the real you

I was the same. Not sure what skirt with legs means...
Self-indulgent Narcissist

You tend to put yourself first no matter what. Chances are, you don't even realize it. You're satisfaction is what matters to you most. This isn't necissarliy a bad thing ... but you should probably make an effort to do something for someone else once in a while.

Riiiight. :P
Self-indulgent Narcissist

You tend to put yourself first no matter what. Chances are, you don't even realize it. You're satisfaction is what matters to you most. This isn't necissarliy a bad thing ... but you should probably make an effort to do something for someone else once in a while.
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.


Anyone else think it sounds boring :(
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Genuine Realist here too.

On that question where it asks if there are things you do in secret... Where the hell is the option for "I do plenty of detestable things but I couldn't care less if anyone knows"?
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.

* Well I sound borring
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
Genuine Realist

Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.

Compared to other takers

  • You scored 16 on Honesty, higher than 90% of your peers.
  • You scored 1 on Hygeine, higher than 38% of your peers.
  • You scored 5 on Modesty, higher than 92% of your peers.
  • You scored -3 on Egocentricity, higher than 10% of your peers.
  • You scored -1 on Prudishness, higher than 31% of your peers.
I mostly agree :bowl: