The Most Annoying Thing About INTP'S

I disagree.

There is a strange sort of allure to seeing a man who is normally so passive suddenly burst out of passivity and beat the living hell out of someone who was asking for it. Physically or verbally.

It's sort of like "woah, so there IS a man in there....niiiiiice....hmmm he's a lot stronger than he looks"

Not INTP or man but it's apparently quite the show when I am tired enough of someone to tear them apart in whichever way(s) they deserve.

Yesterday, someone I've known for almost a few years said something she shouldn't have. Before I even knew what was happening, I had torn her life and being into shreds.

So I'm not the type to physically fight, but my sudden snapping is quite legendary now. If I'm fucked with good enough, someone will be hurting in a way that will outlast bruises or broken bones.

It's such a fucking rush too, the event only lasted a few minutes (and it was PURELY verbal), but by the end of it, it was like I was coming off a cocaine high or something. Those who were following were quick to declare they do not want to be on my bad side.

Also, it turned someone on. So there's that.
smell, stinky, smell very bad, disgusting odor, do not smell good, bathe infrequently, dirty, really smelly.
smell, stinky, smell very bad, disgusting odor, do not smell good, bathe infrequently, dirty, really smelly.
Serious, not serious?

My INTP smells good and has better hygiene than some other dudes I've been with in the past. I didn't have to train him to be this way, he just is. He will let his hair go a long time without getting it cut or forget/not see the importance in shaving at times. But he nearly always smells nice and is clean.
Maybe I am just weird but I don't find INTPs annoying. Sarcastic bastards, yes, but they also give the best advice. I send all my writing to my INTP friend because he never fails to tells me what's wrong with it, without condescending to tell me how to correct it. I appreciate that.

He doesn't smell, either.
I dont think there is anything particularly annoying about intps either. The ones I know seem remarkably similar to infjs (or similar to me, i should say for better accuracy), we seem to have many of the same strengths and weaknesses. I guess that itself could be considered annoying to some.
My mom is an INTP. She can be a real dick sometimes.
Not to say that she's distant or cold (but she is), she just gets extraordinarily angry over things which don't call for it, and then she'll be quite snarky and harsh around the house when she feels like someone's done something wrong where she was right (even if it's not the case.)
And for someone with such a depth of categorical knowledge (I can pull her outside and point to any number of random plants in the field across from my house and she'll name every damn one of them) she believes in the most absurdly nonscientific drivel I've ever heard, like "naturopathy."
Ew. INTPs. I find them all annoying because of GENERALIZATIONS.

I'm completely serious.
Alright, i had to sign up just to comment on this insignificant rant of how intps are all so quick to judge. In my findings i feel that Lady Gaga is a true creative genius. Considering there are 7 billion people in the world today and only a handful are famous, pop music is one of the hardest things to succeed in. Therefore, it is extremely interesting to see all the facets of a person that are necessary to succeed in the industry. Intps are logical not arrogant. I can observe when someone has truly stumbled on something marvelous despite it being a meat dress or sea shell thongs. Being a pop star isn't really not about what people perceive as what a pop star should be. what makes a pop star is becoming what they shouldn't be and lady gaga does this and while making a grooving tune to go along with it.
Alright, i had to sign up just to comment on this insignificant rant of how intps are all so quick to judge. In my findings i feel that Lady Gaga is a true creative genius. Considering there are 7 billion people in the world today and only a handful are famous, pop music is one of the hardest things to succeed in. Therefore, it is extremely interesting to see all the facets of a person that are necessary to succeed in the industry. Intps are logical not arrogant. I can observe when someone has truly stumbled on something marvelous despite it being a meat dress or sea shell thongs. Being a pop star isn't really not about what people perceive as what a pop star should be. what makes a pop star is becoming what they shouldn't be and lady gaga does this and while making a grooving tune to go along with it.

Lady ga ga does not write her songs

She does not choreograph her dancing she is shown what to do

She does not design her outfits

She does not style her hair

She does not do her own makeup

She does not manage the promotion of her music or organise her tours

She has a voice coach

She does not write or direct her music videos

lady ga ga is not a creative genius she is a puppet that others control

her look and her onscreen persona are not even original and are largely a rip off of David Bowie and Madonna

Not many people become pop stars thats true because there are powerful corporations who control the music industry and the recording companies. Those powerful monied interests choose who they want to hire and then they stage manage every aspect of their career

Pop songs are designed to hook into peoples minds for example by repitition and emphasis so that certain ideas are planted into the minds of the young children who listen to it
lady ga ga is not a creative genius she is a muppet that others control

INTP and INFJ are a true golden pair, I think they work best as friends and this would prob be the best friend an INFJ could really ever have outside of another INFJ. But thats not what this is about! so lets have it.
INTPs just dont care. they just dont care. Now INTPs will say they care and get upset when they are told they dont and that they are heartless. But the truth of this is that INTPs do in fact care, but they care about themselves MORE. this is never a 2 way street with them, when it comes to love they just dont get it and never will. They are fine to go on a date and are entertaining but real love? in dont think so INTPs believe that love is a choice and its a rational thing. If you love them but they dont understand WHY you love them than to them YOU DONT love them. It doesnt make sense. they will analyse the hell out of it when its really simple. Love means one person loves the other MORE than they love them selves. Thats it, I am not sure an INTP can ever truly say this about another person. They love yes, but how much? how far? its deep yes? but not deep enough to do anything about. INTP will never fight for love, A love relationship for them is all about meeting half way. which is the same as saying Half ass. INFJs know what true love is. its not half of anything, its full and complete and INFJ love, I mean damn it does not get better than that. But an INTP would not see it that way, they would toss it aside. its just one of million possible loves all different all special (which is the same as saying none are special) in the end they are always right, you have too put things in there logic language, if they are happy you should be too, if you are not, dont count on them to save you. but you better pull them out of there loops of sadness! and moods. An INTP would/could not save anyone, not for a lack of wanting too they just wont. Its all about them, making them safe making them secure, give them space, dont expect or ask anything of them, and you wont be let down. I just dont see how this is good for the INFJ. Its great for the INTP in fact its there best option. but its a one way ticket.

If there was one thing I would wish INTPs would learn is that, when you get that feeling that cant live without someone (and yes they get that) I wish they would get off there ass and run right into the dragons mouth and get that person they love! fight for it or die trying! man if they could do that just a few times in there life they would be amazing.

but than again if they did they would not be an INTP.
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I had a close INTP friend who had a well-deserved ego about his intelligence and talent. We work in the same field and it seems that he felt threatened, so he sabotaged me in a sly and calculated way. He knew me well, so he behaved precisely in the way that he knew would crush me.
Later, another INTP told me this is a common behavior for immature INTPs. I would not label the sabotaging INTP "immature", but he could have been under a great deal of stress, which exposes everyone's worst traits.
He was also never great about opening up, so I did not know what insecurities he was facing about his own work when he saw mine. He seemed confident about his work, but INTPs are good at wearing masks and keeping the lid on their feelings and thoughts.
I'm not making excuses for him, but I do forgive him due to the circumstances. I will also never forget. Lesson learned.
The most annoying thing about INTPs is that they're not INTJs. Come to think of it, that's the most annoying thing about most types.
that they so darn lazy,i mean sometimes you wanna have fun but they have this lazy attitude like ah dont feel like it
One of my bests friends is intp. It annoys me when she thinks that she's right all the time. She gets annoyed easily specially when she thinks i don't get her.

She also compares herself to me. Which annoys the hell out of me. Like one day she's happy for me, the next second, she's mad because things are doing well for me.

But i still love her to bits. Somply because when i needed a rational thinking and not "feeling" things, she's the one whp thinks for me ahahahha

We're weirdos. And we love it.
Alright, i had to sign up just to comment on this insignificant rant of how intps are all so quick to judge. In my findings i feel that Lady Gaga is a true creative genius. Considering there are 7 billion people in the world today and only a handful are famous, pop music is one of the hardest things to succeed in. Therefore, it is extremely interesting to see all the facets of a person that are necessary to succeed in the industry. Intps are logical not arrogant. I can observe when someone has truly stumbled on something marvelous despite it being a meat dress or sea shell thongs. Being a pop star isn't really not about what people perceive as what a pop star should be. what makes a pop star is becoming what they shouldn't be and lady gaga does this and while making a grooving tune to go along with it.

Gaga? Really? She sold her soul to the Devil... Just about anyone can do that.

I could wear meat dresses if I wanted to.