muir -- is there anything at all in the world that isn't part of a conspiracy by the empowered elites?
Sure....but less and less lol
There have been various clashes between power blocks haven't there? Most recently a world war followed by a cold war. These conflicts polarised the world into large power blocks that have developed infrastructure to coordinate their efforts eg NATO
We have also seen the process of 'globalisation' which has largely been shaped by the policy of the pre-eminent power block after WWII which was the 'washington consensus'
The banking system became centralised under the central banking system which in turn was centralised under the Bank for International Settlements
So you're asking if there is anything in the world which hasn't been effected by the deregulation and encroachment of corporate power that has come as a result of the above processes; the answer is not a huge amount
The reason is because the corporations or rather the elite behind them want the world to be a corporate system that they can control. For this to work everyone must be dependent on the corporations for everything: food, medicine, entertainment, news, security, employment, education etc
That's why we are seeing more and more 'privatisation' because it is part of neoliberalism (washington consensus) which is a coherent policy to hand power to the corporations. Privatisation basically means that the corporations and the global investors behind them buy everything up.
That's what we have seen in the global economic crisis....the handing over of vast sums of public wealth to the corporations (indebting the public) called 'bank bailouts'. We are seeing national assets sold cheaply to the corporations in 'firesales'
In the UK they are currently trying to privatise our national health serviuce and even our police! They are already handing over much of the roles in conflict zones to 'private defence contractors'
That's why we have seen so many 'world' organisations like: the world health organisation, the world trade organisation, the world bank, codex alimentarius etc because the elite are thinking big....their actions are no longer confined along national lines, they are operating out of globalised organisations
They are one step ahead of the protestors in different countries who are still pretty divided
So to tie this into the olympics...it has been very commercialised here in the UK. There has been a campaign by 38Degrees or Avaaz which i took part in to get the big corporations not to take advantage of a tax cut offer given to them by the government.....they're gonna make bumper profits and they were still offered a free pass on tax! This is going on while the government are cracking down on 'tax dodgers'! ie if youre poor you pay tax....if you're super rich you don't
The opening ceremony started off showing rural britain and was playing music written by the mystic william blake called 'jerusalem' which was written in response to the mills that started to spring up around Britain in the industrial revolution; he called them 'dark satanic mills'. Working conditions were terrible and people were used as slave labour to try and maximise profits.
In the ceremony big chimneys spring out of the ground and workers start coming into the arena with dirt all over their faces. The purpose of this section of the ceremony was to say to the 29 million brits who watched the ceremony (that's nearly half of the population of britain): 'look how bad your anscestors had it....they worked all day under terrible conditions....they were covered in soot....doesn't it look terrible!'
The ceremony then moved to the modern period where it suddenly showed lots of happy people partying, pursuing love and listening to all the music that has come out of britain. It was all set around a house ('an englishman's home is his castle!') because it was depicting the modern nuclear family in their house watching television, going online and listening to music on various technology
The message here is: 'look how great it is now....you don't have to sweat in the mills anymore, you don't have soot on your faces and you get to play with all sorts of neat technology that our corporations make for you.....isn't modern britain great?!'
We had a conservative Prime Minister in the 1950's who said in a speech to fellow conservatives, just over a decade after WWII (which had seen millions killed and our cities flattened by bombing): "Let us be frank about it: most of our people have never had it so good".
For me....that was the message of the opening ceremony....written large for all the Brits watching....'you've never had it so good'
The significance of this is that we are facing 'austerity measures' here and a worsening economy.....so the olympics have come at a crucial time. Some will argue that they will be good for business....i would say 'yes...but who's business?'
The big corporations who have built everything will benefit from all the public spending for sure. The corporate sponsers of the olympics will benefit. Will the average Brit benefit?
Also is this rosy picture that they are painting of modern britain an accurate one?
Many people in Britain are being medicated for anxiety and many more are self medicating in a variety of ways but particularly with alcohol, which to me shows a failure to face upto the truth about our collective, mental wellbeing....or as Pink Flyod sung: 'hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way'
Sure we have many comforts and distractions nowadays but we have lost something which is the sense of community spirit. In the 1960's many of the tenements were flattened and high rises were put up which shattered the communities that had grown up in streets.
People have been pushed into their houses where they plug into a virtual reality/silicon consciousness of modern media and close themselves off from reality all aided by the corporations who want the workers atomised and alienated so that they remain as a compliant workforce
I think people are being put to sleep by the corporations. On one hand they are shown terrifying images everyday in the news but on the other hand they are soothed by the corporations who are saying to them: 'don't worry we'll protect you, we'll take care of you, just relax, take some pills, and turn on your TV....it will all be fine'
I'm not sure it is all fine....and i'm sorry if i sound a bit negative saying all this...but i don't think we're heading in the right direction that's all. Aldous Huxley had it pretty right in 'a brave new world' where a public are sated by a drug soma and by communal orgy porgies. He was privy to the ideas of the Fabian Society, so he knew the agenda of the elite who he called the 'world controllers'
Do i think we've never had it better? I think in gaining certain comforts (often at the expense of sweat shop workers in the majority world making our consumer items) we have lost our meaning and purpose in life and have lost our independance to the corporations who are trying to mother us and control us
It doesn't feel right to me...i think Bill Hicks was right
Its not all doom and gloom though....people are already beginning to reassess the state of affairs and many are looking into spiritual matters as a solution to the emptyness of materialism (not in a philosophic sense but in the sense of a consumer ideology)
Globalisation may have allowed the corporations to spread their influence but it is also bringing people around the world together and connecting them in their common humanity....there's hope but people need to reassert their independance from the corporations