The Introvert and Living Alone

I like people.... DEPENDS on the people actually hehehe so... I think I would be lonely if I would live alone.

I do need my "alone time" once in a while but I have to be able to relate to people and be in harmony with them to be happy :)

Maybe an own room in the house would be just fine (as long as people would knock before entering and nobody would disturb me if I'm in my room) .. but living alone in a house is...!?!??!?!

So... I don't really want to live alone. <--- it really depends on the people I'm living with... if they're talking non stop.. then no... if they're distracting.. no too..... ahhahaha very few limited and chosen people would be perfect :)
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I lived alone for about 2 years between the time that I finished college and the time my now-husband moved in with me (wow, was it really only 2 years??). I adored living alone! I was able to watch as much Star Trek as I wanted, or spend time studying things unrelated to school, have alone time, go out in the city, do whatever I wanted. I really enjoyed the freedom that afforded me, and I did make sure to make the most of it, as I knew I wouldn't always have that luxury.

When I lived with roommates I chose during college (I lived with my best friend for a year or two, and with an earlier boyfriend for a year or so), I enjoyed that as well, but even my best friend did sometimes get on my nerves. By the time I moved out of her place, it was necessary for our friendship. I also liked living with my parents again for a short time after finishing college before I got my own place.

Now, I like living with my husband. It's nice to have someone to help out around the house, and someone just to sit with in the evenings. It helps, though, that he has a different work schedule than I do, so I have built in time to myself to do my own thing. And that he understands my need for alone time.

I would say living with my husband is my favorite, but living alone is a close second. I do sometimes miss the freedom I used to have, but it's worth it.:m015:
I do like being alone in the house (but I live with my mum and sis). I like being able to go at my own pace and I find it easier to concentrate.
But I do get a bit scared at night (I was probably traumatised as a child by watching too many horror films XD). Cats help with that though - they're very comforting.
I prefer living alone. In fact, I prefer being by myself almost all the time. I live right now with a roommate who is extremely extroverted and doesn't stop talking. I'm enjoying 10 days of peace from him at the moment. I've lived alone before and I suppose there is that loneliness, but I embraced it. I find that when I am living alone I tend to reach a point rather quickly where I start feeling like I need to get out more. I feel more motivated and energized by myself. There is a better flow in my life. Then again, the only roommates I've ever had are extroverted busy bodies, and because of that I tend to try to isolate myself to avoid their chaos.

I understand what you mean about feeling lonelier at night. I live in a big city right now and sometimes feel more comfortable knowing someone is in the other bedroom, but more or less I get over it and enjoy the quiet. I tend to view it as an opportunity for peace and quiet as opposed to being alone and lonely though, so maybe that's why it's easy for me.
I've lived alone on and off over the past year and it has been a wonderful, rewarding experience. Years ago, when I was 18 and went to college, I lived alone for six months and I was miserable. No money. No internet. And in a big city struggling to make friends. I didn't know what to do with myself.

It's very different now. I have a longstanding ENTP friend who lives in my house on and off (he leaves the country for a few months, then comes back etc) and I revel in the solitude. I seem to be more focused, read more, relax more, cook better food and get more things done. Being alone is different from being lonely, though. I have a circle of very close friends who I see usually towards the end of the week and I do have a girlfriend. To be honest, if I could afford the mortgage on my own, I'd go it alone.

As it stands, if I don't get at least two nights a week where I am totally on my own I start to go nuts. Need cave time... I don't know what I'll do if I ever have a family haha
As it stands, if I don't get at least two nights a week where I am totally on my own I start to go nuts. Need cave time... I don't know what I'll do if I ever have a family haha

Yeah. I need cave time so much sometimes, and always having people around feels almost claustrophobic. So, the next time i live on my own, i'd like the relief of alone time. But it's also nice to have a consistent group of friends around.
Living alone is superb because it leaves me free
to be the sole controller of the environment.
Everything remains clean and how I like it.

I noticed when I was living by myself I became
more extroverted. I met my old neighbours. We
did yard work together. They were married to
one another for sixty years.
I've lived alone for many years; it's not especially comfortable or uncomfortable. I wouldn't might a change of scenery.
I had a suite to myself for most of the summer last summer, which was pretty suite. I liked having time away from everyone and everything for an extended period of time, because it gave me time to try new ways of being without people asking questions. However, if I could have any arrangement I'd want to share a place with another person I think. For me it's a tradeoff, because people can be annoying but also bring a degree of interestingness to life. If it was just a matter of loneliness I'd live by myself. There's a kind of sweetness to loneliness that can't be found in the annoyance of having another person to interfere with my private time.
Depends on the letters that follow the I.
Pretty sure INFJ's would eat themselves up if left alone for too long, despite requiring high amounts of personal space. It would be more typical of my type to flourish in such a situation.
You know, while I'm positive I'm an introvert, I'm not sure how I would like living totally alone. Because being as an INFJ, I would have to benefit humanity somehow, even if it was just doing the dishes for a roomie or BF before they got home. I need some human contact, but I don't want a lot.
You know, while I'm positive I'm an introvert, I'm not sure how I would like living totally alone. Because being as an INFJ, I would have to benefit humanity somehow, even if it was just doing the dishes for a roomie or BF before they got home. I need some human contact, but I don't want a lot.

Yeah; this INFJ want's just very specific human contact, albeit plenty of it. I get my help-humanity (if not quite enough of it) jive from work and personal writing projects.
I don't think I could live alone for too long either.

I'd rather have my own room, but I wouldn't mind sharing an apartment with someone. I'd probably feel safer too
Ugh, humanity can burn for all I care, if it gets me space to think, walk and wander, then I'm all for it.
Ugh, humanity can burn for all I care, if it gets me space to think, walk and wander, then I'm all for it.

wow. sounds like someone is an ESFJ. sarcasm...
I have a problem with the fact that you have a problem with the fact that I said you're an ESFJ. You just seem so ballsy to me. Idk. maybe you're like.... a one of a kind. :m200:

You're talking to the guy that is afraid of crowds in his OWN street, nevermind halfway across the globe.:X
I have two roommates that I barely speak to, but I definitely get lonely when both of them disappear for more than a few days at a time.