The Meaning of Life

Interesting. The mobs did do great things for certain communities, too.

They ran protection rackets where they extorted money from small businesses. They were parasites feeding off the communities and so are the church

So do churches.

Churches sooth anxieties of the mind, but anxiety is only a symptom. Anxiety is not the problem itself. So churches don't solve the fundamental problems

I believe we should stop treating symptoms and solve problems instead

And come to think, a lot of institutions are frankly inherently evil - like governments.

I think whereever there is centralised power there will be corruption and exploitation. The logical answer therefore is to decentralise. Bitcoin is claiming to be a decentralised currency that enables the public to exchange value across the world with no need for banks or governments. Its a revolutionary concept.

But what about intended poverty? Choosing to have a poverty of wealth instead of a poverty of wisdom? Perhaps it's a zero sum game.

large fortunes are usually made at someones expense. So the likelyhood that someone who is very wealthy is also very wise is slim

The more likely scenario is that they are a ruthless capitalist who has trodden on many people to get to where they are....such behaviour would demonstrate an absence of wisdom as it is destructive

We all have choices to make about what we value and what we pursue
Churches sooth anxieties of the mind, but anxiety is only a symptom. Anxiety is not the problem itself. So churches don't solve the fundamental problems

And how do we go about the fundamental problems?

Full decentralization is stupid. Government is necessary, but perhaps never ideal.
And how do we go about the fundamental problems?

Full decentralization is stupid. Government is necessary, but perhaps never ideal.

Not everyone agrees that government is necessary your majesticalness and there are different ideas as to what form it should take and what roles it should fulfill

What we have at the moment though is a merging of corporations and government

Although i am wary of letting go of physical money altogether some people are touting bitcoin as a way to decentralise money and take it out of the hands of banks and governments (bitcoin does come in physical form as well)

I think we will see this replace the current fiat money. i just hope that the monied interests don't hijack it
Not everyone agrees that government is necessary your majesticalness and there are different ideas as to what form it should take and what roles it should fulfill

That's true. Only the rational ones realize the benefits of my rule.
Nothing to add that Monty Python hasn't already covered :)
That's true. Only the rational ones realize the benefits of my rule.

Well rational is only one half of the equation your highestedness!

It is the product of the left hemisphere of the brain but creativity, intuition and abstraction are the preserve of the right hemisphere

Both are valuable to our species and a reliance on one to the detriment of the other creates a prison for the human soul...balance is the key!

Monarchy is definately the creation of the left hemisphere!

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“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”

― Alan Wilson Watts
Thinking about this today.

I will never have a consistent answer. There isn't one.

But my feeling today is that life is to collect these different experiences and moments and memories. That with each experience it changes our perception and direction. We can meaning by how we interpret it but the most basic meaning isn't very glamorous: to exist and examine in whatever way we feel fit. It'll change as we go.
For me the meaning of life is that we die. But that doesn’t mean it’s depressing, right Snoopy??
I'd love it if you expanded further on that thought.
What I mean is that the meaning of life is what we fill the time and space up with. That’s the only thing that will have meaning is what we do with the time
Everything we do is for a limited time unless you leave a huge impact where people you helped will raise statues of you up and write books about you.
The meaning of life is that we die: so focus on the living part. I guess that is what it has always meant to me. Then again my high school yearbook quote was...”Live each day like it’s your last, cause someday it will be.”
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I think what this means is linked to your idea that the meaning of life is death.

You are born as many men, i.e. you have so many possibilities to choose from and realise; but when you die, you are the total of the possibilities that you did realise, and that is who you are, the 'meaning' of your life.

I think what this means is linked to your idea that the meaning of life is death.

You are born as many men, i.e. you have so many possibilities to choose from and realise; but when you die, you are the total of the possibilities that you did realise, and that is who you are, the 'meaning' of your life.
I love it. Born as many men. So true. Look around, we have murderers, politicians, soldiers, soup kitchen volunteers, priests (the good ones), athletes, actors...but we all have the same fate. I think I read something that said...
“At the end of the game, both the King and Pawn chess pieces end up in a box.”
and it so true.
King Henry the whateverthefuck, sure we can see paintings and statues but that mofucker isn’t enjoying this tasty orange I’m having at the moment.
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You are born as many men, i.e. you have so many possibilities to choose from and realise; but when you die, you are the total of the possibilities that you did realise, and that is who you are, the 'meaning' of your life.

I saw this the other day and I was like... damn. Hell yea.
Personally i believe that this world was created for you and you were created for the world after it. The difference between these two worlds is your age. If you know god through looking at this world then the life after this will be yours and you will be able to enjoy and be happy but if you ignored god you will fall into sadness in this world and may get a hard life in the next world. This world is a home of test, the next life is the world of results, and everyone will get what they have writtin in their exam papers.

Am soft hearted by the way but i like my words to be clear and understandable.