- None
To even suggest media is the reason for most things is silly. The media is an extension of human gossip and story telling which exists as a way of putting forth long concept ideas into a quick managable format. Sex is a natural want and requirement, it serves as physical and emotional release, judging on this subject is normal as it breaks natural tendencies. Also your view will be limited as it was only between 2 females whom share the same experience and outlook. In reference to modern life, people are having the least amount of sex per person in history. Humans need physical closeness or the relationship turns into brother and sister territory, though emotionally close it still makes one live a perpetual childhood. I also think that its hard to even emulate the complexity of a sexual breakdown if not experienced, starting a sexual relationship then it to stop means something has gone away emotionally which would have got them together. One can not judge it as fine just because they have been together for years.
Judgement is one of humans natural development tools, to judge yourself against others and others to the group was originally to prevent disease in a gene pool and is to an extent subconscious also you seem to judge those whom want sex as if its a problem. Have the confidence to not give a fuck what anyone says if it upsets.
I'm not putting up fronts, it does upset me that other people desire sex.