the Introspective Ethics Crusader!

Divine Wannabee

no idea :)
With reference to my other post of course:


Can you relate to this INFJ title?

INFJ: Introspective Ethics Crusader


do you have an introspective approach?
Is your emphasis around ethics?
are you playing the role...Crusader?

is this descriptive enough to be the title for INFJ description pages?
This definition makes me doubt my INFJness.
Uhhh....not so much

introspective approach...personally, yes.
ethical emphasis....too idealistic to feel comfortable.
crusader, just no.
these are draft as remember.

INTJ:-Conceptual, Progressive, Director
INFJ:- Introspective, Ethics, Crusader
ISFJ:-Receptive, Moral

ENFP:-Inspired, Idealist, Initiator
ENTP:---------Creation, Originator
ESTP:-Spontaneous, Activation,

INTP:-Analytical, efficiency, architect
INFP:-Considerate, Balance, Projector
ISTP:---------------,Sustainability, Operative

Introspective? Not really.

Ethics? Not really.

Crusader? Not really.

You're not likely to get a one to one correspondance with anything that doesn't directly reference functions.
Just an editorial note, members can not restrict other members from posting just because of their type. Further, staff will not inforce this. As such, if other types wish to comment, they are permitted to do so.
Just an editorial note, members can not restrict other members from posting just because of their type. Further, staff will not inforce this. As such, if other types wish to comment, they are permitted to do so.

Lol Indy. I don't think he's saying "other types are banned from this thread! all comments will be deleted!".

He's saying "I'm only interested in how INFJs relate to the question I'm asking since this is intended to be an INFJ description, for INFJs". I mean, for science purposes he should be trying to make sure that as well as INFJs relating to the description that other types don't, and maybe that other types see INFJs this way, but like, there shouldn't be anything ethically wrong with that comment.
Okay, I'm going to be the first non-INFJ here, perhaps an outsider perspective would help hmm?

Introspective, Ethics, and Crusader all seem to be linked towards Fi rather than Fe. Even so, Fe isn't the main emphasis of an INFJ, it's Ni. If anything the role of an INFJ is truth finder, they need to understand absolutely everything, much like it's Ni partner, the INTJ.

An ethics crusader is much better suited to ExFJ to be honest.
Aesthetic Conceptualiser.

The rep button is located in the panel to your left.
Many INFJs see themselves more as defenders than attackers. A crusader is more of an attacker than something like a guardian.
Many INFJs see themselves more as defenders than attackers. A crusader is more of an attacker than something like a guardian.

yup :) I'll guide someone and help them :)
I feel like this is more of an infp/Fi thing.
u r right, this is a super Fi thing

i do not think that INFJs are capable of holding onto a set of principles firmly
from what i have seen their personal biases easily cloud their judgment
they seem mostly interested in promoting the interests of themselves and their friends/loved ones
they're not really "although i disagree with what you say, i will stand up for your right to say it" kinds of people
they're more "you are either with us or against us"
they're not really "although i disagree with what you say, i will stand up for your right to say it" kinds of people
they're more "you are either with us or against us"

From what I have observed in real life and on the forums, this has become blatantly obvious to me.

Stark contrast from the INTP and INTJ forums.