The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Greed: Medium
Gluttony: High
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: High
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Medium

Oh the shame!
Hey, I'm vindicated. I'm not the envious type. Told you.
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Very Low
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: Low
Envy: Medium
Lust: Low
Pride: Very Low
Greed: Medium

Gluttony: Medium

Wrath: Low

Sloth: High

Envy: Very Low

Lust: Very High

Pride: Medium


Not surprising, I've always known lust is my weak point ;p

[MENTION=3817]dream echo[/MENTION]
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Medium
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Medium
Greed: Medium

Gluttony: Medium

Wrath: Medium

Sloth: Medium

Envy: Low

Lust: High

Pride: Medium
Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Wrath is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.

Everything was very low for me except Lust - High, and Envy - low.
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: High
Sloth: High
Envy: Medium
Lust: High
Pride: Medium

Looks like I'm on a highway to hell o_o
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: High
Sloth: High
Envy: Medium
Lust: High
Pride: Medium

Looks like I'm on a highway to hell o_o
You lazy bum!

Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: Very High
Envy: Medium
Lust: Very Low
Pride: High
Greed: Very Low
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Very Low
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Very Low
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: High
Envy: High
Lust: High
Pride: High

I got Sloth, I was kinda hoping for Lust. But I know that my sloth is defiantly too