The Lure of Conspiracy.

OMG this thread was started 57 days ago
David Vaughan Icke............... At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[SUP][3][/SUP]
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What started the conspiracy theory that reptilian beings control our governments?
Filed under Aliens & UFOs, Conspiracies

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[TD="align: left"]Skeptoid #46
May 21, 2007
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[TD="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: center"]Shufelt's map of the Lizard People's city - derived entirely from his dowsing pendulum
© Los Angeles Times
Collect your children and run for cover. Today we're going to look at the terrifying tale that says a race of tall reptilian beings lives among us, and even runs our government.
The concept of reptilian beings on Earth is a surprisingly widespread conspiracy theory, in which the US government and major public companies are complicit in a vast worldwide network of underground bases housing a large population of humanoid reptilian creatures called Reptoids. They speak English and are involved in every major government and corporate decision. They are variously said to either disguise themselves or actually shape-shift into humans, where they have public lives in positions of national importance. Some say the Reptoids are of extraterrestrial origin, and some say they are native to Earth, having developed intelligence before the primates, and have been secretly running things all along.
I first heard of reptilians when planning a trip to Mt. Shasta as a youth. Shasta is one of our fourteeners here in California. As I discovered, it's also something of a sacred hotbed for a whole range of New Age traditions. It not only has a lot of Native American spiritual history, it also figures prominently for any number of modern pagan religions. Shasta is said to be full of secret caverns, jewel encrusted tunnels, and whole subterranean civilizations peopled with all sorts of exotic races. Most notably, it's the home of the Lemurians, an ancient race whose original continent called Mu sank and now make their home inside the mountain, in the great five-level city of Telos. Lemurians, who are tall, white-cloaked beings speaking English but with a British accent, employ invisible four-foot-tall beings called Guardians to protect their city. Bigfoots are also said to populate Shasta. Among all this exotic company, Reptoids would hardly be noticed. The story goes that Reptoids use Mt. Shasta as one of the numerous entrances to their huge underground network of bases.
Reptoids are said to serve at least one very useful purpose: They are sworn enemies of the gray aliens, and may well serve to be humanity's last line of defense against this threat. Among the gray aliens' holdings provided them by the US government is a large underground base at Dulce, New Mexico. Some 18,000 grays are said to reside on level 5 of the base, and they perform terrible genetic experiments on humans on levels 6 and 7. Reptilian beings have been caught trying to acquire information about the Dulce base.
The most outspoken proponent of the conspiracy theory that reptilian beings in disguise are actually running our planet is David Icke, whose book "The Biggest Secret" reveals information like this:
Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brien, the mind controlled slave of the United States government for more than 25 years... She was sexually abused as a child and as an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book. Among them were the US Presidents, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and, most appallingly, George Bush, a major player in the Brotherhood, as my books and others have long exposed. It was Bush, a pedophile and serial killer, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly O'Brien, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control programme known as Project Monarch.
This is a fair sample of most of Icke's evidence that reptilian beings have taken over our government. Virtually any statement that Icke makes is easily falsified by minimal research if not simple common sense, but since his is a conspiracy theory, any evidence against it is simply regarded as evidence proving the conspiracy. Don't laugh: Icke sells a lot of these books. A lot of people believe this stuff.
Where did all of these stories come from? The earliest reference I've come across is from a Los Angeles Times news story from January 29, 1934, which is available from the Los Angeles Times archives. Geophysical mining engineer G. Warren Shufelt had been using "radio x-ray" and had discovered subterranean labyrinths beneath the city of Los Angeles, including pockets of pure gold, and taken x-ray pictures of many of the chambers. Somehow Shufelt met with a man named L. Macklin, said to go by the Hopi Indian name of Little Chief Greenleaf. Macklin told Shufelt of a Hopi legend of Lizard People, an advanced race, who built the city beneath Los Angeles to escape surface catastrophes some 5000 years ago. Their history was kept on gold tablets. It sounded like Shufelt had struck paydirt – almost. He still had to dig it up. Shufelt's crew dug a shaft 250 feet deep, well below the water table, which of course promptly filled with water, and that's where the story came to an end.
So I began looking into the various elements from the LA Times story. First on the list was Shufelt's "radio x-ray" device. Times reporter Jean Bosquet described it:
Shufelt's radio device consists chiefly of a cylindrical glass case inside which a plummet attached to a copper wire held by the engineer sways continually, pointing, he asserts, toward minerals or tunnels below the surface of the ground, and then revolves when over the mineral or swings in prolongation of the tunnel when above the excavation.

So, it turns out, Shufelt's device has little to do with either radio or x-rays and more to do with a common dowsing pendulum. This was all he had to guide his elaborate drawing of the catacomb layout, which you can see online at, along with a picture of Shufelt using his dowsing pendulum.
Shufelt stated he has taken "x-ray pictures" of thirty seven such tablets, three of which have their southwest corners cut off. "My radio x-ray pictures of tunnels and rooms, which are subsurface voids, and of gold pictures with perfect corners, sides and ends, are scientific proof of their existence," Shufelt said.
Shufelt's dowsing results notwithstanding, parts of the story seem unlikely. Gold, and metallurgy in general, was unknown among the Hopi until the mid 1700's. So was chemistry, but Macklin said that the Lizard People "perfected a chemical solution by which they bored underground without removing earth and rock."
I did make a pretty thorough effort to track down any such Hopi legend, but came up empty handed, not counting numerous modern references to Mt. Shasta and the Los Angeles catacomb story. I did find a "Lizard clan" referenced in several Hopi stories, but always among other clans (the Spider clan, the Bear clan), and never any references to underground cities, golden tablets, or any other elements from Shufelt's story. Obviously, my failure to find any evidence of such a legend doesn't prove anything: Native American legends were traditionally passed by word of mouth and never were written down, the only exceptions being those that made it into modern storybook collections. I was also unable to find a man named either L. Macklin or Little Chief Greenleaf in the public birth and death certificate databases for the Hopi Reservation in the Navajo Nation Court, but again, all this proves is that I didn't find it.
If Shufelt's dowsing misadventures truly were the genesis of modern Reptoid legends, there is an ironic aspect. Macklin never said that there was anything reptilian about the Lizard clan, they were simply one subculture of the Hopi, though just as human as anyone else. According to the story Macklin told Shufelt:
The Lizard People, the legend has it, regarded the lizard as the symbol of long life. Their city is laid out like a lizard, according to the legend, its tail to the southwest ... its head to the northeast.
Most likely, this tall tale from the early days of Los Angeles was little more than an effort by Shufelt to interest investors in his treasure hunt, in which he no doubt believed wholeheartedly. As for Macklin? Who knows, Shufelt could have made him up, or he could have been a real guy, possibly even a real Hopi, and may have even told a genuine – if undocumented – Hopi legend. What Shufelt didn't know was that his little gem in the Los Angeles Times was the kickoff for a whole generation of one of our most bizarre (and entertaining) urban legends.
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You've waited for 57 days for this moment haven't you stu? lol

The conspiracy can be engaged with on many different levels

How people will engage with it will probably depend on things like for example their cognitive functions. For example there are some people who go off on intuitive flights of fancy and then there are people who are strict empiricists who demand 'evidence' or encourage 'logic' or 'reason'

In my view both these aspects are useful and should be used fact they are tools for humanity in the search for truth

The intuitives hypothesis and the empiriscists then test the hypothesis. BOTH ARE VALUABLE AND COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER

So lets try and look at the 'reptilians' through the lense of both of these schools of thought

The intuitives might take a mystical path with this and say something like: 'the reptilians are multi-dimensional entities which are parasiting off our energies'

It could also be described in analytical psychology terms for example saying that they are people who have large shadows and are being guided by the forces they haven't consciously conquered

They could be viewed as the result of our collectivly created reality born from a single consciousnous experiemncing itself subjectively that is synthesising a polarity towards a new more balanced synthesis

The 'multi-dimensions' could be viewed as simply different layers of our psyche, with the 'reptilians' able to consciously manipulate us in different ways much like a hypnotist or an NLP practitioner

Then of course there is the angle of the strict literalist who might say that they are actually an extraterrestrial force invading our world and minds

The rationalists on the other hand might say something like: 'there are cold blooded people who are hoarding wealth in order to increase their personal power and in the process are trading on other peoples misery'

Ike himself has said that the reptilians might be our own creation as a way of holding up a mirror to ourselves (because he subscribes to the we are all one consciousness school of thought)

My personal view is that regardless of how people engage with the conspiracy, whether they think there are outside agents influencing world affairs or whether they are a figment of our imagination or they are an allegorical way of creating a meta narrative in order for people to get a handle on events....i think that what is really important is that people DO ENGAGE WITH the fact that the wealth (and therefore the power) is being aggregated into a small number of hands and that this is going to mean that the rest of us are dissempowered

Regardless of the way people engage with the conspiracy i think whats important is that they do get to grips with the reality that we are being manipulated and controlled by small numbers of people who do consciously know what they are doing
This thread is entitled 'the lure of conspiracy' which itself is a loaded statement as it suggests that some people are 'lured' into looking into conspiracy theories

In reality what is a person doing by looking into any points raised that question the official story? (The 'official' story being the one presented by the government)

What a person is doing in seeking more facts and perspectives is seeking for the truth. Such a person is not willing to blindly accept the story given to them by the government and wants to check the facts for themselves

The events which develop the more well known conspiracy theories are usually very significant events which have a big impact on our world for example the shooting of Kennedy or 911 or the sandy hook shooting. These events for example 911 can see in their wake massive changes to legislation which affect everyone.

If we are going to accept massive changes to legislation shouldn't we be sure of the version of events which are being cited as a justification for changes to the law?

Is a person fulfilling their responsibility as a member of a democratic system if they just accept the version of events given to them by their government without questioning them?

Is that how society evolved from fuedal to people just accepting what they were told? Or did it happen because a newly empowered merchant class challenged the authority of the royalty and aristocracy (who were also backed by the roman catholic church who like the aristocracy were the main landowners)

I've talked about these 'theories' online for a number of years now with many people and i've noticed certain patterns

The first major pattern i've noticed is that when someone strongly supports the official line and dismisses any other perspectives as 'crazy' or 'conjecture' or 'conspiracy theory' those people are never very familiar with the facts surrounding the case

In fact if you follow the debates it always becomes clear that the so called 'conspiracy theorists' are far better informed of the facts surrounding the case being discussed. When the dismissers are asked as whether they have heard of a certain piece of legislation or of a certain event, or of a certain documentary or book or some such source of information that the 'conspiracy theorist' sees as mere basics the dismisser will say 'no'

Again and again i have noticed that the 'conspiracy theorists' are arguing from a position of being well informed and the dismisser is arguing from a point of ignorance

This brings me to the next major pattern i've noticed.

It is often said that for a person to heal or grow psychologically/emotionally they must become aware of their complexes, face them and work through them. This approach is very difficult because it means that a person must face hard truths about themselves and their place in the world. It requires them to ask difficult questions and face painful truths.

In the debates between 'conspiracy theorists' and dismissers it always seems to be the case that the most open minded people are the theorists who are seeking the truth even when it means confronting diffcult truths

I want to be clear that this is not always going to be the case as some theories might be incorrect and questions should be asked of theories as well. I think it is perfectly healthy for people to question conspiracy theories just like the government version should be questioned to see if it stands up under the glare of truth but i'm not talking about people who question theories, i'm talking about people who dismiss them out of hand without listening to any other perspectives at all

I have my own theory that people who refuse to question government events will also refuse to question aspects of themselves. It's my belief that far from conspiracy theorists being the 'crazy' ones as suggested by the government and portrayed as such by the corporate controlled media, the ones who are most likely to be struggling with their mental health are those that refuse to question and refuse to face hard truths

So there is an inner and an outer process going on. The better the relationship someone can develop with the truth about both outer world events and their own inner complexes, even when the truth is ugly, the more cognitive dissonance a person can heal within themselves and the more stable their life is likely to be

There are two aspects to truth seeking, inner and outer and the two are linked because the more we can make sense of one the more the other will come into alignment. But this means dealing with the regular blows to the pride of finding out that we have been missled or that we didn't know something we feel we should maybe have known

It really comes down to how much of a slave you are to your ego

A healthy person knows that they learn all the time and they assimilate new truths all the time and grow by that process. They know it might sting their pride sometimes when they are left feeling foolish by new information but they also know that by assimilating it it will develop them and also protect them from sudden jarring episodes where they suddenly come face to face with truths that they have been hiding from

Even those jarring episodes can be reconciled with if the ego can be tamed

Do the government always tell the truth?

Do we always tell the truth to ourselves?

I think the key to mental wellbeing and a stable life is having a good relationship with the truth and that means crucifying our pride, regularly.....getting over ourselves so that we can transform and become a wiser person

I fully anticipate being humbled many times in my life, but the truth has always given me more than my pride has

What i've noticed about those who can't get over their pride and see new truths is that they have chaos in their life

I want to tie this into some of the discussion on the forum about psychopaths

Psychopathy isn't always full blown; there are traits associated with psychopathy that can be seen in people. These traits can be culturally ingrained into people. For example the cruel treatment of people during the slave trade was enabled by the culturally engrained rascism of the slave traders. These people were not genetically psychopathic, they were affected by their environment

This is a key point because those that argue that everything is down to genetics are by implication saying that environment is not important. Well lets test that. Have you ever been in a work place or some other environment you were unhappy in? When you left that workplace or negative enviornment and found somewhere better did it change your mood and behaviour? Of course it did because ENVIRONMENT IS IMPORTANT

If as these people would have us believe environment is not important then why change any environment? Why make changes to protect people from bullying in education or work, why have sewer systems instead of throwing sewage onto the street, why try to feed the poor?

Psychopathic traits can be encouraged by a sick environment end of story

For the truth seekers:

Tony Farrell
Tony Farrell is a former Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police Department. In 2010 he was fired because he felt compelled by his conscience to tell the truth in his official report and state that due to his extensive analysis of 9/11 and the 7/7 London bombings, the greatest terrorist threat to the public did not come from Islamic extremists but from internal sources within the US and British establishment. He is now dedicating his life to helping to expose the truth and he is challenging his dismissal through international court. Tony Rooke has recently produced an excellent documentary called ‘Offensive – the story of Tony Farrell’ based around the story of Tony Farrell. Here is the link to that documentary:

Here is another film called 'Reasonable Cause' edited by Tony Rooke and featuring Tony Farrell, showing discrepanices about the two gulf wars, the 7/7 london bombings and 911, in which he makes the point that rascism is a weapon:

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To clarify the point i made above about the role environment plays in generating psychopathic traits here is a link to an article talking about the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. Psychopaths are genetic, sociopaths who exhibit psychopathic traits are generally created by environment:
This TED video is fascinating. It was in the "jaw dropping" category. They used math/statistical analysis to see if and/or who controlled the global economy.

Watch'll be surprised. :D

James B. Glattfelder aims to give us a richer, data-driven understanding of the people and interactions that control our global economy. He does this not to push an ideology -- but with the hopes of making the world a better place...
Yeah i posted a link to their study in my blog a while back to support what i've been saying about how a handful of corporations weild a large share of global power

However the point he makes about the core being self organising rather than controlled from top down does not exclude conspiracy. The elites do compete with each other but they are all united in one thing which is that they believe in their privileged position as an elite

As a quick note i'm using the word 'elite' here but i in no way believe that they are actually better than anyone else, i'm just using it as short hand for the ruling class

An analogy would be the jostling for power that went on within the fuedal system. I finished reading Runciman's history of the crusades recently which is a very good look at how the fuedal system works for a number of reasons. Firstly the book is very removed from what journalists would call the human angle. It kind of presents a birds eye view of events, so its like looking into a goldfish bowl at a fuedal system. Another reason is that the entire enterprise was an experiment in creating a kingdom and one that was constantly under threat from within and without which means that the power structure had to be very well defined by runciman to mark out the constantly shifting alliances

The 'nobility' were seen to be of a completely different value to the common people. For example if an exchange happened between two enemies a 'lord' might be swapped for a thousand common soldiers.

The crusaders were short on numbers and particularly valued their ruling class. This is because the ruling class were all bound by culture and by blood. Marriage was a strategy rather than an act of love. The elite would all intrigue against each otehr much like wolves might jostle in a pack but the king if he was strong enough was seen as the alpha and was a rallying point in times of trouble. All hostilities ceased when there was an outside threat.

Suddenly people who would happily arrange in secret for the assassination of a political opponent would if threatened by a threat from outside the kingdom be suddenly riding side by side and fighting side by side with their competitor

What i'm trying to say is that the mindset of the elite families is that they are all jostling for power among themselves in a sort of social darwinism but they are at the same time united against common enemies

The enemies of the elite have always been three fold. One enemy has been other competitiors within the elite, another has been other elites (eg from another country or culture) and the third potential danger is from their own people. If an elite do not keep the day to day running of their city/kingdon/country/corporation smooth then the common people may riot.

This pattern of behaviour is the same today and i don't think they have managed to factor that into their economic model

Its like the line at the end of forest gump where he reflects on what is behind everything; to paraphrase he says he doesn't know if we all have a destiny or if we are like leaves just blowing about in the wind, but perhaps its a bit of both

I think there's some truth to that

So for example to stay with the fuedal analogy (which is very appropriate because we are moving closer to a neo-fuedal system) the ruling elite might band together in certain gorups for example they might create a secret society, lets call it 'the order of the garter' where certain knights are invited into the inner circle of the king at the centre of power; they will do the kings bidding and in return they will recieve land and other favours. On the other hand those same knights will be jostling with each other to be the closest to the king, to marry the most highborn women, to be given the most glory laden tasks, to be assigned control of the most prestigious and lucrative districts etc. they might compete in relatively harmless jousting competitions or they might actually poison or backstab each other.

But if the peasants begin to get rowdy they will unite to crush them so that they may maintain the overall world that they live in (ie the 'court'). So although the court is a paranoid world of backstabbing, double dealing, plotting and intrigue it is also united against the outside world whether that is the common people or elites from a different court

So the 'destiny' aspect is in the fact that there is a structure there that can easily be mapped in a mathematical model, but the leaves blown about in the wind aspect (chaos or randomness) which represents the outcomes of the intrgue or the battles with the common people or other elites is not so easy to quanitfy

So yes there is self organising but there is also a fact there are conspiracies within conspiracies. The understanding among the elite to protect their little world, the 'court', is a conspiracy. Then within that little world alliances will be made as people conspire with each other. For example the king creating various little societies within societies for example different orders of knights as well as spyrings etc

So to translate this into the modern set up i think the ruling elite who are behind the corporations the study mentions do intermarry with each other, but they also compete with each other as well. They compete in business as well as working together in business. They set up exclusive groups whether it is think tanks like the council on foreign relations or special invite only groups like the bilderburg club.

Although they are all jostling wtih each other these ruling families are united against the common people and also against the elites from other countries

they are exercising a lot of their power through the central banking system but that can be threatened by the elites from other countries for example the BRIC countries who might decide to drop the dollar and use another currency and it is also threatened by the common people who might riot if the economic situation on the street becomes to oppressive

So there is chaos and there is order. there is competition and there is cooperation. The cooperation is often in the form of conspiracies

In the study they have shown how interlocked the big multinationals are....this is because they are conspiring together to increase their profits, to keep down workers movements, trade unions, workers rights while at the same time using the military to fight control outside competitors

The other shortcoming of the study is that it is only looking at on the books transactions. it is not looking murky areas like derivitives or the shadow banking system.

The modern equivalent of the king would some would say be Evelyn Rothschild as the head of the rothschild dynasty who some believe hold half of the worlds wealth
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Oh... I don't think the TED video rules out conspiracy at all. In fact I think it supports it rather least to the degree of the talk about One World Order. It looks to me we are already there.... if you agree that money is power....and controlling the world's economies is all about power.
Oh... I don't think the TED video rules out conspiracy at all. In fact I think it supports it rather least to the degree of the talk about One World Order. It looks to me we are already there.... if you agree that money is power....and controlling the world's economies is all about power.


There is unfortunately a gap between the public's perception of who controls the world (the western world) and the reality of who controls it. When you try and say to some people that the corporate elements have taken over the levers of power they call you 'crazy' or a 'conspiracy nut' or an 'idiot' etc

I have however noticed a shift in perception on this forum and irl in the time i've been here which is really encouraging (including a shift in me!)

What i've noticed is there is a point up to which I can discuss this stuff but if I step over it some people start ridiculing me or using ad hominum attacks. That bar however has raised! I believe that this can be extrapolated forward into the future and that in a years time people on this forum will be able to comfortably discuss some matters as accepted fact which were only a year ago ridiculed or dismissed out of hand

So the current cut off at the moment where the resistance starts really kicking in is when i mention the 'illuminati'! lol

I can now quite easily discuss the international bankers, the military industrial complex, the corporatocracy and even the zionist aspect to the situation in the west as well as a conspiracy between the banks and the government, whereas i used to be ridiculed for that stuff before all the banking scandals proved it all to be correct, but there is still a line that runs down the inside of some peoples skulls and that line is secret societies

So...i'm going to make a prediction. I think in a year from now people will be able to discuss quite freely the illuminati on this forum without being ridiculed or dismissed. i predict that the existence of the illuminati will become accepted conventional wisdom over the next year
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There is unfortunately a gap between the public's perception of who controls the world (the western world) and the reality of who controls it. When you try and say to some people that the corporate elements have taken over the levers of power they call you 'crazy' or a 'conspiracy nut' or an 'idiot' etc

I have however noticed a shift in perception on this forum and irl in the time i've been here which is really encouraging (including a shift in me!)


So...i'm going to make a prediction. I think in a year from now people will be able to discuss quite freely the illuminati on this forum without being ridiculed or dismissed. i predict that the existence of the illuminati will become accepted conventional wisdom over the next year

Not only that - I predict the Illuminati will begin falling apart from the inside and leaks of all kinds are going to come to the forefront.

Then! We are going to party like we've never seen before!
Not only that - I predict the Illuminati will begin falling apart from the inside and leaks of all kinds are going to come to the forefront.

Then! We are going to party like we've never seen before!

Yes its all coming out in the wash

I don't think they can pull off what they are trying to do
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Yes its all coming out in the wash

I don't think they can pull off what they are trying to do

I just saw this today. Did you know about this already? Is it true? I mean I knew about big banks going in offering huge loans to countries to get control....but I did not know it was primarily the Rothschild family.

"Here is where all the puzzles are put into pieces.

It is known that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control.

Before 9-11 there were seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
Afghanistan and Iraq were devoured by this Greedzila of a family by 2003, then Sudan and Libya followed by 2011.
In fact, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi, Libya while the country was still mid-revolution."
I just saw this today. Did you know about this already? Is it true? I mean I knew about big banks going in offering huge loans to countries to get control....but I did not know it was primarily the Rothschild family.

"Here is where all the puzzles are put into pieces.

It is known that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control.

Before 9-11 there were seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
Afghanistan and Iraq were devoured by this Greedzila of a family by 2003, then Sudan and Libya followed by 2011.
In fact, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi, Libya while the country was still mid-revolution."

Lol yeah totally!

There's more to it still....

The rothschilds and a bunch of other families all with ties to the 'black nobility' of Europe (the aristocracy of europe with strong ties to the vatican) own the central banks of europe and the US

They took the dollar off the gold standard and since then they have controlled the money supply through the printing of paper 'fiat' money. After world war 2 they made the dollar the worlds reserve currency at the Bretton Woods meeting

These families also own the biggest 4 OIL companies.

The rothschilds created the country of Is-ra-el (made up from the names of 3 gods) to control the oil of the middle east region.

In order to stop dollars that are in circulation around the globe flowing rapidly back to the US which would happen if oil wasn't traded in dollars (petro dollars), causing hyperinflation, the cabal of banking/oil families do not want anyone trading oil in any non dollar currencies

Saddam Hussein used to be an ally of the US; he bought a lot of military hardware off them. You can see a picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking his hand online. But saddam decided that he wanted to start trading oil in euros because this would get his country a better rate for their oil, so the US invaded.

Gaddafi wanted to start trading libyan oil for non dollar currencies and was trying to set up a pan African bank that would not be reliant on the western banking cabal for funds so that Africa could develop itself with fair loans (not corrupt IMF loans), so they invaded. Thats soon after he had been glad handing Britains PM Tony Blair (B-liar)

Iran wants to set up an oil market trading in non dollar currencies so the US, israel and Britain (3 countries utterly dominated by the cabal) have been trying to undermine Iran and are planning to destroy it. This process involves destroying Irans ally Syria to isolate Iran, which is why the CIA is funding al quaeda and other groups to get them to overthrow Assad

The recent prison breaks that have happened across that region are because many of the syrian rebel army (working for the cabal) have been depleted by the Syrian army, so the cabal have freed many prisoners in order to send them as mercenaries to Syria

Another method the cabal have been using to combat Iran is weather modification eg by cloud seeding. They are aiming to make Iran drought ridden by cutting off the rainwater clouds from Iran. Achmadinijhad can be heard speaking about this plot online....of course the western corporate media say that he is mad but that is because the western corporate media is owned by the same families that own the big oil companies and the central banks!

So lets throw more into the mix here to make the picture even more complete. This cabal of families (working with the vatican and through the freemasons) that are controlling the oil and the global reserve currency and the central banks are also controlling big pharma, the corporate mainstream media, the weapons manufacturers, the illegal sex trade and the worlds drugs supplies!

Afghanistan has been used to create OPIUM since the US, British invasion. Under the taliban opium growth was limited but under the US and UK it has flourished.

The CIA is also involved with the mexican drug cartels. They were shipping drug into the US in return for flying weapons out to the contra rebels.

These guys are the lords of chaos and their motto is 'order from the chaos'. They know that if they keep the world in chaos and everyone fighting each other, they can keep control of the game

I saw an article in the news recently about a cartel in mexico called 'the knights templar' which is no coincidence because the families in the cabal are descended from the knights templar and other secret society groups which are all part of a network.

I could go on about this for hours and hours but i need to go to bed

Once you have certain pieces of the puzzle the entire picture comes into view and everything makes sense! But just try telling it to people who haven't seen the picture yet.....they will call you 'crazy' and a 'conspiracy theorist'

Yet it is likely these people haven't even heard of things like Operation Gladio:

But to know what operation gladio is is to know that the secret services of the US, israel and the UK have been behind terror attacks in those countries and elsewhere! ('false flag attacks')
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Rothschild zionism:
I believe there is a lot of misinformation out there meant to confuse a lot of people. (illuminati, freemasonry, bohemian grove, etc.).

Its only confusing until you have enough of the pieces to the puzzle then it begins to make sense

All these groups are linked together. Essentially there is an occult undercurrent running beneath our society and a lot of influence is exerted through that channel. Its a bit like golf but even more exclusive :)

The secret society network seems to be made up of a wide range of groups but they all merge in their upper ranks. It is a pyramid.

Its like a newspaper for example. At the bottom there are lots of reporters running around and each of these answer to a fewer number of sub editors who know a bit more about what direction the paper is going in then the reporters and they in turn answer to an even smaller number of sub editors who manage specific desks who then answer to the overall editor who then answers to the proprietor (the owner)

The proprietor is the only person that knows what is going to happen next and they then inform the editor who informs his/her sub editors and so on

The proprietor themselves may be a member of a group or organisation that has an agenda so they themselves may be swayed in certain directions by a higher authority

It all pretty much runs like that: the government, the military, the secret service, the banks etc At the top they all overlap and merge with each other and as well as playing golf together they also marry each others relatives and join the same secret societies
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