The Kid

I would tell her to love her parents even more, show care and love to other people (but not to forget herself ) even if sometimes, it would means sacrificing a lot of things, she should help and care and love other people because her life is not only for her. life is not only about one person.. and that true happiness is deeper than a smile
oh.. and.. i would want her to make mistakes because she would learn from it more rather than me telling her to do this and not to do that..
i will let God guide her :) :)
Hypothetically speaking, if you were to travel back in time and as a result meet up with your younger self, what sort of advice would you give to him/her if any as to what the future holds for them? Would you let fate guide the child or would you take a stand and tell him/her the should's or should nots in their road up ahead?

If I could go back to the past and tell my younger self anything I would tell her this;

"No matter how hard it gets, no matter what troubles are ahead of you, never, ever give up on your dreams, no matter what anybody says."

and also;
"Remember kid, smile, keep your chin up and keep marching forward, no matter what." :m159:
"Be yourself and be happy, for you and for me."
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Id go back and tell myself to always Trust myself. And that my heart was always be right...or our heart.

And not to fear.

And that...I love and must forgive ourselves for what we have done.

or quite frankly id just prevent those bad comings. yup:mjap::m168::m168:
I would tell myself to avoid AT ALL COSTS!

J/K, I would tell myself that I have extreme social anxiety, and that I need to seek out help.
After disguising myself enough so my younger self wouldn't see any resemblence in me, I would tell myself:

If you don't study the piano, I'll know about it and come get you.

Fear would have been just about the only thing that would have made me practice back then.