The Shai Gar/ 88Chaz88 Dichotomy

this thread is in the wrong placement, i should have never seen it. How are my filters going to work if you fucking people place threads in places I don't have on ignore?!
Didn't I all tell you that DeathJam and Shai Gar were the same person on "Truths of the INFJ forums"? Doesn't anyone read that?! Come on guys, there was forewarning of this all knew he was schizophrenic you just didn't listen initially....
Can I be Zero?
I never noticed much of a difference between the two of them, anyway. They're practically the same person, same sense of humor, etc.

It's only fitting that they merged into one entity and split fairly evenly into two similar people.

I say there is no Shai Gar/88Chaz88 dichotomy. We were just imagining it all along.

Dove already loved Shai Gar, she just thought he was a separate person called Chaz, when in fact he was the personification of a part of Shai Gar.

speaking of fight club. I mean not speaking...

[ame=""]YouTube- ‪Jane Austen's Fight Club‬‎[/ame]
Lol, that was cute. It would be so awesome if that happened.