The Inevitability of A World State

I could see possibly some kind of world union, mostly in name.

A world state is not really viable economically, nor from a management standpoint. Every problem in the world becomes one states problem.

I view it like a sea going ship. If it has just one large empty space in the hull, when it gets a hole anywhere it is pretty much done for. Ships typically have compartments to mitigate this problem - if you get a hole, the compartment with the hole takes on the water and other compartments may be spared. This still effects the whole ship and it will lean or have problems if one compartment gets a hole, but it won't necessarily sink if the other compartments can keep it floating. Without the compartments the whole thing just fills up with water and it would sink if the hole isn't patched somehow.
There has been a group of people trying to move the world closer to a world government for centuries. They created the UN as a prototype world government.

They talk about 'peace' but in reality they are also the people who profit most from war and who stoke the fires of war the most.

The countries that submit to them are liberalised (brought under their corporate control) whilst the countries that oppose them are demonised by them in their corporate media and then attacked using the US military

OIL is one of the worlds major commodities that these people want to control. Guns and drugs are the other major commodities they seek to control.

Many countries have sought to nationalise their oil out of the control of the private big oil companies but when they do this the leaders who do it (to use the money to better their countries and the lives of their countrymen) are assassinated by the corporatists or they are overthrown in coups orchestrated by the corporatists

I am not against the destruction of nation states in order to remove barriers between people but i AM against the removal of nation states in order to replace them with a centralised world government run by corporatists

All the banking scandals we are hearing about in the media, all the spying done by government agencies like the NSA we are hearing about, the gun controls, the false flag attacks and many more things are all being orchestrated by the corporatists in order to move us closer to a world government which they will control.

To get an idea what that would look like you just need to look at another fascist state nazi germany which the corporatists helped to create. For example the Warburg banking dynasty of Germany which funded Hitler is also one of the families that own the US Federal Reserve central bank which controls the money supply of the USA

Fascist states are about central control and require a surveillance police state where people are constantly spied on and any dissent is ruthlessly stamped out. Totalitarianism is about the TOTAL control of EVERY aspect of your life

The aim of the corporatists is to implant a micro chip under the skin of every human on which your money will be stored electronically so that if you ever protest against them they will switch off your chip leaving you frozen out of the corporate dominated world they are working so hard to create.

The mindset of these people is that you and I are cattle to be controlled. In their own circles they call us the 'profane'.

At the same time they created the federal reserve they also created the inland revenue tax service to take your money off you. But you aren't even really bound by their laws, only your straw man is:
