The Inauguration of America's new pres.

A friend of mine sent me this link and I thought I'd share it with y'all... some really nice photos of the inauguration in DC and around the world.

Many of them are heartstring tuggers, but #33 just made me weep.

yea great photos :)

I have to say, 2 days in I am pretty happy with Obama's steps as prez....I think after Clinton, and then Bush, I have become so jaded about politics. I guess even old kingdoms had their occassional good king every few centuries or so, the US is certainly entitled to a good president every few terms, right??
The Re-Inaugural Speech

So, the reason for the slight snafu during Obama's swearing in is that the Chief Justice forgot a line, so they had to re-do the swearing in at the White House the following day ! They didn't make this public because it would create a stir in the global eye, even though it was a minor detail. Actually, it was no big deal, but certainly the formality of it was such that they redid it ftr because it was appropriate and had to be completed as designed and correct.

Thought that was interesting...

Also learned that some of the Official Balls actually fell through. They mentioned at mine that it almost wasn't fully funded until xyz of Tri-Care stepped in. These events are expensive, to say the least. One woman bought 6 tickets at 450 per pop, dress, 600, travel and hotel and so forth only to be turned down at the door of the American Music Ball. It was cancelled last minute. Marriott donated the food to the homeless. NOt all of the balls are that expensive, mind you, btw, and some are more. My husband still claims that the Hero's Inaugural Event was free (ha right). The American Music Ball was the only one to my knowledge that cancelled last minute.

Snafus always happen. Always. Too many moving parts, but I'm just glad it worked out for us in the way it did in the end.
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HS, how did you get to attend the inauguration and events?

We'll it wasn't my first. We went to Bush's first one because my husband goes back a long while with one of the guys at the Republican National Committee. That said, a lot of the Republicans went to the balls. Next Obama Inauguration we hope to go to Commander In Chief Event/Ball.

There are dozens of events in town, but only about 10 official ones where the President will usually stop by and do the dance with the First Lady. Although we had a friend who originally invited us to the official one, like I mentioned earlier, it fell through. My husband was able to drum up some tickets to the Hero's Inaugural Event last minute. He still didn't tell me how, but it helped that he's a retired Col, I assume.

This was all snafu-ed. Future reference, you should be able to get tickets online, but generally it helps if you know your congressmen or have friends who have access to tickets who are going as well.

Ask me again in 4 years ! ! ! ! ;)