The problems of God

I would say that most of this is problems of religion and the modern mind while the existence of God is one of those things that just is but given how many in the west are anything that isn't immediately material is subject to debate even though many have come to understand there is more to reality be it through science which is subject to human biases as anything else.
Which book or books..see, therein is the problem.
So now you believe not all books are just books?

But, the problem is that we cannot know which ones are inspired of God?

Books are about religion. To know God is to find her yourself..
No biggie, David, but you are contradicting yourself.

In one place you say that no books are influenced by God, in another you acquiesce that some may be but we don't know which ones, and then you reverted back to your original claim.

Anyway, I happen to know that the Bible was influenced by God and His influence need not advocate religion from the standpoint of its negative connotations.
What I said was I believe, is that God did not write books. Books are written by man. The problem with using books to understand God is you have to pick which books are actually the ones that are true.
Does the Bible tell a true story? Or is it the Quran? Which religion has it right?
One of my favorite clothes of Jesus assuming that it was actually he that said it is the kingdom of God is within
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One of my favorite clothes of Jesus assuming that it was actually he that said it is the kingdom of God is within

Having lived well over sixty years, all in churches and reading the King James Bible, I see no problem. There is a way for the Kingdom of God to dwell within us. We must search for that way. I have no problem. Reading opens pages of words into our short term memory. When those words have found your heart and mind and have become long term memory, the answers come easily. They cannot come to one that has no memory...just their opinions and own beliefs....without divine intervention.

Hmmm. Who knows.
It could be the evolution theory, or that there are so many other religions, or just a great delusion in general about a belief in God.

When I saw the delusional picture in my science book of evolution, it made me sick.

Best be certain of how we believe. Good Luck.
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