I miss some qualities in previous generations that by today's standards are not considered necessarily necessary or valued qualities (sometimes considered sexist) such as genuine concern and protectiveness for a partner, that sense of responsibility for someone's feelings and emotions, a balance of or the cool interplay of masculine and feminine without the misogyny or anti-feminism.
My number one pet peeve and this is for any gender, learn to listen. Don't assume you know or understand someone or get who they are because of preconceived notions about gender or how you think they should feel or act. Even if you think you know or have it figured out, let the person speak from their own mind and pov. Understand people on their own terms.
Learn to put aside your own feelings about how they should feel, think or be, and let them invite you into their world, and experience that world from their view and experience without judgment. And then take that view into account in how you respond and relate to them. Don't simply ignore it after listening and then expect them to conform to you how you think or feel without any consideration for what they shared or showed you.
Respect the other person's feelings even if you don't like or understand those feelings, even if those feelings are about you and not always easy to hear. It's not always about you and whether you are right or about defending yourself. Let people be free to be understood from their own minds, not yours. Don't insist your partner see things from your perspective because you think you are the smarter one. It's not about win or lose. Just listen sometimes. It's not always about giving your opinion or solving a problem.
Just let your partner feel they have the right to their feelings, and they have the right to share those feelings with you and be heard. This is one of the most underestimated and undervalued qualities and skills in relationships today. Everything is not a competition. Learn how to give people the time they need to process and feel. These are the qualities that facilitate true, long-term partnerships. Hope this helps.