[NSFW] The person above me should be banned because..

@Night Owl should be banned for sneaking onto this thread last night, being cheeky, not getting banned for it and for sneezing all over the forum due to a protracted case of hay fever.
I think @dang might fancy @Asa, if saying a thing isn't too controversial.

I don't think @Jet should be banned, I like having her around, it's good to have an extrovert to shake things up a bit.

What's all this gossiping behind my back whilst I am gone? Allow me to set the record straight. For starters, how can I fancy Asa? I don't even know for sure if she is a female (Yes, I am gently pressuring you to post a photo eventually). In addition, it seems pretty much everyone fancies Asa, so if I am guilty, everyone on this forum is guilty. Finally, don't ban Jet just yet. But if she becomes super bossy she is gone. No tyrants allowed here.
I think @dang has a crush on another member. It isn't my information to tell, though.
Dang and I just have a friendly rivalry of sorts.... sometimes less than friendly... but I think the 'less than friendly' is behind us.

More gossip? Who do I have a crush on? Let me know when you know. Aside from Milktoast Bandit (and his sexy beard), I hate everyone here. Every single one of you. Stop using your special Ni INFJ psychic powers to spy on my heart. It won't work. I am wearing a kryptonite vest. And to address your second point, we merely had a communication breakdown early on. I never called you a narcissist, it was a joke. But you did call me a bully, and you were being serious. I never had any issue with you until then. Then I thought you hated me. I know I came on very strong early on and was pretty annoying, and I am sorry for that. Since returning I have been a good boy. I missed this forum. I could have used it in August when I was confronted with a great deal of turmoil in my life. Anyway, water under the bridge. I really do want to get along with everyone. I know this is very Fe, sorry. Asa, you seem sweet but also feisty, which is cool. Just be straight with me and all will be good. Plus I am afraid of you showing up at my place and punching me out. You are like a petite creative female warrior. Although I still don't even know if you are who you say you are. You could be a sociopathic grandpa for all I know. Say what you will about me, but I have never been a bully. Now stop talking behind my back. Unless you want to throw down. Forum fight! Forum fight! We need to start a forum Fight Club. Great idea!
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I didn't mind @melissa* (((hugs))) No worries. @dang is a perfectly nice person to be in that situation with.
It was just funny because....
But we both went to the school of punk rock, so I do feel a kinship with him.
Dang and I lived in the same city, have a birthday the same month (same sign), both grew up punk rock, and are both INFJs. Pretty weird.

Maybe since this is the ban thread, though, you should be banned for this?;) (<<<< derailed re-railed)

You have a good memory. Wait, are you the one who has a crush on me? Quick, somebody tell her husband. Just joking around Asa. Or am I?
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I almost forgot. @Jet should be banned for dick teasing the Hulk with her avatar. Have you ever seen what the Hulk does when he gets turned on?
@Night Owl should be banned for sneaking onto this thread last night, being cheeky, not getting banned for it and for sneezing all over the forum due to a protracted case of hay fever.

Oh yeah. Now we're talkin'.

You read that hay fever post and remembered it. What a compliment. Even in being mean your nice :D
@dang -
((hugs))) Water under the bridge, friend.
I'm sorry.
You're not supposed to talk about the club.... that neither of us are in... and doesn't exist. Tyler who?
And you got me - I totally thought you were crushing on Milky's beard.

And since the last two posts are about being banned already, I'm going back a bit to ban @ruji for not having a Prince avatar anymore.
I propose we ban @Pleiades for being stingy with the "like" button.
@Jet should be banned for having 4 arms and being able to whizz around the forum at break neck speed, while also looking after several kids.. and carrying a milkshake and a laptop.
because she has three times as many likes as she does postslikes.webp
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That's only because I've been sick and my posting has slowed down!

@Stu should be banned for like checking!