it was for YA fiction! Lol - I think I'm just behind the times on what teens are reading these days, though. Truly, I couldn't put the series down.

I think Katniss is more of an ISTJ, because I think she's more of a "here and now" type of gal, and she seems more specific and practical (and I love her for it). I wonder if Peeta isn't more introverted, though he could be ENFP. I just see him more of an introvert and Gale as the extrovert. Totally agree with Haymitch's MBTI (but Woody Harrelson?!).

Rue - INFP, yes.
Cinna - INFJ, yes.
I see Snow as more of an INTJ, though.
Effie seems ESFJ, too.

See, I'm really confused about Katniss. If I go strictly by the letters I would say she is more "S" than "N," but then when I think about the ISTJ's that I know, I don't feel she is like them. But, the INTJ side of me TOTALLY related to her, and she reminds me of some of my INTJ friends. That's why i'm not completely sold on her as an ISTJ, even though I feel like it fits better on paper.

I think Peeta is a total ENFP. I agree about him seeming introverted. I have heard that ENFP's are the most introverted of all the extroverts. I find this to be true with the ENFP's that I know as well.

I am kind of leaning myself towards Gale being an extrovert. But, I don't feel we get enough time with him in the book to see him in different social situations and stuff to really know for sure. But, from what I have seen, i'd say he is more of an extrovert, but then again a lot of INFJ's can come off as extroverted, or so I hear. So...there's that.

I kept going back and forth with Effie. I think you are right though, I think she is more ESFJ now that I think about it.

I'm not really quite sure, but one thing I think for a fact is that Katniss is a T and Peeta is an F.

Oh for sure! I think Katniss is a total quintessential "T" and Peeta is a quintessential "F."
I don't know if he's extraverted, though.


He tried to talk to Katniss for six months but failed until he was called for the hunger gamees.
See, I take that as just being shy when it comes to a girl he really liked: Fear of rejection, etc. Katniss would be a very intimidating person to talk to. She didn't have any friends (besides Gale) for a reason. She wasn't exactly an easy person to just go up and talk to. Just because someone is shy around someone they like, doesn't necessarily mean that they are introverted. Besides, there are tons of introverts who relatively easily talk to someone they like.

I feel like he was extroverted because of how charming and charismatic he was. Caesar Flickerman eating out of the palm of his hands in all of the interviews. Everyone in the Capitol and the districts loved him and Katniss as a couple because of his charm and charisma, not because of her. Everyone he met instantly loved him. Gale couldn't even really hate him that much once he was forced to be around him.

Granted, there are introverts with charm and charisma for sure. And this is not to say that introverts can't be likable people, but I have never personally met an introvert that could make people so captivated by them just by saying a few words. But extroverts on the other hand I have. Specifically ENFP's, in fact all of the ones that I have met, have this ability to instantly make you feel a connection with them and make you instantly like them and want to be around them. Which I might add, never happens to me with people, other than ENFP's.

So these are my reasons for thinking him to be an "E." But, that's just my opinion.
I started the book tonight. 100 pages in so far. I'll let yo know what I think when I'm done with it.
So I posted a similar thread on another forum that shall remain nameless on this subject one responded. Leaving me feeling pathetic and rejected. :) So here's to hoping I have better luck on this forum where everyone is so nice and friendly and infrequently hostile.

I recently read the Hunger Games trilogy, in case you are unfamiliar it is a YA book series by Suzanne Collins, but don't let that scare you. I don't ever read young adult novels, especially the ones that are more popular these days because they just seem trite and contrived to me, but the Hunger Games is entirely different. If you haven't read You won't regret it.

I especially wanted to start a thread about this before the upcoming release of the movie. I didn't want people's (myself included) opinions of the characters types to be tainted by the actor's portrayal of the characters. I wanted to base it strictly off of what I read. So anyway without further adieu, here are my opinions. Please let me know yours!

By the way my character analyses are based upon all three novels, so if you haven't read all three, there may be some spoilers just as to character's you've never heard of.'ve been warned.

Katniss Everdeen- INTJ/ISTJ
Peeta Mellark- ENFP
Gale Hawthorne- ENFJ/INFJ
Haymitch Abernathy- ISTP
Primrose Everdeen- ENFJ
Cinna- INFJ
Effie Trinket- ESTJ
President Snow- ENTJ
Finnick Odair- ESFP
Johanna Mason- ESTP

So these are my thoughts. Obviously, fictional characters are difficult to type, but aren't we all? I know there are some characters missing, but I couldn't for the life of me come up with any theories. Let me know what you think!

I haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy in a while, but I recently watched Catching Fire and I've been wanting more ever since. And so, I'm replying to what is undoubtedly a very old thread (so sorry). I think you got it pretty close, but felt some minor changes needed to be made.

Katniss Everdeen- ISTJ
I think Katniss is definitely an S over an N in that she is more practical, and not particularly creatively driven. She has a very similar personality to my best friend, who is an ISTJ.

Peeta Mellark- ENFP

Gale Hawthorne- ESTJ/ENTJ
Although he has feelings for Katniss, I don't think he is very sensitive to what other people are feeling or driven by emotions. He is fairly practical, straight-forward, and meticulous (for example, the way he sets up traps and protects his family.) I type him as extraverted because of how he becomes a strategist and rebel during the war and how he seems to interact with people more in the Seam than Katniss.

Haymitch Abernathy- ISTP

Primrose Everdeen- ISFJ
Honestly, my memory of her in the books is a bit rusty, but in the movie, I think she represents this type- nurturing, kind, loves animals, dependable.

I would lean more towards J than P because as the eldest sister trying to provide for her family, she would probably have a tendency to be less flexible and go-with-the-flow. She is creative and resourceful, and very smart. She could also type for an INTJ, but, again, I don't remember too much from the book, which she only makes a short appearance in anyway.

Cinna- INFJ
I love Cinna and would love to think we have similar personalities. He has a complexity to his personality that is probably best captured by this type.

Effie Trinket- ESFJ
She is more feeling than thinking from my perspective. She genuinely tries to bring out the best in her tributes, while an ESTJ would be a lot less nurturing.

President Snow- ENTJ
Finnick Odair- ESFP
Johanna Mason- ESTP

President Coin would be an interesting one to type. I would cast her as an ENTJ.
I read the series, and I was amazed at how dark it was for YA fiction! Lol - I think I'm just behind the times on what teens are reading these days, though. Truly, I couldn't put the series down.

I think Katniss is more of an ISTJ, because I think she's more of a "here and now" type of gal, and she seems more specific and practical (and I love her for it). I wonder if Peeta isn't more introverted, though he could be ENFP. I just see him more of an introvert and Gale as the extrovert. Totally agree with Haymitch's MBTI (but Woody Harrelson?!).]

I don't think she's ISTJ. Having physical skills such as shooting with a bow and arrow isn't exclusive to 'S'. Anybody in Katniss's living situation/upbringing would be forced to be develop hunting skills in order to survive.
Also ISTJs tend to respect authority more than INTJs and use more specific language in communication, whereas INTJs tend to communicate in a more abstract manner. Katniss has these traits, especially the lack of respect for authority.
Maybe not particularly a reliable reason, but it is also mentioned in the book that Katniss couldn't make friends and would sit on her own at lunch with the mayor's daughter when she was at school. This implies that she doesn't fit in, which could partially down to her personality being so rare - at 2 percent - while in comparison, ISTJs represent around 12 percent of the population.

"ISTJs bring a strong sense of planning, agreeing objectives and working steadily towards closure. They have a strong eye for detail and can therefore protect the team from going off in a wrong direction."
"Value a very rigid structure."

I find this to be very true of Gale, particularly the rigidness. I think he is an ISTJ .

And here, President Snow seems to have been either typed as ENTJ or INTJ. I'm not sure what he is, but non of these seem right to me at all - and it pretty much looks as though people have just taken the stereotypical "villain" personalities and clumsily assumed that they must belong to Snow. However I do think President Coin is an ENTJ.
I haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy in a while, but I recently watched Catching Fire and I've been wanting more ever since. And so, I'm replying to what is undoubtedly a very old thread (so sorry). I think you got it pretty close, but felt some minor changes needed to be made.

Katniss Everdeen- ISTJ
I think Katniss is definitely an S over an N in that she is more practical, and not particularly creatively driven. She has a very similar personality to my best friend, who is an ISTJ.


I seems like the way Katniss approached destroying the arena in Catching Fire was fairly creative.
Speaking as an ENFP - there's no chance that Peeta is one. He wouldn't survive for 5 minutes :D
So what makes people really think Cinna or in some cases Rue as well, are INFJs ?
Having read the whole series, and seen almost all the movies, I have felt no such connection of feeling like one of the characters was an INFJ.
It's not as if the amount of dialog is much to go by though and SFJ types tend to be very supportive and a lot more common too.
Not everyone who does a good thing, seems supportive or is self sacrificing is an INFJ :p

Probability has it that it is unlikely anyone named in the books is an INFJ. yet about 26% of the population is an SFJ type and another 20% or so an SFP type. And that is using the lower estimate values. Most charts show SF types make up for roughly half the population. Yet the majority of the predictions here are NF and ST, which probability wise is unlikely, not to mention that half of those characters don't have that much presence in the books that you really have much to go on x)
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So what makes people really think Cinna or in some cases Rue as well, are INFJs ?
Having read the whole series, and seen almost all the movies, I have felt no such connection of feeling like one of the characters was an INFJ.
It's not as if the amount of dialog is much to go by though and SFJ types tend to be very supportive and a lot more common too.
Not everyone who does a good thing, seems supportive or is self sacrificing is an INFJ :p

Probability has it that it is unlikely anyone named in the books is an INFJ. yet about 26% of the population is an SFJ type and another 20% or so an SFP type. And that is using the lower estimate values. Most charts show SF types make up for roughly half the population. Yet the majority of the predictions here are NF and ST, which probability wise is unlikely, not to mention that half of those characters don't have that much presence in the books that you really have much to go on x)

Absolutely. It's impossible to type made up characters really, but it's fun to try. I think if anything, Cinna is very likely INTJ. He sees how things will play out before anyone. Also Rue is just as likely any introverted feeler type really. That's about all we get.
I read the series, and I was amazed at how dark it was for YA fiction! Lol - I think I'm just behind the times on what teens are reading these days, though. Truly, I couldn't put the series down.

I think Katniss is more of an ISTJ, because I think she's more of a "here and now" type of gal, and she seems more specific and practical (and I love her for it). I wonder if Peeta isn't more introverted, though he could be ENFP. I just see him more of an introvert and Gale as the extrovert. Totally agree with Haymitch's MBTI (but Woody Harrelson?!).

I don't think she's ISTJ. Having physical skills such as shooting with a bow and arrow isn't exclusive to 'S'. Anybody in Katniss's living situation/upbringing would be forced to be develop hunting skills in order to survive.
Also ISTJs tend to respect authority more than INTJs and use more specific language in communication, whereas INTJs tend to communicate in a more abstract manner. Katniss has these traits, especially the lack of respect for authority.
Maybe not particularly a reliable reason, but it is also mentioned in the book that Katniss couldn't make friends and would sit on her own at lunch with the mayor's daughter when she was at school. This implies that she doesn't fit in, which could partially down to her personality being so rare - at 2 percent - while in comparison, ISTJs represent around 12 percent of the population.

"ISTJs bring a strong sense of planning, agreeing objectives and working steadily towards closure. They have a strong eye for detail and can therefore protect the team from going off in a wrong direction."
"Value a very rigid structure."

I find this to be very true of Gale, particularly the rigidness. I think he is an ISTJ .

And here, President Snow seems to have been either typed as ENTJ or INTJ. I'm not sure what he is, but non of these seem right to me at all - and it pretty much looks as though people have just taken the stereotypical "villain" personalities and clumsily assumed that they must belong to Snow. However I do think President Coin is an ENTJ.

It makes sense that they're hard to type, I mean, they're all characters made up by a single person. So [MENTION=251]Wyote[/MENTION] is definitely right on the impossible part.
I did not fit in anywhere either as a kid, failed to make friends and I did not even have a lunch buddy. I'm an INFJ. That does not make people of the INFJ or INTJ type more likely not to fit in though :p
Not fitting in and being unable to make friends is something anyone of any type can experience so personally I would not use that idea to base my bets on, ofc. you might also be right cause there is no way of knowing really.

Something I did notice was that A LOT of YA books are written by introverts for introverts. They tend to be about protagonists that have few friends and trouble fitting in precisely because the majority of the readers are of that nature.
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Ahhh.. I love this trilogy! :D Read this one two years ago.

Me and my INTJ cousin though viewed Katniss as more of an INTJ type since my cousin can see herself in her. Spoiler alert: So logical even up to the point of choosing Peeta at the end instead of Gale, very sharp minded, creative and strategic, has a strong personality and has strong sense of leadership. So she's definitely a T and an Introvert. I just felt like the ending was abruptly ended like it was rushed and it could have been better- Idk, maybe it's just me lol. This series really broke my heart.. but it will always be my favorite and made me fall in love with dystopian type of novels.