The New World Order in the Context of the New Age


I think this
I've always meant to ask someone this question, but how do you know this spiritual revolution happening? What sort of proof or tip off do you have? Most of the literature on this matter is a hodgepodge of ideas that is often contradictory; it seems like every expert on the matter has their own interpretation of what the NWO is trying to accomplish. It fascinates me, because it's often like a literature project. Everyone plucks their own themes and ideas from river of similar material. Some spell doom and gloom. Some spin it positively. Choosing which theory to believe or disbelieve seems more like the promise of an individual, religious experience rather than a global, factual phenomenon. So I do wonder, and I don't mean to insult you for your beliefs and convictions, but what made you arrive at the conclusions you did? What makes you believe so strongly that the theory you've adopted is truth or even an estimate of truth?

I will say up front that I'm not a spiritually minded person. I don't believe that the reason why anyone would want to control the world is because of Light and Dark powers and sacrifices to pagan gods or benevolent intentions of unification; but rather a simple expression of greed and power. As a writer, I am more than familiar with the methods of making connections and I can see the potential of building up either good or evil from even the most unseemingly things, but I wouldn't trust myself to conclude that they are truths so much as possibilities.

Perhaps you can break it down for me. I'd like to understand.
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Its because dna sequencing like a radio station remains fixed on one station, blocked to the language of light and love. And a great many have amnesia in this time reality, which indicates ignorance to spirit and higher consciousness and the possibility of a multidimensional reality. The dimensional soup is less complicated. The ideas floating around are from a fear base and fear tends to lower the vibration of people to a dimensional state, which suits thought form aka ego. Its in how people seem to misunderstand what happens to them upon their demise. Great conditioning to assume nothing happens when we are eternal consciousness, spiritual beings taking a vacation from our immortality in our physicality as the personalities that happen to form our partial realities. This whole realm is a misleading soup intended to be. Which in turn switches more of who we are off to spirit and focus on the material as a conditioning response to stimuli, and in that sense those who speak from the heart, the spiritual heart are few and far between. For fear is featured in absolutely everything like the subconscious mind delineates these realities from religion, politics, media, science. A fear of the unknown helps create a herd mentality and that herd mentality is a catalyst to remain in osculation between dichotomies that label the dimensional experience in terms of good and evil, light and dark, love and hate. When we are so much more than this. These dualities are constructed to indeed be directional. Which is why science moves in one direction only, which is why religion moves in one direction only. Which is why politics moves in one direction only. Any deviation is ostracized most likely.

And the reason consciousness is expanding now is simple, awareness is ready to embrace that which has been suppressed. Like a hundred monkey effect, when more people start doing eccentric things, others tune into that frequency eventually. When they do, authority changes, slowly at first, and gains momentum. While the ideas that self perpetuate ad nausium are out there there is a grain of truth to it mixed with miles and miles of distortion, like any radio frequency would that suddenly picks up on more than one station. Its human nature I thought to be in scrutiny, and then I realised it is thinking, the inner knower changes once the thoughts are deprogrammed from the conditions that manifest. Its too easy, look at the traditions of how much fear holds people in place in their thinking forms from every source out there. Our conditions of entry self perpetuate this and becomes automatic. And thus love and hate, distinctions abound, the limiters continue building upon those conditions as confirmation to those constraints. And conditional freedom is as strongly felt as unconditional love isn't.

Who can say, love raises vibration frequency, fear lowers vibrational frequency. Love everything to death. :D
I'd like to offer some feedback for you to consider. I feel considering these ideas might challenge some of your assumptions and help you transform on your spiritual path:

1) The "New World Order" isn't coming. They aren't trying to control the system, they already control it. The "haves" have had control for 1000s of years. Honestly, it's just a natural law of the animal side of humanity that's not going away: some people are alpha pack leaders and some are beta followers. The trick isn't to stop control, it's to get the alphas to recognize that doing good makes them feel good, and the betas to stop sleeping and recognize the lies the more selfish alphas are putting out.

2) "Dark" energy, control, and power aren't bad by default. Yes, the worst darkworkers are selfish, greedy, and conceited. The worst lightworkers are conformist, bigoted, and righteously indignant crusaders. The best darkworkers are compassionate (because caring feels good to the self), self-aware, powerfully magnanimous, and work to change the paradigms to everyone's benefit. The best lightworkers are faithful, inspiring, loving and completely live for a higher cause.

3) Most people don't want freedom for themselves. They want someone to make decisions for them. I mean, just look around. When you offer people power over themselves they say things like, "I can't change it," "I can't help the way I feel," etc. Additionally, the web of lies and manipulation is extremely obvious. You don't need to have the pattern recognition of an intuitive to see it (I know plenty of sensors who see it clear as day). Yet, people don't do anything about it. They rather follow a system where they're exploited yet secure rather than self-responsible yet free.

4) I have a lot of love for the New Age movement. I think a lot of the basic ideas are spot on. However, some of the details have been warped over time. "Oneness" is such an idea. Let me explain:

a) The world is definitely made up of a lot of individuals. We're not all "the same" as "oneness" implies. The key idea here is that we're interdependent individuals...what you do effects me which comes back to effect you. It's all about the flow of energy: you put positive out and you get positive in. You take positive in and you can put more positive back out.

b) True transcendence is about making MORE distinctions, not less. An infant sees the world as "one": it doesn't even distinguish self as being separate from environment. As we transcend, we learn to see deeper and deeper layers...finer and finer distinctions. We learn to say "I am not my environment" as infants. Next we say, "I am not my body." Then feelings, then thoughts, and eventually as adults we have an ego. Most stop there, but a few more spiritual people learn to say "I am not my ego or public persona." Eventually, the seeker learns that the self is empty: they can't find it. They shed all the layers. Infanthood is about "oneness," enlightenment is about "nothingness."
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To me the best of the New Age ideas (there are bad ones, I think) are solidly represented in the most rooted concepts of traditional spirituality...the deeper concepts. There is no need to reinvent's been under our noses all along. In light of this, I do not think a "New World Order" is step forward....I think integration is. Find the vibrant, authentic core in what we have and restore it, revisiting and requestioning it with our modern perspectives and need. It is amazing what emerges. Throwing out that which is truly authentic, simply because we do not get it, would be an unfortunate (even childish) step. I prefer humanity take a more holistic approach that embraces the experience of our entire journey. There is more to draw on there than most imagine.
Conspiracy theorists tend to assume that the secret societies of the world are all negative out to reduce the population, subdue, and control them. In my heart, I do not believe that all of them are that way with a malicious intent. The phrase
Do me a favor, when your kid is in school ... do not go to the school principal and tell them that your kid is a product of Monarch Programming or even teach your kids these theories (let them learn on their own or make up their own minds.) Keep that shyt to yourself or your world will be turned upside down.
Either that or humanity is just evolving. All this talk about "light" and "dark" are matters of perspective and only belong in Michael Bay films (because they suck). If revolution happens, we have no choice but to go with it. If revolution does not happen then we'll just make up conspiracy theories until it does.
I'd like to offer some feedback for you to consider. I feel considering these ideas might challenge some of your assumptions and help you transform on your spiritual path:

1) The "New World Order" isn't coming. They aren't trying to control the system, they already control it. .......

2) "Dark" energy, control, and power aren't bad by default........

3) Most people don't want freedom for themselves. They want someone to make decisions for them.......

a) The world is definitely made up of a lot of individuals. We're not all "the same" as "oneness" implies. The key idea here is that we're interdependent individuals...what you do effects me which comes back to effect you. It's all about the flow of energy: you put positive out and you get positive in. You take positive in and you can put more positive back out.

b) True transcendence is about making MORE distinctions, not less. An infant sees the world as "one": it doesn't even distinguish self as being separate from environment. As we transcend, we learn to see deeper and deeper layers...finer and finer distinctions. We learn to say "I am not my environment" as infants. Next we say, "I am not my body." Then feelings, then thoughts, and eventually as adults we have an ego. Most stop there, but a few more spiritual people learn to say "I am not my ego or public persona." Eventually, the seeker learns that the self is empty: they can't find it. They shed all the layers. Infanthood is about "oneness," enlightenment is about "nothingness."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this is excellent^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@ Duty

B]Agree[/B] - New World Order is there already for quite some time. Quite obvious to a spiritual person. Who does not notice it, he or she will never will. New world order leaders -Symptoms: love of decay (destruction emotional or physical, love of everything that is dying and rotten, self-worship, extreme narcissism, hate of poor, destruction of middle class - making of future slaves/workers for the order, love of aristocracy - through riches or blue blood, worshiping mother Earth [not in the sense of loving creatures and nature but as their source - they are entitled to it and no
Do me a favor, when your kid is in school ... do not go to the school principal and tell them that your kid is a product of Monarch Programming or even teach your kids these theories (let them learn on their own or make up their own minds.) Keep that shyt to yourself or your world will be turned upside down.

Don't worry, I believe people should have the experiences themselves and come to their own philosophies and outlook on life. Just like in the Matrix, taking the blue pill isn't necessarily a bad thing, and in some cases, I would argue might actually be better for particular individuals.
Do me a favor, when your kid is in school ... do not go to the school principal and tell them that your kid is a product of Monarch Programming or even teach your kids these theories (let them learn on their own or make up their own minds.) Keep that shyt to yourself or your world will be turned upside down.

No one escapes childhood without at least some of this kind of baggage. It's just up to parents to decide which kind to give. Might as well give them the baggage that allows them to escape the baggage with the least amount of effort.

The alternative is to let public schools or religion indoctrinate. :shudder:
No one escapes childhood without at least some of this kind of baggage. It's just up to parents to decide which kind to give. Might as well give them the baggage that allows them to escape the baggage with the least amount of effort.

The alternative is to let public schools or religion indoctrinate. :shudder:

No no. You misread. I'm implying that people need to keep this crap to themselves when it comes to everyday society. There are so many followers of these theories, and to normal everyday citizens ... these followers will appear to be unstable. There is a difference in learning theories and actually believing them. Still, just because someone "believes" in them does not make them a bad person IMO ... but when a believer invites "others" into their private life, they have to be prepared for huge backlash.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. All countries have their hidden mores and mores could be considered the breaking ground for law. If you break social mores, it does not mean you are breaking the law ... but it casts a shadow of suspicion on you and this suspicion can be incredibly damaging.

My previous post is a real scenario. It's not me or my child ... but a child that was taken away from her parents for this very reason. The parents turned out just fine, but after two years of needless probing and psychological evaluations PAID BY TAXPAYERS, she was returned to her parents.