The self illusion and the selfish gene

Morality or goodness has been argumented for God's existence by many classic philosophers. It is known as the argument from morality:

1. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist.

2. Objective moral values and duties do exist.

3. Therefore, God exists.

This is one form of the argument.

This is a very interesting question because by making appeal to the reality of evil, the argument is ultimately contradictory. Why?
Because if there is a real evil, a real 'bad' in this world, there must be also a real good...and if there is a objective evil and a objective good, logicaly there must be a God, a Being that is the fundament of morality. Thus the argument from evil against God existence can ultimately sink its boat.
When confronted with this, the proponents of the evil argument respond that the argument works only as a "internal" contradiction in Christianity, since they know and recognise that if God doesn't exist...they can not say evil is real.
Its a very funny situation...

I see…so some of the most brilliant philosophers have debated it, and are even debating it to this day….but it is “a very funny situation”?
Morality or goodness has been argumented for God's existence by many classic philosophers. It is known as the argument from morality:

1. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist.

2. Objective moral values and duties do exist.

3. Therefore, God exists.

This is one form of the argument.

This is a very interesting question because by making appeal to the reality of evil, the argument is ultimately contradictory. Why?
Because if there is a real evil, a real 'bad' in this world, there must be also a real good...and if there is a objective evil and a objective good, logicaly there must be a God, a Being that is the fundament of morality. Thus the argument from evil against God existence can ultimately sink its boat.
When confronted with this, the proponents of the evil argument respond that the argument works only as a "internal" contradiction in Christianity, since they know and recognise that if God doesn't exist...they can not say evil is real.
Its a very funny situation...

It would be easy to argue as Fuerbach did that those questions are cosmic anthropomorphism.
It would be easy to argue as Fuerbach did that those questions are cosmic anthropomorphism.

Could you explain more?