[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

My assumption is that this is what DOGE is reporting?

That's about 50M more than the current US population. There must be a problem with the accounting. Of course we could have a large scale vampire population that has somehow managed to elude the census.

Here's a chart of the data.

That's hilarious. I didn't know Musk brought up vampires when I said it. It just seemed funny when I saw the data RITV posted. I suppose the idea of someone living over 300 years does seem to conjure up thoughts of a vampire.
I personally love the idea that we might start knowing what the government is and has been doing. There have been way too many secrets for far too long. I mean JFK was killed and we still don't know all of the details. He was literally the leader of our country and it's been hidden from us for more than a lifetime [for some people].

The secrets have become so entrenched that the idea of doing things to make us feel safe has become the very thing that makes people feel unsafe.
The systems are already compromised. There's an old saying, a team is only as good as its weakest link. If the bureaucratic agencies are compromised as a whole then the core is compromised. The Chinese have fully infiltrated our bureaucratic agencies systematically with respect to information technology (hacking), politically (government official bribes), intellectually (through the failure of our educational institutions and protection of intellectual property), and financially by leveraging all of the aforementioned. This further justifies the need for a full assessment of the governmental systems in an effort to identify the infiltration (and corruption), such that it can be transformed in such a way that these systems are protected. We have to turn over all of the stones if we are to see the complete picture. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that everything needs to be disclosed about our defense systems but it does mean that those systems must at the very least be assessed. Throwing the baby out with the bath water would not be wise.
I personally love the idea that we might start knowing what the government is and has been doing. There have been way too many secrets for far too long. I mean JFK was killed and we still don't know all of the details. He was literally the leader of our country and it's been hidden from us for more than a lifetime [for some people].

The secrets have become so entrenched that the idea of doing things to make us feel safe has become the very thing that makes people feel unsafe.

Laws are made by humans, they're not superimposed on us. Just look at that bore Kier Starmer in the UK who is a definition of "I just followed the law" type of guy. There's not a hint of ingenuity and free thinking in that guy. I guess that's perfect to rule a country which is controlled by a bunch of committees.

Indeed, one could say that things really started to go south for England when the power and sovereignty of the parlament was limited by the formation of the supreme court in 2009, and a bunch of single issue committes.
A situation could be rendered holding currency in an organization where even the CFO cannot place his/her hands on it. There may be but one person who could gain access, with another to follow, etc.

We could surmise there could be funds nobody could get their hands on inside the institution. However, if funds are going out to non-existing people? Where are the funds going? What institution is making said funds liquid? All one would then need to do would be to follow the paper trail, however complicated it may be.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul would always have repercussions. A witch hunt may never reveal who had spun that spider's web. Guess it would be there to make a statement or two.

Should anyone try to take away Social Security benefits from those who have them coming to them, they would be found out and much hated. There are too many people who live on Social Security in their retirement: those who may have paid into it with their employers matching it and gaining interest.

Finding mistakes, oversights, and false payments is something that must be done. It would be wise to trace who was doing it and where the funds are going. Audits do not take long, unless someone doing them is just looking for something to do to justify their hours.

The criminals taking from Sam to make themselves richer are stealing from us. We have to pay for their pilfering. It is time to turn this around and stop it.

Have you been to the store lately? The percentage of our SS checks being spent on groceries and other things have skyrocketed. Our insurance has gone way up. Bought a new truck lately? Old trucks do get to a point where it can be disgruntling fixing them all the time, especially when they have stopped making parts for them. Government-sponsored insurance has more than tripled in the last eight years.
Prescriptions may take three months each year to get verified. A little bump in our SS checks will not pay the differences at the grocery store.
The encyclopedia says in my state I no longer have to pay income tax on my SS, yet I continue paying it.

There is so much needs to be done. I can no longer just look the other way. If we are deceived, it will not be fun. I do not believe everyone would stand by idly.
Apparently Trump likes Musk's idea of distributing DOGE savings to American people as a stimmy check.

It's a populist move which it does nothing to address the national debt. It will pump stock market/Bitcoin though.

Apparently Trump likes Musk's idea of distributing DOGE savings to American people as a stimmy check.

It's a populist move which it does nothing to address the national debt. It will pump stock market/Bitcoin though.
It does have the appearance that he's attempting to increase his value amongst the peoples opinion. By doing this he will increase confidence within the people as it pertains to his efforts. It's hard to know how much savings there will be at this point but I've heard rumblings between $1T and $5T. If it was 1T that would be approximately $3,000 for every person in the population. This would only marginally help the people for a short period of time. It could however increase support in his pursuit of corruption and that seems to be what he values most. The idea of buying support has always made me uncomfortable, this is especially true when I can't see the full scope of a persons intentions. It does however have a feeling of a Robin Hood story and I can't deny that some people (more than others) really need help. Yet, if we give $3000 to someone who has become addicted to Fentanyl then that could be a death sentence. The money itself would stimulate the economy through consumer spending and that in turn could increase jobs or possibly increase pay to a level that is back inline with prices. There's no way to know the true impact without the help of a highly complex economic model.

I'm perplexed.
It does have the appearance that he's attempting to increase his value amongst the peoples opinion. By doing this he will increase confidence within the people as it pertains to his efforts. It's hard to know how much savings there will be at this point but I've heard rumblings between $1T and $5T. If it was 1T that would be approximately $3,000 for every person in the population. This would only marginally help the people for a short period of time. It could however increase support in his pursuit of corruption and that seems to be what he values most. The idea of buying support has always made me uncomfortable, this is especially true when I can't see the full scope of a persons intentions. It does however have a feeling of a Robin Hood story and I can't deny that some people (more than others) really need help. Yet, if we give $3000 to someone who has become addicted to Fentanyl then that could be a death sentence. The money itself would stimulate the economy through consumer spending and that in turn could increase jobs or possibly increase pay to a level that is back inline with prices. There's no way to know the true impact without the help of a highly complex economic model.

I'm perplexed.

I agree with you that many people would need a $3000 stimmy reprieve and it's definitely money much better spent than where it previously went, but at the same time it would shatter any idea that US is serious about it's national debt which would spike the interest on the future borrowing...it's a vicious circle. I think they should not do it, and I am sure that Scott Bessent is pushing strongly against this as treasury secretary.

It only makes sense if they somehow manage to accelerate productivity/GDP growth at the same time.
I agree with you that many people would need a $3000 stimmy reprieve and it's definitely money much better spent than where it previously went, but at the same time it would shatter any idea that US is serious about it's national debt which would spike the interest on the future borrowing...it's a vicious circle. I think they should not do it, and I am sure that Scott Bessent is pushing strongly against this as treasury secretary.

It only makes sense if they somehow manage to accelerate productivity/GDP growth at the same time.
I know it's an unpopular opinion but I personally like the idea of countries merging. For example, if the US, Canada, and Mexico all merged into a single country then there would be a diverse labor force, finance spread across a much larger population, and enhanced access to natural resources. This would be a big jump in the right direction for accelerating manufacturing and GDP growth. It would also push China out of Mexico and Canada and that would be a tremendous economic hit to their country. Of course, the cartels would have to be addressed immediately, and the providences would have to be convinced of their sovereignty. These are not terribly difficult things to overcome in the current economic conditions.

Of course I'm speculating but there are signs of things moving in this direction.
I know it's an unpopular opinion but I personally like the idea of countries merging. For example, if the US, Canada, and Mexico all merged into a single country then there would be a diverse labor force, finance spread across a much larger population, and enhanced access to natural resources. This would be a big jump in the right direction for accelerating manufacturing and GDP growth. It would also push China out of Mexico and Canada and that would be a tremendous economic hit to their country. Of course, the cartels would have to be addressed immediately, and the providences would have to be convinced of their sovereignty. These are not terribly difficult things to overcome in the current economic conditions.

Of course I'm speculating but there are signs of things moving in this direction.

Yeah, could be. I didn't really think about it that much but instinctually I agree with you. Definitely in the case of US and Canada. In Europe a bit harder due to so many different languages and national identities, although it worked quite well for the Habsburg monarchy or later Yugoslavia.
Yeah, could be. I didn't really think about it that much but instinctually I agree with you. Definitely in the case of US and Canada. In Europe a bit harder due to so many different languages and national identities, although it worked quite well for the Habsburg monarchy or later Yugoslavia.
I would relate it being similar to the EU in Europe. The obvious difference IMO would be that a merge with Canada would better fit if it were by providence rather than the entire country being a single state. People value their sovereignty and the providences in Canada carry distinct cultures (just like the states in the US and the countries in Europe). The same could be said for Mexico.

A merge could be lubricated by means of propositioning key providences that carry significant value for the country yet feel undervalued by the central government itself. For example, Saskatchewan in Canada. By giving the people the opportunity to gain more wealth through their labor will undoubtedly be seductive and by removing regulation in the US this even becomes more convincing.

I'm thinking outside the box while looking at what people in the box have been eluding to more recently but I must reiterate that this is merely a hypotheses on my part.
I've now heard a few people make fun of Elon's analyst for not knowing COBOL but as someone who has actually worked with both high and low level languages (including COBOL at university), I'd have to say that not using / knowing it is in fact a smart choice.

Foregoing education in a higher level language over COBOL is akin to Einstein saying that quantum mechanics is spooky.

That the government is still using COBOL tells me that they haven't been upgrading their systems adequately. COBOL should have been phased out decades ago IMO. How can a country spend trillions of dollars and not upgrade from that? Come into the 21st century please.

That said, I wonder if that is in fact the reason for the discrepancy in ages.