Holy craps! It's starting to make sense! I have to CARE about something before Fe helps me be organized about it.
I have ALL KINDS of ADD traits. I've never bothered to be tested, though, as I'd much rather learn to deal with it on my own. I hate labels, and I hate having to rely on drugs.
On that note... I've just taken the above-mentioned quiz. I scored 20! I appear to be suffering from - ooh! Pretty butterfly!
So, my question is this: Do INFJs need to somehow convince/train themselves to care about something before we'll be organized about it? How can I go about increasing my emotional investment in something to help me be organized better?
Also: Question 4 on that quiz says "When you have a task that requires a lot of thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting started?" This has been me since birth. What is this indicative of? What are the associated cognitive functions? How can I work on this?
EDIT: I'm actually on the forum right now because I'm procrastinating something rather important... *sheepish grin*