Into the White
- Enneagram
- 4w5
"INFJs tend to feel very lonely. But this sense of loneliness is not always because they lack human presence or relationships. They are alone in their mind."
"When I say I'm complex I don't mean brilliant or genius; I'm just complicated. My mind is like a labyrinth. I don't even always make sense to myself, which is why I constantly psychoanalyze myself to try and figure things out." -- self-proclaimed INFJ
"INFJs have deep dark batcaves, and there are roughly 100,000,000,000 walls/layers to get to the... center." -- ENFP observer
I think about these things a lot because, INFJ or not, I know exactly what's being talked about in the above. I know what it's like to have a mind littered with long hallways leading into dead ends, staircases that go straight into the ceiling, unexpected trap doors and bottomless pits beneath collapsing floors. These mechanisms, and many more not listed, all surround, and very effectively protect, my "Soul Room." I don't think more than 2 or 3 people in my life have ever even seen it; no one has ever been allowed to hang out, rummage through it, spend the night, live with me in it.
The concept of "Soul Room" comes from an episode of Yugioh I saw as a kid. Its profound symbolism is what stuck with me.
"Shadi spotted Yugi Muto and learned that he was the holder of the Millennium Puzzle. He then used the Millennium Key to enter Yugi's soul room. Shadi found two rooms, a darker one belonging to Dark Yugi. Dark Yugi appeared inside his room and invited Shadi in, if he dared. Shadi introduced himself as an unwanted guest. He came to learn the power of the Millennium Puzzle. If the power was needed he would draw it into his bloodline. Not willing to simply show Shadi the power, Dark Yugi proposed a Shadow Game: somewhere inside the soul, was Dark Yugi's true room; if Shadi could find it, then he would find what he's looking for. Shadi accepted the game, but mentioned that once he entered someone's room, he could redecorate it to control the individual or change their personality.
Dark Yugi started the game and the place turned into a maze of doors and staircases. Shadi began searching, but the doors were filled with traps. Eventually Shadi was left dangling above a bottomless pit. Dark Yugi saved him and advised him to leave. Shadi parted, thinking that he had lost the game, but Dark Yugi assured him that it was only the beginning.
Shadi spoke with Yugi after leaving his mind and saw that Yugi was completely unaware of "the other Yugi"."
Dark Yugi's soul room is filled with a labyrinth of staircases and traps. Inside are many other rooms. Only one such room is his true soul room.
Anyone ever gotten to see an INFJ's "Soul Room?" Do we have INFJs who have ever shown someone their "Soul Room?" I happen to think that plenty of other types can be equally secretive and have a mind like a labyrinth, but perhaps INFJs are even more, and more likely to be, this way.
"When I say I'm complex I don't mean brilliant or genius; I'm just complicated. My mind is like a labyrinth. I don't even always make sense to myself, which is why I constantly psychoanalyze myself to try and figure things out." -- self-proclaimed INFJ
"INFJs have deep dark batcaves, and there are roughly 100,000,000,000 walls/layers to get to the... center." -- ENFP observer
I think about these things a lot because, INFJ or not, I know exactly what's being talked about in the above. I know what it's like to have a mind littered with long hallways leading into dead ends, staircases that go straight into the ceiling, unexpected trap doors and bottomless pits beneath collapsing floors. These mechanisms, and many more not listed, all surround, and very effectively protect, my "Soul Room." I don't think more than 2 or 3 people in my life have ever even seen it; no one has ever been allowed to hang out, rummage through it, spend the night, live with me in it.
The concept of "Soul Room" comes from an episode of Yugioh I saw as a kid. Its profound symbolism is what stuck with me.
"Shadi spotted Yugi Muto and learned that he was the holder of the Millennium Puzzle. He then used the Millennium Key to enter Yugi's soul room. Shadi found two rooms, a darker one belonging to Dark Yugi. Dark Yugi appeared inside his room and invited Shadi in, if he dared. Shadi introduced himself as an unwanted guest. He came to learn the power of the Millennium Puzzle. If the power was needed he would draw it into his bloodline. Not willing to simply show Shadi the power, Dark Yugi proposed a Shadow Game: somewhere inside the soul, was Dark Yugi's true room; if Shadi could find it, then he would find what he's looking for. Shadi accepted the game, but mentioned that once he entered someone's room, he could redecorate it to control the individual or change their personality.
Dark Yugi started the game and the place turned into a maze of doors and staircases. Shadi began searching, but the doors were filled with traps. Eventually Shadi was left dangling above a bottomless pit. Dark Yugi saved him and advised him to leave. Shadi parted, thinking that he had lost the game, but Dark Yugi assured him that it was only the beginning.
Shadi spoke with Yugi after leaving his mind and saw that Yugi was completely unaware of "the other Yugi"."

Dark Yugi's soul room is filled with a labyrinth of staircases and traps. Inside are many other rooms. Only one such room is his true soul room.

Anyone ever gotten to see an INFJ's "Soul Room?" Do we have INFJs who have ever shown someone their "Soul Room?" I happen to think that plenty of other types can be equally secretive and have a mind like a labyrinth, but perhaps INFJs are even more, and more likely to be, this way.