- Enneagram
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By this I mean how well your personal consciousness and train of thought hold up when in different environments. This is one of the bigger influences for me as an INFJ: depending on how active or chaotic the outside world is, or how larger-than-life the people are in my immediate vicinity, it's really easy for me to lose my sense of self and base my perception on their point of view. It doesn't matter how much I have done for myself that day or whatever priorities I had up to that point. Suddenly, I can become the Jeff to your Mutt and temporarily lose my memory of myself. It's not until I leave the situation that my real self comes back in. My empathy is so well developed that it's sometimes difficult to divorce others' emotions from my own.
I didn't realize this process until I got out of college and began working on self-development. I think it happens for every human being on the planet; for INFJs, however, it's a particularly nasty trap to fall into if you don't reset yourself between environments.
I didn't realize this process until I got out of college and began working on self-development. I think it happens for every human being on the planet; for INFJs, however, it's a particularly nasty trap to fall into if you don't reset yourself between environments.