These things were not 'reactive' moves (like 'an overreactive big brother'), but elements to a consistent geopolitical strategy which made use of whatever opportunities arose.
Aye, exactly this.
I wasn't stating i don't understand why it is happening.
:3 I was stating that it doesn't need to happen in the first place anywhere.
There are supporters of this and that is all they need. In which are often less informed and only seek violent intentions. Due to the constant belittlement and racist remarks (my definition of racism instates that if it's generalized by a group of people... predominately to demean a group with innocents... like thinking Taliban is everyone from afghanistan... i think you can pick up the rest here on what mean.)
So this racism occurs and boom! Who gives a shit on any afghanistans who live there, only trying to relax and enjoy life... but o no! look out Taliban are all promoting chaos. Then america comes in all with their guns and now no one is safe. (reread the racism.)
But it goes much much deeper than this. Iraq... what reason did iraq get artacked after sept. 11? i thought it was afghanistan who attacked us... like you said in what i quoted, yes.
Jump forth to Gaza vs. Isreal. US Gov. is picking a side... can you see a major pattern?
This is not a war on resources or any thing. This is a war on racism. Muslims are getting the short end of the straw, and are often in a bad light.
But then... is there really a reason other than it being a long ass "holy war" per se?
Christians and Jews vs. Muslims.
O but if i don't side with isreal that makes me a antisemite or a nazi. (trust me, this is in the back of all the minds of americans.)
So they go on and side with isreal which is predominately Jewish.
What are the people of Gaza to do? More and more of their land are taken every few decades. and there is so little left...
Iran is the birthplace to Abrahamic religions. To add more hints to this commonly mystified puzzle that all the pieces have been put together only for everyone to see one puzzle piece.
Damn it, i just want it all to stop.
:O o my i just ranted... please forgive me as i don't want to delete this all... :O