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Step 1. Put your iTunes, iPod or music player of choice on "shuffle."
Step 2. Hit Next and Write Down the Song Corresponding to the List Question
Step 3. Don't cheat. It's make this more fun
What's The Song That's Playing When You're...
Waking Up:
Good Day:
Bad Day:
Long day:
The Song You Fall Asleep To:
After a fight with your best friend:
After a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend:
Falling in love:
Breaking up:
Making up:
Being reckless:
Road trip:
Childhood memories:
Seeing an old love:
Angry mood:
Depressed mood:
Happy mood:
Quiet mood:
Loving mood:
The song you're remembered by:
Your wedding:
The song that ties your life together:
Your best friend's song for you:
The song that reminds you of your childhood town:
The song that reminds you of the one thing you wish you could get back:
Your drinking song:
Your party song:
Step 2. Hit Next and Write Down the Song Corresponding to the List Question
Step 3. Don't cheat. It's make this more fun

What's The Song That's Playing When You're...
Waking Up:
Good Day:
Bad Day:
Long day:
The Song You Fall Asleep To:
After a fight with your best friend:
After a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend:
Falling in love:
Breaking up:
Making up:
Being reckless:
Road trip:
Childhood memories:
Seeing an old love:
Angry mood:
Depressed mood:
Happy mood:
Quiet mood:
Loving mood:
The song you're remembered by:
Your wedding:
The song that ties your life together:
Your best friend's song for you:
The song that reminds you of your childhood town:
The song that reminds you of the one thing you wish you could get back:
Your drinking song:
Your party song: