[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

yep go after social security and medicare. . that's a winning strategy. .let's see how stupid the gop really is. .
Very dumb.
Same with disability - the current administration wants to impose new rules making it even more difficult to get and maintain.
In case anyone thinks it's easy - they wouldn't have lawyers that specialize in helping people who are wrongfully denied.
Reagan started to indiscriminately kick people out of SSDI back in the 80's until the resulting suicides caused too much public outcry and they rescinded their shitty policy.
About to repeat that whole mess too.
It was cuts like this that caused the Republican healthcare bill to fail - and they don't have both houses anymore to boot.
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Need to go after children. Limit each person to two children....all races. Divorce would make no change: had your two? Can't have another. That would help cut a lot of Federal spending. China had it's one child era. Some groups rape the Feds with an onslought of children, then ask for funds to help raise them. No more tax breaks for anything more than two...ever. Darn it: can't grow my voter base that way.
For comparisons' sake, not personal. I question even myself regarding this. Don't you think asking what someone did was symbolic and NOT actual? We look at our own accomplishments before shortcomings, hopefully.

We had a Senator I liked very much just retire for health reasons, most likely. Johnny Isakson was his name. Having communicated with him regarding several different subjects over the years, we all could learn from his example. Why?

First thing he ever accomplished when speaking was praise. He always established good things people did before the bad. He established the assets of a program before the shortcomings. We could all learn from him.

There is good and bad in most of us, if not all of us. When we pick out the bad, we forget all the good someone has done. Nobody wants to admit Trump's accomplishments, much better than Pete Rose, by him and his circle. I am guilty about this regarding Pelosi. Why? She makes my skin crawl. But why? I cannot think of anything she has done positive, but why?

We make choices come election time. Are we just looking beyond the good because we agree with someone else's good? Are we being wise, or are we being selfish? Are we voting for someone because of what our little groups will get or accomplish under the leadership of a specific candidate? Good luck with that. We can hope for the best is all. The current Democratic establishment may have some good sides, but I overlook them. Sound familiar? Hope it does. Say what we want, but most people are set in their ways and will deface the other side whenever they can, thinking what they say may matter. Guess what? It doesn't matter.

In effect, we should look at ourselves and see what we have accomplished or messed up before we judge others. I'm guilty. I can't see anything good with Pelosi, as some here cannot see anything good with Trump. We are blinding our own selves with hatred and don't know it.

A wise man(person) knows when to be quiet. Maybe I'll be wise one day??
Are we voting for someone because of what our little groups will get or accomplish under the leadership of a specific candidate?
Some are doing this. Others are standing up for what is best overall for the country as a whole.
Though Pelosi acted out childishly ripping up Trumps speech, her bottom line really exists in what is in the best interest of her vision of Our Country as a whole, same as Trump. So who is right in their Patriotism view point?
The 'running' of a counrty doesn't go on personal motive nor opinion, it is collective decision making that gets the job done. This is a stout reasoning why I can't get behind Trump, it's not his country to move forward in his personal directions, it's Ours.

Are we being wise, or are we being selfish?
Selfish. Too much individual greed has been cloaked with collective prosperity. We as a country pride ourselves on freedom and democracy---more rightly stated as greed and hypocrisy----the rich get richer while the working folk barely get by. They after all are the money makers to feed the establishment, and house the poor.

In effect, we should look at ourselves and see what we have accomplished or messed up before we judge others.
No. This is too indiviualistic the way it's interpreted. If we have to be accountable for our mess ups so should those at the top.

A wise man(person) knows when to be quiet.
Yes, much of the time. Yet, there is a vast difference between choosing to remain quiet and being forciblely shut up.

Just my 2 cents. ;)
Be well @just me :)
No. This is too indiviualistic the way it's interpreted. If we have to be accountable for our mess ups so should those at the top.

We as a whole. We as a whole should never expect our leaders to do everything themselves. Maybe this should have been addressed differently. Forgive my lack of time.
Yes, much of the time. Yet, there is a vast difference between choosing to remain quiet and being forciblely shut up.

Do you mean like the people of Wuhan?
Do you mean like the people of Wuhan?
No. I've seen several video interviews that have this whole WC virus breakout with too many perspectives. I mean did it really start there or was it the perfect Petri dish? I think the residents are just as baffled while those in charge aren't talking.
We as a whole. We as a whole should never expect our leaders to do everything themselves. Maybe this should have been addressed differently. Forgive my lack of time.
Exactly, WE.
frankly, our democracy no longer exists. we have no effective government, but a crime syndicate taking our taxes for their own use. It is high time we, the people took to the streets and put an end to this mockery and take our country back. the trump cult is loud, but few, compared to the real American.
Funny, didn't Trump say our economy was the most amazing best ever!!!?

Well which is it?
I guess the awesome booming economy is only for the already rich to profit from alone.
While the rest of us live in "serious economic conditions".
Trump has a long history of not paying people for the hard work they've done.

Please vote!

Edit - Millennials of voting age have surpassed the Boomers.
The direction and future of the country is yours to take if you get out there and do it!
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Gen. Kelly weighs in on President's "perfect call"
View attachment 63493
President Bone-spurs has implied he wants to strip Vindman of his service too, purple heart and all.

But yes...the Medal of Freedom goes to....
Looks like Trump is Pardoning the Swamp.
Funny how several are donors to his political campaign.
Meanwhile 2000+ former DOJ prosecutors and officials have called on Barr to resign.
I guess Susan Collins was right - Trump learned his lesson - he can break countless laws and be protected - including retribution against impeachment witnesses.
Which is illegal BTW.
Pretty awesome flaming death of democracy.
Anyone who thinks this president can't really do lasting damage to the US if he gets re-elected should take note of his current actions regarding the Department of Justice. He is right is saying he is the chief law enforcement officer in that as the executive of the executive branch the authority invested in the Attorney General stems from the president. We as a nation have rationally recognized that there needs to be a separation of power between law enforcement and political expediency. But the writers of the constitution did not necessarily see it that way. They saw the Senate (which they envisioned as a office held by men appointed states' legislatures) as a real check on the Executive's power. But the Senate is now a creature of political parties. The writers of the constitution vastly underestimated the powers of political parties. This is an avenue, which if pursued aspires to a fascist state.

Trump is such a law-abiding....hahahah...can't even type it as a joke.
More quid pro quo-ing.
I'll just leave this here before I have to run...

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange alleges that Trump
offered him a pardon if he denied that Russia hacked the DNC

Roger Stone reportedly pushed hard for Trump to
preemptively pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me


That said, we are living in the Tyranny of the majority. Or at least the tyranny of the majority as filtered through the electoral college. And in some states there is Tyranny of the majority.

Not exclusive to the Right though, I've had numerous conversations shut down by Left Wing Woke Extremists as well.

Extremists of all colours dislike Science as it conflicts with their ideology...

As I can't vote I'm just keeping my head down, protecting my family and waiting for a chance for sanity to resume.

Experts Concerned Pale Russian Mystic Constantly
At Trump’s Side May Attempt To Influence 2020 Election


“While we’re unsure exactly what Volokov is whispering into Trump’s ear—or if it’s a known language at all—it’s the consensus of the intelligence community that he likely intends to meddle in the upcoming election, perhaps by using his self-professed hypnotic powers to sway the American public,”

