Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
Here's an imagination exercise that might be quite fun, but the rules are a little complicated.
1. Design and Post your Set of Super Powers. (You will have to use these powers for the entire exercise, so choose wisely. Guidelines for designing them are below.)
2. Post scenarios where things have gone wrong. (This is the set up, like a bank robbery, natural disaster, cat in a tree, etc.)
3. Post how you would use your Set of Super Powers to help in the scenarios presented.
The goal of this game is to provide the other players with interesting scenarios, while using the scenarios other players create to exercise your imagination. (It will be bad form to solve your own scenario. Leave them for other players, but any scenario can be undertaken by as many players as want to solve it.)
What would your set of powers be, if you could choose any set of powers to be a superhero?
Your powers should only be moderately powerful. The less powerful they are, the more creative you will have to be in the scenarios to solve them, so you're setting yourself up for more fun by making your powers less powerful.
So, that’s the Superhero imagination exercise game… design your super power set, offer scenarios, and then frequently return to this thread to describe how you use your powers to make the world a better place.
1. Design and Post your Set of Super Powers. (You will have to use these powers for the entire exercise, so choose wisely. Guidelines for designing them are below.)
2. Post scenarios where things have gone wrong. (This is the set up, like a bank robbery, natural disaster, cat in a tree, etc.)
3. Post how you would use your Set of Super Powers to help in the scenarios presented.
The goal of this game is to provide the other players with interesting scenarios, while using the scenarios other players create to exercise your imagination. (It will be bad form to solve your own scenario. Leave them for other players, but any scenario can be undertaken by as many players as want to solve it.)
What would your set of powers be, if you could choose any set of powers to be a superhero?
Your powers should only be moderately powerful. The less powerful they are, the more creative you will have to be in the scenarios to solve them, so you're setting yourself up for more fun by making your powers less powerful.
So, that’s the Superhero imagination exercise game… design your super power set, offer scenarios, and then frequently return to this thread to describe how you use your powers to make the world a better place.
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