The LONGEST personality test in the world.

as it is, i've recently started using services that'll help cut down on the unsolicited junk mail coming to my physical address... hateful stuff. People killing trees trying to egg me into buying things I don't want.

How have you done this exactly? I'd love to be able to stop all the crap that comes through my letterbox could just use another email if you are worried of that sort of thing(I did)
What do you guys think about your results?

For example: In reading through Indigo's results - I'd say he already knew most of that information about himself. Was anything new revealed?
I'm only on page 11 so far. The results up to now seen reasonably accurate. Although it doesn't really give an in depth description. Just a couple of sentences that would probably apply to most people

I'm not overly impressed so far
No, nothing new.

Just accurate information.
If you know yourself, it won't offer up anything you didn't know. But it could unofficially diagnose depression or anger issues, or at least something you should look into further. But if we really are honest with ourselves, we'll know that no personality test can tell us something we don't already know.
Thank you guys for the feedback.

If you know yourself, it won't offer up anything you didn't know. But it could unofficially diagnose depression or anger issues, or at least something you should look into further. But if we really are honest with ourselves, we'll know that no personality test can tell us something we don't already know.

The best tests tell you things about yourself that you already knew, but didn't know that you knew. If that makes sense.

Quite often we think we already know a piece of information but have never previously considered it consciously. Or they explain things we knew in a new way allowing us to gain new insights. I think this is what people are really hoping to happen when they take a test

The more tests you take the less likely it is that each test will do this as you've heard it all before.
Category A: Introversion/Extraversion

1. Activity
(Norm=16) Your Score: 14
You are are moderately active and don't mind doing activities if they are not too demanding. You are unlikely to be fanatic or obsessive in your behavior, but on the other hand, you may procrastinate or put things off if any doubts or fears are involved. NOTE: The score obtained by a majority of other people representing the particular culture in which this questionnaire was originally tested, provides a "norm." No evaluation, complimentary or condemnatory, should be attached to extreme scores, high or low. The norm is not necessarily "right" as the majority of people tested may have a cultural tendency that is far from optimum.

2. Sociability
(Norm=16) Your Score: 6
You may prefer to have only a few special friends (who are like you) and you most enjoy doing things on your own. You tend to be self-conscious and worry about finding things to talk about with other people. Though you may feel content enough, you may seem to others to be introverted and, possibly, unfriendly. You have probably had frustrating or humiliating experiences in the past when trying to communicate and so you avoid risking a repetition. You may justify this with a consideration that others are unintelligent or trivial, further solidifying your inhibition. Or you may simply feel that you have better things to do!

3. Risk-Taking
(Norm=15) Your Score: 13

You are prepared to take risks but only for a very good reason and if the danger is minimal.

4. Impulsiveness
(Norm=17) Your Score: 12

You normally reflect at least a little before you act and you're aware of warning signs. You're not inhibited from doing something that may well be a beneficial opportunity.

5. Expressiveness
(Norm=11) Your Score: 10

You may be reluctant to express particularly intimate or painful emotions outwardly and openly, but you're not normally held back from the expression of your thoughts and feelings.

6. Reflectiveness
(Norm=17) Your Score: 20
our Score is in the Medium Range

You tend to give matters due consideration before you commit yourself. You'll look at the pros and cons - but not obsessively so; you can make a decision in good time and act on it.

7. Responsibility
(Norm=14) Your Score: 24

Responsibility is a trait that leans somewhat towards introversion. You are likely to be conscientious (even compulsively so), reliable, trustworthy and serious-minded. While many extraverts portray a person who is confident and responsible, this may be misleading... an element of introversion in the area of responsibility serves as a valuable balance.

Category B: Emotional Stability

8. Self-Esteem
(Norm=18) Your Score: 5
Lack of self esteem, or "inferiority complex," is a trait of emotional instability or neuroticism. A low score indicates you have a low opinion of yourself and tend to project that opinion into other peoples' minds so that you then assume that others consider you unattractive or incapable. This makes you self-conscious and inhibited. Such "mind-reading" needs to be disputed. It will help you to recover self-esteem by recognizing all of your achievements and the ways you are capable and competent.

9. Happiness
(Norm=18) Your Score: 13
You are not entirely satisfied with your work, play and relationships. Some things are upsetting for you and some problems cause worries. Life is full of challenges but to be happy we need some success at overcoming them - for this reason Trans4mind's personal development resources are organized around 30 or so common Life Challenges, so that you can focus on and learn new skills in these areas.

10. Anxiety
(Norm=15) Your Score: 7

Those with low scores are placid, serene and resistant to irrational fears and anxieties - that is, provided they are reasonably happy and outgoing. This implies an understanding that problems are best faced with equanimity, that resistance does not make them go away, and that problems - if faced squarely - are really the stuff that makes life interesting. A person in apathy or grief, however, may not feel anxiety because he has already given up (fear being a more causative emotional tone than apathy or grief).

11. Obsessiveness
(Norm=10) Your Score: 11

You are reasonably casual and easy-going, and you can be spontaneous and have fun. However, you also see the need for order, routine and ritual when appropriate.

12. Independence
(Norm=15) Your Score: 22

You enjoy a great deal of freedom and independence, make your own decisions and take realistic actions towards achieving your own goals in life.

13. Hypochondria
(Norm=9) Your Score: 11

You are concerned about your health, but not obsessively so. You are realistic and don't imagine problems you haven't got. The problems you do have are not amplified by irrational fears. Nevertheless fears about ill health in the future may exist - it's important to take full responsibility about your health to ensure such fears are unfounded.

14. Guilt (Norm=12) Your Score: 10

You may regret some incidents in your past. Also you may be concerned about an aspect of your present behavior that you don't feel is as ethical as it should be. You also may accept things as being 'right' or 'wrong' due to cultural influence without making your own independent and objective evaluation.

Category C: Mastery/Sympathy

15. Aggressiveness
(Norm=12) Your Score: 11
You are rarely overtly hostile, but you still may on occasion use aggressive means to get your way or impose your will, and you feel aggressive if you consider yourself wronged.

16. Assertiveness
(Norm=15) Your Score: 18

You normally stand up for your rights and express your point of view, but may back off if there is a likelihood of 'causing a fuss' or aggression from a person in authority. Assertiveness is often confused with aggressiveness, but really it is a matter of standing up for your rights and for what you feel is right. As long as you are not rude, or inconsiderate of the rights of others, the ability to be assertive is an asset and is necessary to achieve worthwhile aims and impose some order and justice in your environment.

17. Ambition
(Norm=14) Your Score: 21
You are ambitious, hard-working, competitive, keen to improve your social standing and you place a high value on productivity or creative output. You have clear aims in life and you're willing to put in the effort to achieve them.

18. Manipulation
(Norm=12) Your Score: 6

You are warm-hearted, trusting, empathetic, straightforward, honest and altruistic, perhaps also a little naive and gullible.

19. Sensation-Seeking
(Norm=15) Your Score: 11

You like a little excitement and adventure but not at the cost - at least for long - of the security and relationships of your normal home and work environment.

20. Dogmatism
(Norm=15) Your Score: 12

You like to think you look at things objectively and flexibly, not just in black and white. However, there may be areas of prejudice, where you have fixed ideas that prevent an objective overview, and you may not even be conscious of this. Always good to look again at the facts and the merits of all sides of an argument.

21. Masculinity/Femininity
(Norm=13) Your Score: 18
You have a balance of both masculine and feminine characteristics. With balance, the men are not suppressing their 'feminine side' and the women are not suppressing 'masculine' characteristics, since we all have both masculine and feminine traits in our makeup - indeed we need these to express our full potential. Obviously men tend to score more toward masculine on average than women but there is a great deal of variation within each sex and the cultural conditioning of gender stereotypes is under increasing scrutiny.

Category D: Sexuality

22. Sexual Libido
(Norm=21) Your Score: 28
Sexual libido (sex drive) is often correlated with quick sexual arousal, interest in visual explicitness and a liking for impersonal penetrative sex, which is rather a masculine view of the nature of sex and does not take account of the equally strong more feminine drive towards procreation, the aesthetic pleasure and eroticism of sex, and the expression of intimacy through shared pleasure and contact. When partners are happy to contribute towards the fulfillment of each other's needs and desires, then compatibility is possible and male values complement female. This requires communication, honesty and empathy, which is why sex in the context of a loving relationship is so much more fulfilling. With your libido on the high side, you may tend to regard your partner as a sex object and pay little attention to his or her personality and desires, and in particular to seek only sensual satisfaction rather than a meaningful personal relationship. Women tend to regard this form of sexual behavior as less attractive than do men; for a woman, eroticism tends to require more emotional commitment. As a high scorer, you tend to value sexual pleasure above other aspects of a loving relationship. Extreme high scores suggest a compulsion for sexual outlet, in which case this may be a substitute for a suppressed major unmet need (e.g. for love, belonging or intimacy); if this is not handled and a normal sexual expression is not possible then socially unacceptable means may be turned to.

23. Sexual Satisfaction
(Norm=21) Your Score: 30
Your high score indicates considerable sexual fulfillment which is naturally a very desirable state of affairs.

24. Sexual Permissiveness
(Norm=16) Your Score: 16

You consider sexual intercourse as a far from trivial act, and you have regard for the fidelity of your relationship. You may tend to be jealous upon occasion but you don't let irrational fears in this respect destroy your relationship. You are willing to experiment with new and various ways of fulfilling your mutual attraction with your partner.

25. Sexual Stereotype
(Norm=16) Your Score: 13

You may not hold particularly 'stereotypical' male or female views, or you may have some stereotypical views of the way men and women 'are' but be more open minded in other respects. You could be a male with a relatively feminine attitude towards sex and gender, or a female with a relatively masculine attitude; this is not necessarily connected with homosexuality - it may just as likely be a more open-minded view of these issues than the stereotypes.

Category E: Social & Political Attitudes

26. Social Permissiveness
(Norm=15) Your Score: 15
You only favor censorship in extreme cases, and legal control only of clearly dangerous practices. You are tolerant of alternative views, even those that may threaten the status quo, but only if they are rational and based on objective criticism. You welcome genuine reform, though it may be with the proviso that it doesn't step on your own toes.

27. Racism
(Norm=11) Your Score: 2
You recognize the essential worth of all persons, whatever their race, sex, age, ability, belief, inclination or circumstance and therefore would not discriminate between people for any of those reasons.

28. Belief (Norm=15) Your Score: 11

You are likely to have taken on a range of beliefs that were were taught by parents teachers, church and social media. Nevertheless you may question some of these and be skeptical about adopting new beliefs.

29. Socialism/Capitalism
(Norm=23) Your Score: 31
You have a socialist outlook, with sympathy toward working people and resentment toward those who receive unearned income or excessive profits; you favor internationalism and the redistribution of wealth. In the context of the other Traits in this Category, socialists tend to be radical and progressive. On the radical side, a tough-minded socialist may tend towards communism; a very permissive radical may tend towards anarchy.

30. Libertarianism
(Norm=11) Your Score: 15
You favor some necessary but minimal degree of regulation, of both business and many aspects of individual behavior. You value individual freedoms but not at the expense of public safety and a sensible degree of order.

31. Reactionism
(Norm=16) Your Score: 13

You like to think you are a progressive thinker, open to new ideas - but then you may react against movements that threaten your interests directly, whether or not they are based on reason. This scale has fairly high correlation with age.

32. Pacifism
(Norm=10) Your Score: 13
You favor the maintenance of military strength to provide an effective deterrence and defense against enemies of the state. You believe that violence is only acceptable in self-defense, and that all means should be applied to preserve natural justice including violence but only as a last resort.
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I think the thing with me is that I do know myself but I did not know if my viewpoints were normal or abnormal. I grew up in a hyperconservative home life and rejected most of it, but I didn't know where I was on a scale of normal viewpoints, liberal viewpoints, or conservative viewpoints, if that makes sense. This helped clarify where I was in relation to others.
I tried but it's just too long.
I fail lol
I got through about 6 sections before I gave up.
HELP! I couldn't understand this question "Do you seem to have more than your share of bad luck?"

1. Activity (Norm=16) Your Score: 14 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are are moderately active and don't mind doing activities if they are not too demanding. You are unlikely to be fanatic or obsessive in your behavior, but on the other hand, you may procrastinate or put things off if any doubts or fears are involved. NOTE: The score obtained by a majority of other people representing the particular culture in which this questionnaire was originally tested, provides a "norm." No evaluation, complimentary or condemnatory, should be attached to extreme scores, high or low. The norm is not necessarily "right" as the majority of people tested may have a cultural tendency that is far from optimum.

2. Sociability (Norm=16) Your Score: 11 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You will probably have a range of friends and associates but not consider yourself particularly "popular." You feel comfortable enough in company but don't particularly relish being in social situations with people you don't know well.

3. Risk-Taking (Norm=15) Your Score: 8Your Score is in the Low Range
You prefer familiarity, safety and security, even if it means sacrificing some degree of excitement in your life. If your score is very low, your life may be severely limited by always expecting the worst and it may be time to reappraise those fears, perhaps with the help of a psychotherapist.

4. Impulsiveness
(Norm=17) Your Score: 13 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You normally reflect at least a little before you act and you're aware of warning signs. You're not inhibited from doing something that may well be a beneficial opportunity.

5. Expressiveness (Norm=11) Your Score: 11 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You may be reluctant to express particularly intimate or painful emotions outwardly and openly, but you're not normally held back from the expression of your thoughts and feelings.

6. Reflectiveness (Norm=17) Your Score: 24 Your Score is in the High Range
To reflect is to think and imagine, within your own mental universe. You tend therefore toward introversion. You are interested in knowledge for its own sake, rather than just its practical application. You are generally thoughtful and introspective, and are interested in ideas, abstractions and speculations. The introspection may however occur because you have received information that confuses your thinking, or you accepted another's evaluation which causes you to doubt your own viewpoint and reality. Or you may have problems that are unsolvable because you are unwilling to face the realities of the situation, and you try to find solace in theories or dogma.
Of course, the ability to look inward and reflect is necessary for considered actions, and the ability to visualize objectives and be open to intuitive ideas is behind all human creativity. Reflection is also necessary for the process of re-evaluation of one's beliefs and strategies. But when this occurs without objectivity or direction, it is a quagmire.

7. Responsibility (Norm=14) Your Score: 21 Your Score is in the High Range
Responsibility is a trait that leans somewhat towards introversion. You are likely to be conscientious (even compulsively so), reliable, trustworthy and serious-minded. While many extraverts portray a person who is confident and responsible, this may be misleading... an element of introversion in the area of responsibility serves as a valuable balance.

Category B: Emotional Stability

8. Self-Esteem (Norm=18) Your Score: 9 Your Score is in the Low Range
Lack of self esteem, or "inferiority complex," is a trait of emotional instability or neuroticism. A low score indicates you have a low opinion of yourself and tend to project that opinion into other peoples' minds so that you then assume that others consider you unattractive or incapable. This makes you self-conscious and inhibited. Such "mind-reading" needs to be disputed. It will help you to recover self-esteem by recognizing all of your achievements and the ways you are capable and competent.

9. Happiness (Norm=18) Your Score: 17 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are not entirely satisfied with your work, play and relationships. Some things are upsetting for you and some problems cause worries. Life is full of challenges but to be happy we need some success at overcoming them - for this reason Trans4mind's personal development resources are organized around 30 or so common Life Challenges, so that you can focus on and learn new skills in these areas.

10. Anxiety (Norm=15) Your Score: 25 Your Score is in the High Range
Anxious persons are easily upset when things go slightly wrong and are inclined to worry unnecessarily about what may or may not happen. They are ruled by fears and suffer a high level of stress. When anxieties are exaggerated or irrational, emotions become unstable and may develop into neurotic compulsions or phobias.

11. Obsessiveness
(Norm=10) Your Score: 14 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are reasonably casual and easy-going, and you can be spontaneous and have fun. However, you also see the need for order, routine and ritual when appropriate.

12. Independence (Norm=15) Your Score: 20 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You tend to base your life on the way you have been brought up, fulfilling your parent's expectations, and conforming to the fashions of your peer group. But sometimes you "wake up" and reject overt dismissal of your freedoms and rights. A person may be self-directed or directed by others. Autonomy or self-determinism is eroded by the cultural conditioning of our upbringing and the continuous assault of the media, so that many lives are to a considerable extent programmed, as in a hypnotic trance. Therefore it is a good idea to regularly "wake up" and check if you still are being true to yourself.

13. Hypochondria (Norm=9) Your Score: 10 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are concerned about your health, but not obsessively so. You are realistic and don't imagine problems you haven't got. The problems you do have are not amplified by irrational fears. Nevertheless fears about ill health in the future may exist - it's important to take full responsibility about your health to ensure such fears are unfounded.

14. Guilt
(Norm=12) Your Score: 16 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You may regret some incidents in your past. Also you may be concerned about an aspect of your present behavior that you don't feel is as ethical as it should be. You also may accept things as being 'right' or 'wrong' due to cultural influence without making your own independent and objective evaluation.

Category C: Mastery/Sympathy

15. Aggressiveness
(Norm=12) Your Score: 13Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are rarely overtly hostile, but you still may on occasion use aggressive means to get your way or impose your will, and you feel aggressive if you consider yourself wronged.

16. Assertiveness
(Norm=15) Your Score: 170 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You normally stand up for your rights and express your point of view, but may back off if there is a likelihood of 'causing a fuss' or aggression from a person in authority. Assertiveness is often confused with aggressiveness, but really it is a matter of standing up for your rights and for what you feel is right. As long as you are not rude, or inconsiderate of the rights of others, the ability to be assertive is an asset and is necessary to achieve worthwhile aims and impose some order and justice in your environment.

17. Ambition (Norm=14) Your Score: 22 Your Score is in the High Range
You are ambitious, hard-working, competitive, keen to improve your social standing and you place a high value on productivity or creative output. You have clear aims in life and you're willing to put in the effort to achieve them.

18. Manipulation
(Norm=12) Your Score: 11 Your Score is in the Medium Range
On occasion you may feel the need to be manipulative. Most people would like to have empathic relationships since empathy is necessary for good communication, shared agreements and mutual understanding. However, the need to be right, fixed ideas and the stresses of survival may sometimes drive people into manipulative strategies, as seen all too commonly in the home or in the workplace.19. Sensation-Seeking (Norm=15) Your Score: 130 - 1010 - 2121 - 3127 Jan 2011 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You like a little excitement and adventure but not at the cost - at least for long - of the security and relationships of your normal home and work environment.20. Dogmatism (Norm=15) Your Score: 130 - 1010 - 2121 - 3127 Jan 2011 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You like to think you look at things objectively and flexibly, not just in black and white. However, there may be areas of prejudice, where you have fixed ideas that prevent an objective overview, and you may not even be conscious of this. Always good to look again at the facts and the merits of all sides of an argument.

21. Masculinity/Femininity
(Norm=13) Your Score: 6 Your Score is in the Low Range
You are easily upset by another's misfortune, by blood, bugs, brutality, etc., and are fascinated by delicate matters such as romance, children, fine arts, flowers and clothes. Obviously women tend to score more toward the feminine than men but there is a great deal of variation within each sex and the cultural conditioning of gender stereotypes is under increasing scrutiny.

Category D: Sexuality

22. Sexual Libido (Norm=27) Your Score: 25 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are likely to have occasional impulses for voyeurism or exhibitionism, and desire for the physical act of intercourse with an appropriate partner. Without the right partner you may find it hard to get sexually aroused and enjoy responsive sex. Sexual response is affected by cultural conditioning, past painful or pleasurable experiences and of course conscious preference; there is no "how it should be." Sexuality is also affected by individual bio-rhythms, age and emotional tone. Stress, nervousness and tension, especially regarding the partner, are an immediate destroyer of sexual feelings.

23. Sexual Satisfaction (Norm=21) Your Score: 10 Your Score is in the Low Range
You are likely to be dissatisfied with your sex life and possibly you are quite unhappy about this, since the sex drive is such a basic part of our makeup. Sexual inhibitions can cause a real sense of imbalance or dysfunction in your life and behavior, such as sexual shyness, prudishness and disgust. You may tend to feel nervous with the opposite sex, embarrassed when taking about sex and sometimes afraid of sexual relationships altogether, e.g. in case they are inadequate or in case the partner behaves without empathy or in a way they disapprove of. A compulsion (a normal urge that becomes amplified when it is resisted) that cannot be normally satisfied, e.g. due to shyness or the partner's refusal, may lead to exhibitionism, voyeurism, or even enforced sex on unwilling participants. Very often the cause is misinformation about the nature and value of sex (e.g. from parents, peers, media or religion) or bad experiences with others who were themselves neurotic or psychotic in this area. Another primary reason is a failure in communication between the partners.

24. Sexual Permissiveness (Norm=16) Your Score: 18 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You consider sexual intercourse as a far from trivial act, and you have regard for the fidelity of your relationship. You may tend to be jealous upon occasion but you don't let irrational fears in this respect destroy your relationship. You are willing to experiment with new and various ways of fulfilling your mutual attraction with your partner

25. Sexual Stereotype (Norm=24) Your Score: 15 Your Score is in the Low Range
You tend to agree with a stereotypical female point of view regarding sexual matters and to disagree with the typical male point of view.

Category E: Social & Political Attitudes

26. Social Permissiveness
(Norm=15) Your Score: 20 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You only favor censorship in extreme cases, and legal control only of clearly dangerous practices. You are tolerant of alternative views, even those that may threaten the status quo, but only if they are rational and based on objective criticism. You welcome genuine reform, though it may be with the proviso that it doesn't step on your own toes

27. Racism (Norm=11) Your Score: 1 Your Score is in the Low Range
You recognize the essential worth of all persons, whatever their race, sex, age, ability, belief, inclination or circumstance and therefore would not discriminate between people for any of those reasons.

28. Belief (Norm=15) Your Score: 11Your Score is in the Medium Range
You are likely to have taken on a range of beliefs that were were taught by parents teachers, church and social media. Nevertheless you may question some of these and be skeptical about adopting new beliefs.

29. Socialism/Capitalism (Norm=23) Your Score: 33 Your Score is in the High Range
You have a socialist outlook, with sympathy toward working people and resentment toward those who receive unearned income or excessive profits; you favor internationalism and the redistribution of wealth. In the context of the other Traits in this Category, socialists tend to be radical and progressive. On the radical side, a tough-minded socialist may tend towards communism; a very permissive radical may tend towards anarchy.

30. Libertarianism (Norm=11) Your Score: 15 Your Score is in the Medium Range
You favor some necessary but minimal degree of regulation, of both business and many aspects of individual behavior. You value individual freedoms but not at the expense of public safety and a sensible degree of order.

31. Reactionism (Norm=16) Your Score: 8 Your Score is in the Low Range
You are a progressive thinker, open to new ideas and future-oriented. You think that life is getting better - but then you may just be following the tide or latest fashion.

32. Pacifism
(Norm=10) Your Score: 21 Your Score is in the High Range
You believe there is no justification for war; you would prefer a policy of non-violence whatever the outcome might be - indeed you may think a Gandhi-like policy would ultimately be more effective. Being gentle, humane and empathetic, you are repulsed by all violence. Generally speaking, women tend to be more pacifist than men, though that stereotype may become a thing of the past
First of all, WTF with the socialist one? Psh,
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Category A: Introversion/Extraversion
1. Activity (Norm=16) Your Score: 15
You are are moderately active and don't mind doing activities if they are not too demanding. You are unlikely to be fanatic or obsessive in your behavior, but on the other hand, you may procrastinate or put things off if any doubts or fears are involved. NOTE: The score obtained by a majority of other people representing the particular culture in which this questionnaire was originally tested, provides a "norm." No evaluation, complimentary or condemnatory, should be attached to extreme scores, high or low. The norm is not necessarily "right" as the majority of people tested may have a cultural tendency that is far from optimum.

2. Sociability (Norm=16) Your Score: 11
You will probably have a range of friends and associates but not consider yourself particularly "popular." You feel comfortable enough in company but don't particularly relish being in social situations with people you don't know well.

3. Risk-Taking
(Norm=15) Your Score: 11
You are prepared to take risks but only for a very good reason and if the danger is minimal.

4. Impulsiveness
(Norm=17) Your Score: 12
You normally reflect at least a little before you act and you're aware of warning signs. You're not inhibited from doing something that may well be a beneficial opportunity.

5. Expressiveness
(Norm=11) Your Score: 23
Your ability to express your emotions outwardly and openly - whether love, hate, sorrow, anger or fear - is one of the factors that goes to make up extraversion. You may at times tend to be volatile and demonstrative.

6. Reflectiveness
(Norm=17) Your Score: 27
To reflect is to think and imagine, within your own mental universe. You tend therefore toward introversion. You are interested in knowledge for its own sake, rather than just its practical application. You are generally thoughtful and introspective, and are interested in ideas, abstractions and speculations. The introspection may however occur because you have received information that confuses your thinking, or you accepted another's evaluation which causes you to doubt your own viewpoint and reality. Or you may have problems that are unsolvable because you are unwilling to face the realities of the situation, and you try to find solace in theories or dogma.
Of course, the ability to look inward and reflect is necessary for considered actions, and the ability to visualize objectives and be open to intuitive ideas is behind all human creativity. Reflection is also necessary for the process of re-evaluation of one's beliefs and strategies. But when this occurs without objectivity or direction, it is a quagmire.

7. Responsibility
(Norm=14) Your Score: 14
You are reasonably careful and responsible about matters under your jurisdiction. You don't act rashly without proper consideration of what may happen.

Category B: Emotional Stability

8. Self-Esteem (Norm=18) Your Score: 10
Lack of self esteem, or "inferiority complex," is a trait of emotional instability or neuroticism. A low score indicates you have a low opinion of yourself and tend to project that opinion into other peoples' minds so that you then assume that others consider you unattractive or incapable. This makes you self-conscious and inhibited. Such "mind-reading" needs to be disputed. It will help you to recover self-esteem by recognizing all of your achievements and the ways you are capable and competent.

9. Happiness
(Norm=18) Your Score: 14
You are not entirely satisfied with your work, play and relationships. Some things are upsetting for you and some problems cause worries. Life is full of challenges but to be happy we need some success at overcoming them - for this reason Trans4mind's personal development resources are organized around 30 or so common Life Challenges, so that you can focus on and learn new skills in these areas.

10. Anxiety (Norm=15) Your Score: 20
Those with average scores get anxious on occasion, though not usually irrationally. They can face up to problems if they're not too threatening.

11. Obsessiveness (Norm=10) Your Score: 12
You are reasonably casual and easy-going, and you can be spontaneous and have fun. However, you also see the need for order, routine and ritual when appropriate.

12. Independence
(Norm=15) Your Score: 20
You tend to base your life on the way you have been brought up, fulfilling your parent's expectations, and conforming to the fashions of your peer group. But sometimes you "wake up" and reject overt dismissal of your freedoms and rights. A person may be self-directed or directed by others. Autonomy or self-determinism is eroded by the cultural conditioning of our upbringing and the continuous assault of the media, so that many lives are to a considerable extent programmed, as in a hypnotic trance. Therefore it is a good idea to regularly "wake up" and check if you still are being true to yourself.

13. Hypochondria (Norm=9) Your Score: 5
You are concerned about your health, but not obsessively so. You are realistic and don't imagine problems you haven't got. The problems you do have are not amplified by irrational fears. Nevertheless fears about ill health in the future may exist - it's important to take full responsibility about your health to ensure such fears are unfounded.

14. Guilt (Norm=12) Your Score: 13
You may regret some incidents in your past. Also you may be concerned about an aspect of your present behavior that you don't feel is as ethical as it should be. You also may accept things as being 'right' or 'wrong' due to cultural influence without making your own independent and objective evaluation.

Category C: Mastery/Sympathy

15. Aggressiveness
(Norm=12) Your Score: 18
You are given to the direct or indirect expression of aggression, e.g. through temper tantrums, fighting, violent arguments or sarcasm. You take no nonsense and feel compelled to return fire or get back at anyone who comes up against you. You like to be master of a situation and you aren't interested in the other's point of view or feelings. Sympathy is something you don't much understand because winning in a game is all-important and losers deserve to lose. You tend to be defensive and may really be covering up your own shortcomings, but far from having given up you energetically feel attack is the best form of defense.

16. Assertiveness (Norm=15) Your Score: 14
You normally stand up for your rights and express your point of view, but may back off if there is a likelihood of 'causing a fuss' or aggression from a person in authority. Assertiveness is often confused with aggressiveness, but really it is a matter of standing up for your rights and for what you feel is right. As long as you are not rude, or inconsiderate of the rights of others, the ability to be assertive is an asset and is necessary to achieve worthwhile aims and impose some order and justice in your environment.

17. Ambition
(Norm=14) Your Score: 19
You want to achieve good things in your life but you may back off, due to pressure to conform, the fear of failure (or even of success), or the lack of a clear vision for what you hope to achieve.

18. Manipulation (Norm=12) Your Score: 8
On occasion you may feel the need to be manipulative. Most people would like to have empathic relationships since empathy is necessary for good communication, shared agreements and mutual understanding. However, the need to be right, fixed ideas and the stresses of survival may sometimes drive people into manipulative strategies, as seen all too commonly in the home or in the workplace.

19. Sensation-Seeking
(Norm=15) Your Score: 12
You like a little excitement and adventure but not at the cost - at least for long - of the security and relationships of your normal home and work environment.

20. Dogmatism
(Norm=15) Your Score: 11
You like to think you look at things objectively and flexibly, not just in black and white. However, there may be areas of prejudice, where you have fixed ideas that prevent an objective overview, and you may not even be conscious of this. Always good to look again at the facts and the merits of all sides of an argument.

21. Masculinity/Femininity (Norm=13) Your Score: 11
You have a balance of both masculine and feminine characteristics. With balance, the men are not suppressing their 'feminine side' and the women are not suppressing 'masculine' characteristics, since we all have both masculine and feminine traits in our makeup - indeed we need these to express our full potential. Obviously men tend to score more toward masculine on average than women but there is a great deal of variation within each sex and the cultural conditioning of gender stereotypes is under increasing scrutiny.

Category D: Sexuality

22. Sexual Libido (Norm=27) Your Score: 28
You are likely to have occasional impulses for voyeurism or exhibitionism, and desire for the physical act of intercourse with an appropriate partner. Without the right partner you may find it hard to get sexually aroused and enjoy responsive sex. Sexual response is affected by cultural conditioning, past painful or pleasurable experiences and of course conscious preference; there is no "how it should be." Sexuality is also affected by individual bio-rhythms, age and emotional tone. Stress, nervousness and tension, especially regarding the partner, are an immediate destroyer of sexual feelings.

23. Sexual Satisfaction (Norm=21) Your Score: 31
Your high score indicates considerable sexual fulfillment which is naturally a very desirable state of affairs.

24. Sexual Permissiveness (Norm=16) Your Score: 12
You consider sexual intercourse as a far from trivial act, and you have regard for the fidelity of your relationship. You may tend to be jealous upon occasion but you don't let irrational fears in this respect destroy your relationship. You are willing to experiment with new and various ways of fulfilling your mutual attraction with your partner.

25. Sexual Stereotype (Norm=24) Your Score: 13
You tend to agree with a stereotypical female point of view regarding sexual matters and to disagree with the typical male point of view.

Category E: Social & Political Attitudes

26. Social Permissiveness (Norm=15) Your Score: 10
You only favor censorship in extreme cases, and legal control only of clearly dangerous practices. You are tolerant of alternative views, even those that may threaten the status quo, but only if they are rational and based on objective criticism. You welcome genuine reform, though it may be with the proviso that it doesn't step on your own toes.

27. Racism (Norm=11) Your Score: 1
You recognize the essential worth of all persons, whatever their race, sex, age, ability, belief, inclination or circumstance and therefore would not discriminate between people for any of those reasons.

28. Belief
(Norm=15) Your Score: 14
You are likely to have taken on a range of beliefs that were were taught by parents teachers, church and social media. Nevertheless you may question some of these and be skeptical about adopting new beliefs.

29. Socialism/Capitalism
(Norm=23) Your Score: 23
Between the totalitarian extremes of Right and Left lies the central majority of people, at least in Western democracies, with a range between Republican/Tory right-wing politics (tending to be religious); Democrats/Liberals in the center; and in Europe, Socialists/Labour on the left (with both the center and left tending to pacifism and environmental concerns).

30. Libertarianism (Norm=11) Your Score: 16
You favor some necessary but minimal degree of regulation, of both business and many aspects of individual behavior. You value individual freedoms but not at the expense of public safety and a sensible degree of order.

31. Reactionism (Norm=16) Your Score: 14
You like to think you are a progressive thinker, open to new ideas - but then you may react against movements that threaten your interests directly, whether or not they are based on reason. This scale has fairly high correlation with age.

32. Pacifism (Norm=10) Your Score: 12
You favor the maintenance of military strength to provide an effective deterrence and defense against enemies of the state. You believe that violence is only acceptable in self-defense, and that all means should be applied to preserve natural justice including violence but only as a last resort.
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Category A: Introversion/Extraversion

Activity       (Norm=16) Your Score: 15
HELP! I couldn't understand this question "Do you seem to have more than your share of bad luck?"

Just think about past events in your life, do things seem like they go wrong more for you than for others?
Do you know what my favourite thing about
everyone here is?

We all format our posts neatly ^_^
1. Activity (Norm=16) Your Score: 6
2. Sociability (Norm=16) Your Score: 6
3. Risk-Taking (Norm=15) Your Score: 8
4. Impulsiveness (Norm=17) Your Score: 4
5. Expressiveness (Norm=11) Your Score: 6
6. Reflectiveness (Norm=17) Your Score: 22
7. Responsibility (Norm=14) Your Score: 20
8. Self-Esteem (Norm=18) Your Score: 17
9. Happiness (Norm=18) Your Score: 23
10. Anxiety (Norm=15) Your Score: 14
11. Obsessiveness (Norm=10) Your Score: 12
12. Independence (Norm=15) Your Score: 27
13. Hypochondria (Norm=9) Your Score: 4
14. Guilt (Norm=12) Your Score: 3
15. Aggressiveness (Norm=12) Your Score: 5
16. Assertiveness (Norm=15) Your Score: 21
17. Ambition (Norm=14) Your Score: 11
18. Manipulation (Norm=12) Your Score: 15
19. Sensation-Seeking (Norm=15) Your Score: 7
20. Dogmatism (Norm=15) Your Score: 13
21. Masculinity/Femininity (Norm=13) Your Score: 10
22. Sexual Libido (Norm=21) Your Score: 7
23. Sexual Satisfaction (Norm=21) Your Score: 23
24. Sexual Permissiveness (Norm=16) Your Score: 20
25. Sexual Stereotype (Norm=16) Your Score: 12
26. Social Permissiveness (Norm=15) Your Score: 19
27. Racism (Norm=11) Your Score: 1
28. Belief (Norm=15) Your Score: 3
29. Socialism/Capitalism (Norm=23) Your Score: 29
30. Libertarianism (Norm=11) Your Score: 14
31. Reactionism (Norm=16) Your Score: 6
32. Pacifism (Norm=10) Your Score: 21