The Perfect Relationship

I'll just reiterate my points because I think we all actually feel the same way but are having communication problems.

-unconditional love is entirely possible
-in a continuous, healthy functioning relationship, unconditional love must be accompanied by conditional love

I think I meant that it is abusive to only love them unconditionally because that gives them all of the power and control and if you give anyone complete power and control of yourself then you simply do not respect yourself. It may seem very caring or noble to do so, but it's mostly just foolish. There are far too many unknowns, out of yours and their control.

How does that sound?

We'll keep working on it!! It's not like this is an entirely easy concept to grasp, and even harder, I think, to apply.
I'll just reiterate my points because I think we all actually feel the same way but are having communication problems.

-unconditional love is entirely possible
-in a continuous, healthy functioning relationship, unconditional love must be accompanied by conditional love

I think I meant that it is abusive to only love them unconditionally because that gives them all of the power and control and if you give anyone complete power and control of yourself then you simply do not respect yourself. It may seem very caring or noble to do so, but it's mostly just foolish. There are far too many unknowns, out of yours and their control.

How does that sound?

I kind of think everyone's going too far into the argument of conditional vs. unconditional love; it's hard really define the single idea "romantic love" under those terms, isn't it? I mean, you can love someone with all of your heart and soul, but a relationship cannot last in a perfect land of love unless both parties are willing to make a few sacrifices for the sake of that relationship. So, technically, there's a difference when you're talking about "love" and "co-existence"; they are two separate ideas.
The love itself would be unconditional (if it be, in fact, "true love"), but relationships, by their nature, must maintain certain conditions, right?
Is that kind of what you were saying, Wyote, by unconditional plus conditional love...?
No, although some might disagree with me. It's as if there are two separate types of love involved. Equal but different. One floats around everything regardless of circumstances and another is like an ocean tide which is in a state of constant change based on circumstances. Sometimes it rushes inland and sometimes it moves back. One is the air we breathe, one is the water that surrounds our island.

But I agree it's being a bit over analyzed at this point. To each their own, we all feel love in our own unique way.
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No, although some might disagree with me. It's as if there are two separate types of love involved. Equal but different. One floats around everything regardless of circumstances and another is like an ocean tide which is in a state of constant change based on circumstances. Sometimes it rushes inland and sometimes it moves back. One is the air we breathe, one is the water that surrounds our island.

But I agree it's being a bit over analyzed at this point. To each their own, we all feel love in our own unique way.

Yeah; it'd be hard to define any of this unless we first defined and agreed on what "love" is.
But I think there's one thing that everyone can agree on; you can't have a long lasting relationship without working at it, at least a little.
I've been in my current relationship for about 6 years. My relationship is rewarding, loving and trusting. He's my best friend, my soul mate and my confidant; he allows me to be me, and loves me just as I am.

Just when I think I can't love him anymore, something happens and I fall just a bit more in love with him.

If a perfect relationship isn't possible, this is probably as close to perfection as it's going to get for me. And I couldn't be happier.
I've been in my current relationship for about 6 years. My relationship is rewarding, loving and trusting. He's my best friend, my soul mate and my confidant; he allows me to be me, and loves me just as I am.

Just when I think I can't love him anymore, something happens and I fall just a bit more in love with him.

If a perfect relationship isn't possible, this is probably as close to perfection as it's going to get for me. And I couldn't be happier.

That's beautiful~ Congratulations!
UGHHH! I'm so pissed! I wrote a long-ass response and then got timed out by the forum! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Ughhh....I guess I'll write another one...but later if I ever get around to it.
Two solutions, check the log in automatically box, or, write long responses in notepad, and then coply and paste.
Save your snark! I'm not afraid to abuse my power! :ban:
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There is no such thing as perfect, but a good relationship would be one where both parties care about the others well being and do what they can to make sure the relationship thrives.

I believe this is shown through many little gestures, such as checking in with him when he is not feeling well, cheering him up when he has a sad day, and confiding my true thoughts and feelings without shame. In the end, I just want someone that I can share a peaceful quiet moment with without the need for something dramatic. Flowers are nice, compassion is better.
Everyone has one. Let's say you had the most perfect person in the world; what are they like? What would you do for fun, where would you go, and how would you express your love for each other? Is it based on immediate attraction or carefully compromised commitment?
I just made up my Mind some Days ago. I looked back at all my Relationships; I made a "List" with Stuff I really WANT and some I don't. Also Stuff I could compromise about. And I think I found the Mixture that would work for me. To make it simpler I picked a Person that is "well known" for People to understand better.
Now, for those of you who know Supernatural (TV Show), I would like a Guy who is basically like Dean. Why like Dean? Because we are very alike.
He is very fighty (not in a Fist-kind of Way, I mean more about Life), he is funny and sarcastic, he is caring, full of Passion and Life, he is very like me. I am impressed by People who are very honest and speak their Minds; also People who don't let Others manipulate them. He is a Rebel. I am too. And even if we possible wouldn't always have the same Opinion I would be fine with that. I like a good, hearty Discussion. I am sure it would never be "boring" and he is not shy so I wouldn't always have to be the "Entertainer" or ask him "Could you please do [whatever]". He would just do it.

I have always been the "strong One". My Job was it to back others up, to help them, to motivate and whatever else. People would admire me for my Strenght and they would stick to me. Sometimes I had to live my Life and also THEIRS. I could take it. But whenever I had a "Problem" or wanted Someone to back me up (listen to me, give me Advice), I never had Anyone to go to. I always felt like the Others are Way below my Strenght and it bothered me. That's why I figured I need a Kickass-Guy like Dean. I mean he is always taking Care of his little Brother and he is strong, even tho he feels like crying. It impresses me. It would fit.
I don't need much Help, but Sometimes I do wish I could be a Bit "weak" too. So much for the Reasons.

How I would express my Love...I have many creative and "random" Ways to do so. And I have much Love to give away. It's not that I am clingy, but when I really like Someone I like to show it to them. I am really sure it would all be really passionate. I would be very happy. So would he. I would make sure about it.

What is also cool is the Fact that I need my Space Sometimes and a Fuy like him does too. So I could do Something for myself (Hobbies) and he too. And Sometimes we could do Stuff together. I don't know, I could help him fix his Car or whatever and he could help me fix Dinner or handcraft Something with me. I am pretty open to that.

Uh, anyways. I guess I explained it well enough. Sorry for this "Novel Post". I know People normally like to read smaller Stuff more. =P
You're not touching the impala.
Yeah true. He didn't want Sam to help either so probably I can't. =P
Anyways, don't want to spam this wonderful Thread with any OT Comments only Insiders understand so *goes back to the Topic*

(Actually I am surprised Someone read my whole Novel)