Well at this point, you kind of need to make that leap of imagination.
Yes I see how that applies. In that case though, that is causing harm to others. No one can prove religion or spirituality to anyone. Nearly everyone knows that. I am not trying to prove to you that it exsists. I am just trying to defend myself and say that it isnt wrong.
Oh trust me, I do question what I believe. I ask myself quite often "... is this just a physical phenomon, or is there something more?
Now don't just bawk at this; hear me out. I have bad eyes, thats pretty well known. Last month, I noticed I was seeing lights way more often then I normally do. I always assumed that because I had crappy retinas and that the cone cells didnt have enough retinoid compounds in them, or they were deformed or something to that respect, causing them to randomly submit a signal. Now when this started happening more often. I began to wonder "mabye I am seeing spirits... I never have before, I have only just felt them". But I thought thats silly, and didn't agree with it. I assumed it was something medical. So I took myself to the emergency room to have my eyes examined (I feared retina detacment or vitereiol detachment). I had my eyes checked out. Apparently, I have more then pristine retinas. The doctor went on and on on saying how "perfect" they were (I lol'd). I had a follow up a week later and had my head examined (again...), and they had me on an eeg until I said I saw a few lights. I eventually did. Checked out normal. They scanned my retinas in more detail... There pefect. So I don't have any known medical problem, they couldn't explain it, but I am fine. This, coupled with the energy shifts on the planet, and my recent feelings, lead me to believe that I am seeing energy flux on the planet.
This is the kind of thing that goes on in my head all the time. I do question myself, I don't just blindly belive. I KNOW this doesn't follow typical logical patterns. However, this works for me. Stuff like this has been holding true for me for as long as I can remember.