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Um, well we're advancing quite nicely, I think.
We've begun the next phase of the project, which is quite an ambitious one. It is to create a objective catalog of all human motions and see how they statistically cluster together, without using any framework as a starting point. It is also a democratic, and group undertaking. So, whereas phase 1 (or Beta 0.1) was an intentional attempt to decipher the parallels in visual expressions that Jungian Types have, this is an attempt to see how, naturally, all expressions cluster together when examined in detail and in mass quantities.
So per example, we take a video at a time, and break the whole video up into hundreds of clips (separating all individual motions the person does), and then document recurring motions - and label them. Then see who else they appear on. Through this process, we're slowly building a database of all human motions (and their connections to each other) that is objective (As in, not within the brain of one person, but external and each deduction is entirely traceable from its origin).
We currently have the catalog stationed here:
And it's five of us that are doing this cataloging atm, here: (we're always open for more!)
This project is potentially infinite -- but we do wish to develop a decent enough reservoir to then begin pivoting the results against neuroscience - to see what parallels exist between clusters of motions and brain activity. And see if it is then possible, by this process, to predict a person's likely brain activity based on their displayed motions. That would be phase 3. Which would require the purchase of an EEG, something I'm saving up for.
Yeah, Tori Amos is a pretty clear one.P.S. ...I was also glad to find someone else thinks that Tori Amos is an INFJ and not an INFP like some say. Maybe you could read Kate Bush one day? ;D ...and if you also figure out Johnny Depp please let us know.
Kate Bush, she might actually be NiFe as well. But I'll have to take a better look at her.
And Johnny Depp is SiFe. This one I'm certain of.
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