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- Enneagram
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Awww, Lurker... tell ya what... I got you a belated X-mas present - it's the new-fangled high-tech artificially intelligent I-screen! (I for invisi-, introverty, and just because any new high tech thing has to have an I in front of the name so you know how "tech" it is...)
It's a screen you can put around your desk (it's only 2 mm thick so you should be able to fit it in between adjoining desks without anyone noticing) for privacy. The panels are really nano-LED panels that display an image of you working to the outside world. They block all noise so everything inside is nice and peaceful. Also, if you put it into "Auto Answer" mode, the artificial intelligence programming will enable your projected image to have "conversations" with any co-workers that come by for a chat, without ever disturbing you! And to top it all off, it incorporates some TARDIS technology, so the area inside the screen is actually larger than the area it seems to take up from the outside, so you can have two desks, a couch, a wine cellar... whatever. Hope you like it!
I am now in love with you, say nothing just join me behind my tardis I-screen for a glass of wine.