Yup, INFJ is a left wing leaning personality type.
We don't like to encroach on other peoples motives and will's as a general rule. We think people should live there lives the ways that they want to so long as they don't harm others. This translates to being socially liberal.
We also believe that people should be treated fairly. If someone is down or hurt, then they should be helped out. If someone is breaking the rules and taking unfair advantage of others, it should be stopped. If this applies to a ecomomic sense, you get economicly liberal (which is actually a conserivive view. But it is called as such to reduce conufusion).
Put those together and you get Socialism, or a heavy democrat. I.E. classic liberalism.
As such, I actually question if someone is an INFJ or not when they are conservitive. Particulary if it is in a social term. Also notice, that there are very very few conserivtive INFJ's on the forum. Those who are, are generally religious. As a general rule, strongly religious people are usually conservitive.