The limits of an angel

Picking on the underdog or screwing with people I love. I will ruthlessly cut anyone down if you screw with any of my friends or loved ones. You can say anything in the world to me, but if you hurt anyone I love.... be prepared to see a different side of me. I won't stop until I'm sure you're humiliated in front of the people you respect the most. But that's rare.

Nailed mine. I can't stand that sort of behavior and it's the only thing I can think of that'll get me going.
OOhhhhh, nice topic! It isn't about specific ideas, because those specific things aren't enough if I'm in cooperation with someone in some way, because I can always talk with them and reason with them. Anybody has views and attitudes that came from somewhere, and so it's a matter of speaking to that. I'm pretty good softly making them realize that there are things missing from their perspective.

But there are times when hatred just consumes me. I don't exploed, I just don't, and it hasn't happend, but I have developed grudge-like hatred. So, I have a friend who I'm close to who is a hilarious guy and a really cool person, but some people just don't get him, and while some will just be reasonable and accept that there is a weird but yet good-willed character in front of them, others have made the mistake of disrespecting him in an overt way... Just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm on fire with defensiveness..... I haven't stopped hating the few people who would disrespect someone as nice and good-willed as my friend...

So really, there isn't a viewpoint or an idea that lights me on fire with defensiveness, because eyes and perspectives can be adjusted. What gets me are those occasions where people can actually take the steps in a motivated way to really disrespect someone with the clear message of tearing them down, maybe make them more downtrodden than they already were... That fills me with sooooo much anger and hatred, and I won't likely forgive them.
Coffeeshop Diva, I agree: Calling me crazy and belittling my feelings push my limits.

But insulting my intelligence does not push my limits. I'm a perfect blend of egotism and humility that if I make an arrogant statement or claim and it's countered critically, I'll take the remark seriously enough to evaluate it for truth.

Also, I know I'm a bullshitter and I kinda like being called out on it.
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Arrogance, hurting others, judgemental people...those things REALLY piss me off.
I really have a foul taste in my mouth for aggresive people and dishonesty. There is only a specific type of aggresive person that can do it, too. Not the young, ambition men and women who will eventually end up failing because of their agressive nature; No, the ones who talk tough but you've never really seen them in a fight. The ones who you'd like to smash in the face a few times, but it would only prove how fucking sick you think they are, and that you are indeed not indifferent to their talk.
First of all, I'm no angel. I have a temper and my fuse is pretty short, but only when it comes to a few thing, namely:

-passive-aggressive behavior
-being talked over
-someone hurting a loved one, especially one of my sons
-physical assault (I *will* fight back, no matter how uneven the odds)

The last is probably not the wisest course of action, since it can be like pouring gasoline on a fire, but it's kind of a knee-jerk reaction with me.

Looking at this list, it's no wonder my second marriage was so volatile.
Mine are:
  • Deliberate indifference. I feel very sad when someone decides to ignore others or myself because of their selfish attitude.
  • Being an ass
  • Hiding important information "for my own good".
  • When people are too nice just for the sake of getting away with things.
  • Pushing my buttons just to get me angrier.
  • Talking behind someone else's back. A biggie for me
  • Disrespectful behavior
  • Child molestation or any inappropriate behavior towards minors
  • Religious superiority. People who think because they are a part of a religious community they have the right to judge you.
  • Same-race bad talk. Thinking because you are black you can call other blacks the "N"word. Or mexicans calling other mexicans "beaners" or any kind of prejudicial talk towards others