[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

Perfect depiction!
Sadly yes...

I’m so ashamed of this country right now.
Was just reading about this...what kind of sociopathic moron does that kind of thing?
(Rhetorical question of course)
God he’s such a damn idiot!!
Someone get him some crayons and a coloring book so he’s kept busy!

What a sad, pathetic, excuse for a human.

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"It was very sad, to be honest," he said. "They lost their son." Trump said Sacoolas told him that she was accidentally driving on the wrong side of the road — something Trump said "happens in Europe" because drivers in England drive on the left side of the road instead of the right.

Yeah...no shit you flaming demented mental midget!
I'm glad we're leaving Syria, now if only we could leave Afghanistan and the Middle-East in general. That whole region is a bottomless pit of dysfunction.
America should stop being the world's policeman and take care of it's increasingly defunct state of affairs on the domestic front imo.

What do you think about Trump now renting our military (lives of American men and women) out to Saudi Arabia?
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What do you think about Trump now renting our military (lives of American men and women) out to Saudi Arabia?
I prefer grinding Iran down with sanctions honestly. I don't find it necessary to intervene in the middle-east and I definitely don't like our long standing alliance with Saudi Arabia.

As I've said the middle-east is a bottomless pit of dysfunction. I don't want to see America get pulled into it again.
yeah, let's let the russians determine the fate of the fossil fuel driven world economy while we are in denial about climate change and refuse to make meaningful changes toward a carbon neutral international energy system. (can i get a seat on gazprom's board?)
BTW how are the israelies reacting to the syrian situation?
yeah, let's let the russians determine the fate of the fossil fuel driven world economy while we are in denial about climate change and refuse to make meaningful changes toward a carbon neutral international energy system. (can i get a seat on gazprom's board?)
Pretty sure the US has plenty of oil on its home territory. Russia too for that matter.

And yes, let Russia play musical chairs in middle eastern politics if they like. Have fun giving weapons to one group just to have them become hostile in a few years.

Been there, done that.
I liked that scene from Kingsmen.

Never got around to seeing the sequel though.
Great fight scene!
Did you see Atomic Blonde?
Similar fighting throughout!