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There is an obesity epidemic going on throughout the world. It isn’t just the United States or ‘western’ nations. Even African countries have rising obesity rates that at times rival the HIV epidemic. The obesity kills more people every year than AIDS and cancer combined. It’s a serious issue that every country is having to deal with, from the USA to Sweden. I wanted to open up some dialogue about it and share some resources which I think highlight some major issues with the epidemic. Obviously we know that the Obesity epidemic started brewing with the industrialization of nations and we see it start to actual peak around the 1950’s and from that point more and more people were overweight and now obese. There are two things that contribute to it: diet and exercise.
I want to refer you to some videos by Jamie Oliver, a famous chef, that reformed Great Britian’s food system. You can watch them all here, last night I stayed up until 5am watching them, they’re that good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7eaHytpJWQ
But for those of you who don’t have the time to watch all of them (AT LEAST WATCH THE FIRST LINK, it’s ten minutes!) I’ll give you some highlights of what the content of this is. Now Jamie is focusing on food, but there are other people like Richard Simmons who have focused on trying to reform America’s school fitness programs and such to make exercise fun and NORMAL for kids at a young age so that it continues into adulthood. Childhood obesity is going to contribute to 15 to 10 years off of our children’s life in the future. There are FOUR year olds who are obese in America, millions of them. It’s a very sad place to be in right now.
Jamie encourages eating fresh food, knowing where your food comes from, if it’s processed don’t buy it. His work is fascinating because when he went into the schools, he took a bucket full of vegetables to 2nt graders and held up a tomato and asked them if they knew what it was. No one knew. No one knew what cauliflower was or that French fries come from potatos. In later season he tries this with high school students in LA who think that honey comes from a honeybear- and they’re not joking, they’re completely serious. The level of education that our students are getting about food and the state of people in their own homes and food it astounding. He’s gone into people’s homes and he cooks all the food they bought for the week them, lays it out on the table in front of this lady and told her gently that she’s killing her children. That is what we’re doing, killing ourselves with this food we are eating. But the brilliant thing about it is that unlike cancer or aids, there is a cure: we can change and stop doing it.
So I want to open a discussion on this. Jamie is starting the food revolution, eating healthier, getting rid of processed junk and not putting it in our body. I am making an anonymous poll, please be honest, to gauge how many people on this forum are obese, overweight, morbidly obese or at a normal weight. If you don’t know you can go to this BMI calculator: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
I want to refer you to some videos by Jamie Oliver, a famous chef, that reformed Great Britian’s food system. You can watch them all here, last night I stayed up until 5am watching them, they’re that good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7eaHytpJWQ
But for those of you who don’t have the time to watch all of them (AT LEAST WATCH THE FIRST LINK, it’s ten minutes!) I’ll give you some highlights of what the content of this is. Now Jamie is focusing on food, but there are other people like Richard Simmons who have focused on trying to reform America’s school fitness programs and such to make exercise fun and NORMAL for kids at a young age so that it continues into adulthood. Childhood obesity is going to contribute to 15 to 10 years off of our children’s life in the future. There are FOUR year olds who are obese in America, millions of them. It’s a very sad place to be in right now.
Jamie encourages eating fresh food, knowing where your food comes from, if it’s processed don’t buy it. His work is fascinating because when he went into the schools, he took a bucket full of vegetables to 2nt graders and held up a tomato and asked them if they knew what it was. No one knew. No one knew what cauliflower was or that French fries come from potatos. In later season he tries this with high school students in LA who think that honey comes from a honeybear- and they’re not joking, they’re completely serious. The level of education that our students are getting about food and the state of people in their own homes and food it astounding. He’s gone into people’s homes and he cooks all the food they bought for the week them, lays it out on the table in front of this lady and told her gently that she’s killing her children. That is what we’re doing, killing ourselves with this food we are eating. But the brilliant thing about it is that unlike cancer or aids, there is a cure: we can change and stop doing it.
So I want to open a discussion on this. Jamie is starting the food revolution, eating healthier, getting rid of processed junk and not putting it in our body. I am making an anonymous poll, please be honest, to gauge how many people on this forum are obese, overweight, morbidly obese or at a normal weight. If you don’t know you can go to this BMI calculator: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/