The Most Hated Family in America

Should this still belong under the rights of freedom of speech?

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The mother has taught all her eleven children to hate homosexuals and that they should be killed.
They also think that being homosexual should be a capital crime. Furthermore they condemn LGBT, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Sweden, Ireland, Canada, The Netherlands etc.
They picket funeral processions of U.S. soldiers killed in the wars i.e. with posters saying 'God loves Dead soldiers'. They also run a website called

[I am so infuriated that these sick extremist narrominded individuals exist]
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I don't think this should still belong under freedom of speech, because they are harmful for society.
What they're trying to do, making certain groups look like villains, is just wrong.
They're focusing so much hate on them, and hate only leads to bad things.

Personally, I think everything extremist leads to bad things.
They're so brainwashed, and I find it really sad that the only thing they can accomplish in life is making other peoples lives hell based on a fiction book.

I think everybody is entitled to his / her own opinion, whatever it might be.
But these narrowminded fools deliberately piss people off and obviously want to 'shock' people.

With those intentions, they shouldn't be allowed to picket or speak in front of groups.
Instead of Nelson Mandela, THESE people should get banned.

I know this is dangerous of course, because the government could just take people out who 'shake the structure up'.
Personally I believe they already take out people who they believe are dangerous. (Like the prime minister of Congo, Fidel Castro (failed twice), ...)
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I think these people are scum. The sad thing is they truely believe what they preach, and I feel sorry for them about that.

However I still believe they should be allowed to say whatever they want, it's up to each individual person to react (or not react) to their attempts of getting attention.
This is just twisted.

I cannot believe that people like that exist, let alone spread their hate by claiming that they're delivering the message that they somehow believe is representative of what it means to be a Christian.
I talked with some of these people at the Pride parade in Salt Lake City.

I can't say I'm too impressed. They have some serious confirmation bias.

However, Jesus did say to "love they enemy" so the biggest "fuck you" I can think of for them is to tolerate them with the tolerance thy don't show people like me.
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I was just left speechless. It's so sad that a mother would teach this to her children so they could spread it around and all of this hate and total nonsense will be spread around.

Things like this make America look bad. To everyone who doesn't live in the United States, not everyone is like that.

It is shameful! Soldiers give their lives to protect America! How dare they malign the dead!

I'm glad that so many people are against all of this, though.

They write letters to the families of the dead soldiers that they're glad they're dead?!?! Jeez.

That journalist looked miserabled, I felt bad for him.

I don't know if they should or not.
How many converts have they made? prob zero. I say let them continue in their madness. It will run itself out.
It's the Stormfront and KKK groups all over. It's not new; these same venom-spewers are all over the place in one pocket cell or another. It's sad, but like Satya said I'm not surprised. When they start going on and on about minority groups or interracial marriage (or even being a "son of Ham") I feel that deep anger of injustice well inside of me. But I'll be polite and try to explain why I feel they're wrong.

But those guys are just overt idiots. It's the covert idiots that really bug me, because they honestly don't realize that their little racist digs are just as nasty as the overt racist digs. Heck, at least minority groups know what side you're on if you're talking smack like David Duke. But it's always the dumb and ignorant questions that make me realize that "they" (whoever "they" are) don't have the slightest inkling of what the word "prejudice" really means.

It burns me too because most of these types of crazies are out of the stratosphere, down home fundie types who say they love Jesus on one side but want to embed a flaming symbol of the Savior on your front lawn.

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, you can't suddenly start making exceptions...
Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, you can't suddenly start making exceptions...
Then racists could hold speeches about why they hate a certain race? Because after all, it's freedom of speech...
And on one's stopping them from speaking their mind. But when this becomes trespassing, defamation of character, and disturbing the peace you've just crossed a new line.

Why soldiers as well? If they hate *everyone* and say the whole US is condemned, and that people worship the dead at the soldier's funerals, then why not go to every funeral in town? Why decide one group is more important to picket than another?

The hypocrisy this group shows is staggering. Plus, it just makes all Christians look bad.
It's the Stormfront and KKK groups all over. It's not new; these same venom-spewers are all over the place in one pocket cell or another. It's sad, but like Satya said I'm not surprised. When they start going on and on about minority groups or interracial marriage (or even being a "son of Ham") I feel that deep anger of injustice well inside of me. But I'll be polite and try to explain why I feel they're wrong.

But those guys are just overt idiots. It's the covert idiots that really bug me, because they honestly don't realize that their little racist digs are just as nasty as the overt racist digs. Heck, at least minority groups know what side you're on if you're talking smack like David Duke. But it's always the dumb and ignorant questions that make me realize that "they" (whoever "they" are) don't have the slightest inkling of what the word "prejudice" really means.

It burns me too because most of these types of crazies are out of the stratosphere, down home fundie types who say they love Jesus on one side but want to embed a flaming symbol of the Savior on your front lawn.


hee, I just had an image of a "flaming" version of the cross.

A huge pink plastic cross with a rainbow flag draped over it, playing You Can't Stop The Music out of speakers on the side.

Ought to plant that on the front of their lawn.

Oh, I thought that I read that racism was forbidden by the UN. I thought I read it in what the human rights were all about.

Since when has the USA cared about what the UN says? Also, the UN supports the constitutions of any sovereign nation strong enough to defend itself from attack.
This is just twisted.

I cannot believe that people like that exist, let alone spread their hate by claiming that they're delivering the message that they somehow believe is representative of what it means to be a Christian.

I agree! Especially as one of the main morals of christianity is 'treat others just as you want to be treated'.

I was just left speechless. It's so sad that a mother would teach this to her children so they could spread it around and all of this hate and total nonsense will be spread around.

It is shameful! Soldiers give their lives to protect America! How dare they malign the dead!

I fully agree with you. It is horrendous and how can you as a parent spread such messages on to your children, teach them nothing but hate towards people; their country, its soildiers and homosexuals and alot of other groups/countries as well.

Actually, sadly, that *is* legal in the US.

What :| That is a disgrace, like you said earlier when this becomes trespassing, defamation of character, and disturbing the peace you've just crossed a new line!!
That's the power of our constitution: Freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and all that.

Genocide is presumably forbidden by the UN as well, but there ya go.

ETA: Which is *why* the Phelps family hasn't been arrested and their kids taken to foster care.
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On another note, I think it comes down to ethics. EVERYONE knows that you ought NOT to celebrate someones death.. And the mother contaminated her childrens mind's who will then carry it on to theirs.. as such it might not even be at a governmental level.
She's completely insane, I feel sorry for her and anyone associated with that cult. Still, she can say whatever she wants as long as it doesn't directly interfere. The protests they organize are typically far from the actual event... kind of depends on various state laws.


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hee, I just had an image of a "flaming" version of the cross.

A huge pink plastic cross with a rainbow flag draped over it, playing You Can't Stop The Music out of speakers on the side.

Ought to plant that on the front of their lawn.

Shai, you made laugh so hard I nearly choked on my lunch...

I actually thought about that and my turn of phrase, but I decided to leave it.

But ohhhhh...I would love that. I would love to see that. I would love to see a minority family that would do this, as well as contact the authorities of course. I don't think they'd ever be bothered again.

It reminds me of the troops of clowns that used to go to KKK rallies and make fun of the KKK'ers. They'd pretty much make a mockery of the racists, but it was so funny watching both sides. It became entertainment, and the KKK'ers ended up getting fed up, and leaving the scene.

Humor works. Every time.
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There are limits on freedom of speech in the U.S., particularly hate speech, but I don't remember the details. For example, it is illegal to burn a cross in someone's yard (I'm pretty sure). There are also time, place, and manner restrictions.

These people can still hate homosexuals, but how they do it is limited. With 11 kids, at least one of them is going to be gay. That will be fun for them.